
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [TCC] Out of Flight Raffle
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@NightmareGiraffe Oh, that I understand - my question is just who to send the dragons off to. Sorry for the confusion!
@NightmareGiraffe Oh, that I understand - my question is just who to send the dragons off to. Sorry for the confusion!

Oh, sorry! Got to this spreadsheet and send to any online attendants. :) You can send to me now, if you like.

The link for the spreadsheet is also on the first post in this thread!

Oh, sorry! Got to this spreadsheet and send to any online attendants. :) You can send to me now, if you like.

The link for the spreadsheet is also on the first post in this thread!
Thank you! I must have missed it somehow. ;w;'
Thank you! I must have missed it somehow. ;w;'
@Eliyanah - Tundras are the breed bonus today, so you can add 1250t to your PAs with them! :)
@Eliyanah - Tundras are the breed bonus today, so you can add 1250t to your PAs with them! :)
art of a yellow winged cat standing on a book, linking to the thread the badge was froma fake item ribbon with trans and rainbow flag colors linking to a thread with more ribbons/art of a traveling Light flight Spiral dragon linking to the artist
Oof, i'm so out of it today. Listed them for 11000. ^^; Will fix that
Oof, i'm so out of it today. Listed them for 11000. ^^; Will fix that
. . . . . . . . . riVr93C.png . . . .
Shalom aleichem

FR+15 ... she/her
@Eliyanah - no worries, math is hard! :')

Thank you for your support! :)
@Eliyanah - no worries, math is hard! :')

Thank you for your support! :)
art of a yellow winged cat standing on a book, linking to the thread the badge was froma fake item ribbon with trans and rainbow flag colors linking to a thread with more ribbons/art of a traveling Light flight Spiral dragon linking to the artist
just a little bump ^^
just a little bump ^^

GgsD4JX.png o9yS1eq.png
[img][/img] Hello everyone! Thank you so much for sending us your dragons and making this a fun and lively event! We've organized the dragons onto this archive sheet and would like you invite you to double check the data yourselves. If you find anything amiss, please ping @Kywren and let me know your exact problem and screenshots of your AH record to help expedite the process! [center][b]Please let me know if there's anything wrong by August 1st 23:59 FRT![/b] [/center] [center][b][url=]SPREADHSEET LINK[/url][/b][/center] ----- [size=2]@blastlight @0birdmasta0 @2bdamned @79448215 @accal1a @achoo @addictead @agareia @agonius @aikka @airdragon @akirokai @almosteverything @alovra @amo @amorah @anakidadragalaxy @anduil @angemagica @animalkun @anjoulas @apology @arapocalypse @arcaneidolriots @archenitesky @aredshroom @arsenopyrite @asolrock @astralisms @astrotheology @aurustaurs @avene @axe @babyclown @bailijay @bakugames @barbarafett @bardicanor @bargonauts @beatoriche @beblueberry @belviere @berrybasket @beskad @bigfriedegg @bingiyingi @birdsofwax @bizarrekitten @blastlight @blazebrem @bloomed @bluelatios @blushunt @bonstrosity @brevityis @britty @c4uni @camwyn @carnwennhau @cartographic @carvaiine @catwyrm @ceenbee @celestialcrow @celticfox @celticowl @ceravanne @chamilet @chaosmora @chingoo @clearbright @clowning @cnidocyte @colieflower @comfrey @congxiaolu @cosmoslost @crobbin @croissants @crowskullz @cymothoe @cytotoxic @dakervadora @dandelionfires @darkangelsblood1 @darkmoore @daycat @deladria @delotha @delphinia @deltadarklight @deramadus @dessy @deviousdeparture @dimoio @dinolesbo @disillusionist @distortedgenesis @dititania @doniider @doozie @dragonflare92 @dragonflute @dragoono @druddigon @duskofdawn12 @earthprincess @edward @eeriansadow @eieru @eliyanah @elodea @emmebearpaw @entykk @erevainsgirl @eridankinnie @erika @erlkonig @errika @espoir @etheryn @evandar @everisa @evilcopepod @f3atherflame @fantasticfox @farore @felawnie @felinething @ferpitou @fiain @fidothehoarder @fieryblood @finder77 @findingpears @firedream123 @flannerie @fluttering @foolishray @forcedcoma @frankie @frfrfr @frostlightles @frostmeri @fruutbaag @fubuking @fusionboltzgx @ganondorf @genziana @ghostchateau @ghostingskies @glory @golden @gremlinslug @grumpynoodle @hannibalhectic @hatsunemiku @hawketh @heartsofiron @helix @helixstorm @hellnokitty @herddog @hiii @hollypox @horlzonline @huskydragon1224 @hwa @iamnohere @ideamutt @imginate @incantations @instar @isabella @iskaeil @jaigalaar @jbapple @jeevas @jelllitan @jorybear @kaa15 @kael1030 @kaelidra @kaimon @kargi @karneol @katsuji @kaynara @kelptheshark @kingaries @kirathekat @kitsuna97 @knishes @kodak @kothra @kotiss @krazkitcat @kreideprintz @ktg1214 @kunacottontail @kvon @kymoladyofstorms @ladjanny @laetificat @laivence @lansly @lara8 @larkhund @late711 @lednik @leeleeishere @lerawrs @lesen @leucoss @lexilopezi @linin @littlebickle @lliwless @lomon @lordmaroo @luciferr @lunetaria @lusbiana @lyel @maddmckagan @makomo @malbyte @malicat @mangoeclipse @mature @mazurkas @meadbhb @mertisal @mintea00 @mirna @mistyglowy @misweathering @moonlitcacti @morenaflame @morn @mousieamelia @mujna @necoryn @nefariousking @neffi @nelsothy @neoo @neriumoleander @nevercanth @nevereatdirt @nihilis @nirnrootnoises @noel1 @noivurn @novastellaris @nuclearnoxi @nukinit @ogbarbari @ogrebooger @oneluckyduck @panicat @parad0xxy @peachygremlin @penguinpark @persteph @phantasidreamin @phantomwise @pharloom @phenri @pikammd @piko @pinguin @plagues @plasmaghost @plushstiel @pokemoncha @pokerobin @polarbear @ptolemyii @puggles @punkpinkpower @purpleambience @pyno @qionggui @quinn7487 @quixoticdragon @rabid @raevus @raggirare @rarewareofficial @redactedarachnid @redpyrthing @redsnight @reignhart @rekos @renkinjutsushis @reroad @retrace @rexd999 @rifter @riyoke @rockss @romeus @rottingflesh @rthrax @rubyxblade @sabrinab @sacredherald @sadistic @saintslander @sairentotsuki @samelf @sansavii @saskia @satyrgatyr @seaglasssky @sentientpumpkins @serpentineoracle @shapelights @sharkra @sidegrinder @silentwanderer @silexiunno @simfeetunder @simplyspoiled @sinha27 @skyfree374 @skyistheground @sleepyhoneybee @smallercomfort @snaggleclaw @snapdragoon @songofsummer @spinosaur @starbug @starlapelle @starlightdragon7 @starstalker @stasha @steelandsparks @suawansan @sukey @suplauren @sushispider1212 @suzychi @sylveondreams @takatsuki @talonshrubfire @tarshaan @tazmir @teddy2008 @teletraan @templeofsyrinx @tetrahedr0n @tewro @thalassatheblue @thatsmyname @thefrogg @thegolddragon @theredhood @thetypingdragon @theultimateowl @thewildthings @threnhashat @tigressrising @tinytalkingtina @tjally @toska @tserin @turquai @typefull @ultrasuede @unfridgeable @unsettling @uruhead @usoris @usualuniqueness @vaguelycanine @valara @valorlaw @varenyky @velkhana @velsim @vicspeaks @vinyamar @violetrenegade @vivarium @voxvar @wannacry @watercolour @wennia @weredogalism @whimsywrites @whirlwish @whyvern @wildewinged @williwawwarden @wilula @wizardry @wolfdawn @wolfguardian1 @world @wylin @x3x @xeka @xirei @xlilm0nsterx @yveltals @zafirmei @zebrask @zephyrouss @zeushatches @ziggythepinhead @zincalloy[/size]

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for sending us your dragons and making this a fun and lively event! We've organized the dragons onto this archive sheet and would like you invite you to double check the data yourselves.

If you find anything amiss, please ping @Kywren and let me know your exact problem and screenshots of your AH record to help expedite the process!
Please let me know if there's anything wrong by August 1st 23:59 FRT!

@blastlight @0birdmasta0 @2bdamned @79448215 @accal1a @achoo @addictead @agareia @agonius @aikka @airdragon @akirokai @almosteverything @alovra @amo @amorah @anakidadragalaxy @anduil @angemagica @animalkun @anjoulas @apology @arapocalypse @arcaneidolriots @archenitesky @aredshroom @arsenopyrite @asolrock @astralisms @astrotheology @aurustaurs @avene @axe @babyclown @bailijay @bakugames @barbarafett @bardicanor @bargonauts @beatoriche @beblueberry @belviere @berrybasket @beskad @bigfriedegg @bingiyingi @birdsofwax @bizarrekitten @blastlight @blazebrem @bloomed @bluelatios @blushunt @bonstrosity @brevityis @britty @c4uni @camwyn @carnwennhau @cartographic @carvaiine @catwyrm @ceenbee @celestialcrow @celticfox @celticowl @ceravanne @chamilet @chaosmora @chingoo @clearbright @clowning @cnidocyte @colieflower @comfrey @congxiaolu @cosmoslost @crobbin @croissants @crowskullz @cymothoe @cytotoxic @dakervadora @dandelionfires @darkangelsblood1 @darkmoore @daycat @deladria @delotha @delphinia @deltadarklight @deramadus @dessy @deviousdeparture @dimoio @dinolesbo @disillusionist @distortedgenesis @dititania @doniider @doozie @dragonflare92 @dragonflute @dragoono @druddigon @duskofdawn12 @earthprincess @edward @eeriansadow @eieru @eliyanah @elodea @emmebearpaw @entykk @erevainsgirl @eridankinnie @erika @erlkonig @errika @espoir @etheryn @evandar @everisa @evilcopepod @f3atherflame @fantasticfox @farore @felawnie @felinething @ferpitou @fiain @fidothehoarder @fieryblood @finder77 @findingpears @firedream123 @flannerie @fluttering @foolishray @forcedcoma @frankie @frfrfr @frostlightles @frostmeri @fruutbaag @fubuking @fusionboltzgx @ganondorf @genziana @ghostchateau @ghostingskies @glory @golden @gremlinslug @grumpynoodle @hannibalhectic @hatsunemiku @hawketh @heartsofiron @helix @helixstorm @hellnokitty @herddog @hiii @hollypox @horlzonline @huskydragon1224 @hwa @iamnohere @ideamutt @imginate @incantations @instar @isabella @iskaeil @jaigalaar @jbapple @jeevas @jelllitan @jorybear @kaa15 @kael1030 @kaelidra @kaimon @kargi @karneol @katsuji @kaynara @kelptheshark @kingaries @kirathekat @kitsuna97 @knishes @kodak @kothra @kotiss @krazkitcat @kreideprintz @ktg1214 @kunacottontail @kvon @kymoladyofstorms @ladjanny @laetificat @laivence @lansly @lara8 @larkhund @late711 @lednik @leeleeishere @lerawrs @lesen @leucoss @lexilopezi @linin @littlebickle @lliwless @lomon @lordmaroo @luciferr @lunetaria @lusbiana @lyel @maddmckagan @makomo @malbyte @malicat @mangoeclipse @mature @mazurkas @meadbhb @mertisal @mintea00 @mirna @mistyglowy @misweathering @moonlitcacti @morenaflame @morn @mousieamelia @mujna @necoryn @nefariousking @neffi @nelsothy @neoo @neriumoleander @nevercanth @nevereatdirt @nihilis @nirnrootnoises @noel1 @noivurn @novastellaris @nuclearnoxi @nukinit @ogbarbari @ogrebooger @oneluckyduck @panicat @parad0xxy @peachygremlin @penguinpark @persteph @phantasidreamin @phantomwise @pharloom @phenri @pikammd @piko @pinguin @plagues @plasmaghost @plushstiel @pokemoncha @pokerobin @polarbear @ptolemyii @puggles @punkpinkpower @purpleambience @pyno @qionggui @quinn7487 @quixoticdragon @rabid @raevus @raggirare @rarewareofficial @redactedarachnid @redpyrthing @redsnight @reignhart @rekos @renkinjutsushis @reroad @retrace @rexd999 @rifter @riyoke @rockss @romeus @rottingflesh @rthrax @rubyxblade @sabrinab @sacredherald @sadistic @saintslander @sairentotsuki @samelf @sansavii @saskia @satyrgatyr @seaglasssky @sentientpumpkins @serpentineoracle @shapelights @sharkra @sidegrinder @silentwanderer @silexiunno @simfeetunder @simplyspoiled @sinha27 @skyfree374 @skyistheground @sleepyhoneybee @smallercomfort @snaggleclaw @snapdragoon @songofsummer @spinosaur @starbug @starlapelle @starlightdragon7 @starstalker @stasha @steelandsparks @suawansan @sukey @suplauren @sushispider1212 @suzychi @sylveondreams @takatsuki @talonshrubfire @tarshaan @tazmir @teddy2008 @teletraan @templeofsyrinx @tetrahedr0n @tewro @thalassatheblue @thatsmyname @thefrogg @thegolddragon @theredhood @thetypingdragon @theultimateowl @thewildthings @threnhashat @tigressrising @tinytalkingtina @tjally @toska @tserin @turquai @typefull @ultrasuede @unfridgeable @unsettling @uruhead @usoris @usualuniqueness @vaguelycanine @valara @valorlaw @varenyky @velkhana @velsim @vicspeaks @vinyamar @violetrenegade @vivarium @voxvar @wannacry @watercolour @wennia @weredogalism @whimsywrites @whirlwish @whyvern @wildewinged @williwawwarden @wilula @wizardry @wolfdawn @wolfguardian1 @world @wylin @x3x @xeka @xirei @xlilm0nsterx @yveltals @zafirmei @zebrask @zephyrouss @zeushatches @ziggythepinhead @zincalloy


Lightning Dom Organizer
FR +2
@Kywren hiya, i believe the sheet is missing two dragons i sold on the 23rd ^^ 79134507 and 78810728 (level 8 with gene and species bonus respectively)
no worries since i know the attendant wasn't even available/was just waking up when when i sent them over LOL (i needed to hop off and the available attendant was CR only OTL)
@Kywren hiya, i believe the sheet is missing two dragons i sold on the 23rd ^^ 79134507 and 78810728 (level 8 with gene and species bonus respectively)
no worries since i know the attendant wasn't even available/was just waking up when when i sent them over LOL (i needed to hop off and the available attendant was CR only OTL)
» alder • 21+ • he/they • FR+9 timezone «
Hello! I noticed I'm on the leaderboard for sending in 292 dragons via one-way (1t) PAs - but my actual number is 240, so I've been marked down with an extra 52! It would seem all of the extra were probably also counted as one-way (1t) lv7s, based on the ticket count, which is what the 240 I actually sent were.

I checked on the dragons part of the spreadsheet and it seems everything is in order there with me only having the 240 recorded, so my numbers just got quite a ways off on the leaderboard!
Hello! I noticed I'm on the leaderboard for sending in 292 dragons via one-way (1t) PAs - but my actual number is 240, so I've been marked down with an extra 52! It would seem all of the extra were probably also counted as one-way (1t) lv7s, based on the ticket count, which is what the 240 I actually sent were.

I checked on the dragons part of the spreadsheet and it seems everything is in order there with me only having the 240 recorded, so my numbers just got quite a ways off on the leaderboard!
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