
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [Plaguedom] NvP Raffle/PB
[img][/img] [center][size=3][i]Little Greenhouse of Horrors: OOF Raffle/PB[/i][/size] [size=4][url=][color=#0c910c][b]Intro[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Prizes[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Credits[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Plague OOF Hub[/color][/url][/size][/center] [i]Crawling tendrils that bind their prey A gaping mouth, stuck insects lay We all must eat, that is to say Oh, what's not to adore?[/i] [indent][indent][indent][i]In time, again, the trap unfurls Red flesh meets air And sweetness[/i] [indent][indent][indent][indent][i]There's naught to inspect Her intention's direct The venus fly trap's encore[/i][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img][/img] Welcome to the Plague out-of-flight raffle and public buy for Plague vs. Nature! Plague is excited to present a blooming field of prizes that you can win in exchange for fodder dragons. We have a team of receivers ready and eager to lead your dragons on to the Plaguebringers uh.. "green" house and help cultivate the exciting plants growing there. We hope you enjoy this event, have fun and we thank you from the bottom of [s]the Wyrmwound[/s] our hearts for the support! Today's badge (Send in at least one dragon to earn): [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][/center]
Little Greenhouse of Horrors: OOF Raffle/PB

Intro | Rules | Spreadsheet | Badges | Flowers | Daily Raffle | Prizes | Credits | Plague OOF Hub

Crawling tendrils that bind their prey
A gaping mouth, stuck insects lay
We all must eat, that is to say
Oh, what's not to adore?

In time, again, the trap unfurls
Red flesh meets air
And sweetness

There's naught to inspect
Her intention's direct
The venus fly trap's encore

Welcome to the Plague out-of-flight raffle and public buy for Plague vs. Nature!

Plague is excited to present a blooming field of prizes that you can win in exchange for fodder dragons. We have a team of receivers ready and eager to lead your dragons on to the Plaguebringers uh.. "green" house and help cultivate the exciting plants growing there.
We hope you enjoy this event, have fun and we thank you from the bottom of the Wyrmwound our hearts for the support!

Today's badge (Send in at least one dragon to earn):

[center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Rules[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Prizes[/color][/url][/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]How to Participate[/b][/size][/center] [list][*]See the next post for our receiver spreadsheet to find a plagueling to accept your dragons! [*]We are accepting dragons until [b]March 12, 23:45 FR Time[/b]. Dragons sent after that time will be denied. [*]This thread is for both the [b]Raffle[/b] and the [b]Public Buy[/b]. Use the appropriate tab in the sheet to find your receiver and the correct payout. [*]Up to 5 [b]flash sales[/b] may be announced during the push week, where dragon payouts will increase by up to 3kt for one hour only, with at most an hour's notice to the sale. [*]Ping @Instar in this thread to be added to the flash sale or daily raffle/badge pinglists! [*]Plaguelings, use our [url=]In-Flight Thread[/url] for all your raffle needs! [*]Our raffle features regular prizes, daily prizes, as well as rewards for Most Levels, Most Dragons, and Most 1t Adult Levels sent in! See the prizes posts for details. [*]Check our [url=]OOF Hub[/url] for more events running this week~. [/list] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][center][size=6][b][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color]Raffle Info[/b][/size][/center][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][/columns] [list][*]Raffle winners will be drawn in batches of 10 until all prizes are given out. [*]Please respond to your winning ping within 24 hours in order to select your prize. If not, you will be moved to the bottom of the next round of 10, and pinged again. [*]Users may only win once in the main raffle, and only one Most X prize. [*]Tickets earned will simultaneously count towards the main raffle, and the daily one for that day. [*]The daily raffle drawing is separate from the main raffle and can be won multiple times throughout the week, but only once per day. Daily raffle winners will be pinged the next day to select their prizes, and have 24 hours to respond as seen above. [*]Failing to respond to the daily raffle win ping will have you falling to the bottom of the list and selecting your prize for that day last. After another 24 hours, your spot will be redrawn for a new user. [*]Please inform us of any username changes so we can contact you![/list] [center][size=4][b]Pinglists[/b][/size][/center] [columns][list][*][size=4]You can add yourself to either pinglist using [url=]this sheet[/url]![/size] [*][size=4]We have pings to notify you of dailies (badges, daily raffle), as well as our flash sales.[/size] [*][size=4]Flash sale pings will go out an hour before the sale.[/size][/list][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color][/columns] [center][size=4][b]Purchasing Tickets[/b][/size] Tickets can be purchased directly for 1000t or 1g each! Use [url=]this link[/url] to send @Instar a PM with your currency to buy tickets. [b]Looking for other ways to earn tickets?[/b] Jump on over to Blight & Bloom, a joint event run together by Plague and Nature! [url=][img][/img][/url] Helping Plague will earn you tickets to our raffle, and the same goes for Nature! Check out the thread for how you can use your gathering turns to spread Blight in Nature's gathering areas to please the Plaguebringer! [img][/img] [/center]

How to Participate
  • See the next post for our receiver spreadsheet to find a plagueling to accept your dragons!
  • We are accepting dragons until March 12, 23:45 FR Time. Dragons sent after that time will be denied.
  • This thread is for both the Raffle and the Public Buy. Use the appropriate tab in the sheet to find your receiver and the correct payout.
  • Up to 5 flash sales may be announced during the push week, where dragon payouts will increase by up to 3kt for one hour only, with at most an hour's notice to the sale.
  • Ping @Instar in this thread to be added to the flash sale or daily raffle/badge pinglists!
  • Plaguelings, use our In-Flight Thread for all your raffle needs!
  • Our raffle features regular prizes, daily prizes, as well as rewards for Most Levels, Most Dragons, and Most 1t Adult Levels sent in! See the prizes posts for details.
  • Check our OOF Hub for more events running this week~.
xxxxxRaffle Info
  • Raffle winners will be drawn in batches of 10 until all prizes are given out.
  • Please respond to your winning ping within 24 hours in order to select your prize. If not, you will be moved to the bottom of the next round of 10, and pinged again.
  • Users may only win once in the main raffle, and only one Most X prize.
  • Tickets earned will simultaneously count towards the main raffle, and the daily one for that day.
  • The daily raffle drawing is separate from the main raffle and can be won multiple times throughout the week, but only once per day. Daily raffle winners will be pinged the next day to select their prizes, and have 24 hours to respond as seen above.
  • Failing to respond to the daily raffle win ping will have you falling to the bottom of the list and selecting your prize for that day last. After another 24 hours, your spot will be redrawn for a new user.
  • Please inform us of any username changes so we can contact you!

  • You can add yourself to either pinglist using this sheet!
  • We have pings to notify you of dailies (badges, daily raffle), as well as our flash sales.
  • Flash sale pings will go out an hour before the sale.
Purchasing Tickets

Tickets can be purchased directly for 1000t or 1g each!
Use this link to send @Instar a PM with your currency to buy tickets.

Looking for other ways to earn tickets?
Jump on over to Blight & Bloom, a joint event run together by Plague and Nature!
Helping Plague will earn you tickets to our raffle, and the same goes for Nature! Check out the thread for how you can use your gathering turns to spread Blight in Nature's gathering areas to please the Plaguebringer!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Prizes[/color][/url][/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]Sending in Dragons[/b][/size][/center] [size=4][list][*]Send your dragons to an available receiver on [url=]the sheet[/url] linked in the title. [*][b]*[/b]Check if your receiver has a preference between PA and CR before sending. [*]We have two tabs, [b]Raffle[/b] and [b]PB[/b]; raffle earns tickets to the raffle and flowers, while the other does [i]not[/i] in exchange for higher payouts! [*]Dragons sent by 1t PA or 1-way CR are worth 4x the tickets.[/list][/size] [center][size=4][b]Checking Your Tickets[/b][/size][/center] [b][color=#7d0b2a][i]The ticket checker template has been updated with a code fix! Make a new copy if your old one is not displaying bonuses correctly.[/i][/color][/b] [list][*]Make a personal copy of [url=]this sheet[/url] to keep track of your OOFR tickets during the battle. [*]For any questions or problems with tickets or the sheets, ping @Ranmaru, @Peyp, or @Instar and we'll help you out.[/list] [center] ------------ [size=5][url=][b]Receiver Sheet[/b][/url][/size] [size=4][url=]Alternate Sheet (loads easier)[/url][/size] [center][size=4][b]Payouts[/b][/size][/center] The payouts in the spreadsheet are always the most up to date! (By a couple minutes, anyway) [img][/img] [img][/img] [/center]
Sending in Dragons
  • Send your dragons to an available receiver on the sheet linked in the title.
  • *Check if your receiver has a preference between PA and CR before sending.
  • We have two tabs, Raffle and PB; raffle earns tickets to the raffle and flowers, while the other does not in exchange for higher payouts!
  • Dragons sent by 1t PA or 1-way CR are worth 4x the tickets.
Checking Your Tickets
The ticket checker template has been updated with a code fix! Make a new copy if your old one is not displaying bonuses correctly.
  • Make a personal copy of this sheet to keep track of your OOFR tickets during the battle.
  • For any questions or problems with tickets or the sheets, ping @Ranmaru, @Peyp, or @Instar and we'll help you out.

Receiver Sheet

Alternate Sheet (loads easier)
The payouts in the spreadsheet are always the most up to date! (By a couple minutes, anyway)


[center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Badges[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Prizes[/color][/url][/size] [b][size=6]Daily Badge[/size][/b] Send in at least one dragon to claim that day's badge! Ping @Instar to be added to the reminder pinglist for daily badges and the daily raffle. Or, add yourself [url=]using this sheet[/url]. Missed badges can be purchased directly from @Instar for 25kt/25g. [b]Saturday[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]Friday[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]Thursday[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]Wednesday[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]Tuesday[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]Monday[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]Sunday[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] ------------------- [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=6]Tiered Badges[/size][/b][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] Send in leveled dragons to our receivers to earn these! [b]1 Level Sent (Participation)[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]50 Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]100 Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]250 Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]500 Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]1000 Levels Sent[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img] [/code] ---------------- [/center] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=6]1t Badges[/size][/b][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center]Send in leveled dragons by 1t PA or 1-way crossroads to earn these! [b]1 1t Level Sent[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]25 1t Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]50 1t Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]75 1t Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [b]100 1t Levels[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [center]

Intro | Rules | Spreadsheet | Badges | Flowers | Daily Raffle | Prizes

Daily Badge
Send in at least one dragon to claim that day's badge!
Ping @Instar to be added to the reminder pinglist for daily badges and the daily raffle.
Or, add yourself using this sheet.

Missed badges can be purchased directly from @Instar for 25kt/25g.








xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSiC82Gr.png Tiered Badges 9BKf6DZ.png
Send in leveled dragons to our receivers to earn these!

1 Level Sent (Participation)

50 Levels

100 Levels

250 Levels

500 Levels

1000 Levels Sent

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi4V1XGT.png 1t Badges 44Xn5Vm.png
Send in leveled dragons by 1t PA or 1-way crossroads to earn these!

1 1t Level Sent

25 1t Levels

50 1t Levels

75 1t Levels

100 1t Levels

[center][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Flowers[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Prizes[/color][/url][/size] [center][img][/img][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img][/img] Who doesn't love some pretty flowers?! Special thanks to the Plague community, we have discovered a variety of flowers for you to take home. Would you care to collect them all? For every dragon you send to a raffle receiver you get a flower. There's 100 flowers total, and while you may get dupes, you will 100% complete your collection if you send in 200 dragons! To check your flowers, make a personal copy of [url=]this sheet[/url] and fill in the box with your username. Please note that dragons sent to the fast lane PB will not earn flowers. [i]Artists: WHDE, Cheypie565, crowvidae, zimtos5, HeadlessKing, whispen, wolfdawn[/i] Big thanks to squidragon for the inspiration and the green light to do this! [img][/img] [/center]

Intro | Rules | Spreadsheet | Badges | Flowers | Daily Raffle | Prizes

Who doesn't love some pretty flowers?! Special thanks to the Plague community, we have discovered a variety of flowers for you to take home. Would you care to collect them all? For every dragon you send to a raffle receiver you get a flower. There's 100 flowers total, and while you may get dupes, you will 100% complete your collection if you send in 200 dragons!

To check your flowers, make a personal copy of this sheet and fill in the box with your username.

Please note that dragons sent to the fast lane PB will not earn flowers.

Artists: WHDE, Cheypie565, crowvidae, zimtos5, HeadlessKing, whispen, wolfdawn

Big thanks to squidragon for the inspiration and the green light to do this!

[center][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Daily Raffle[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Prizes[/color][/url][/size] [b][size=6]Daily Raffle[/size][/b][/center] [list][*]Dragons sent in to raffle receivers on each day of the week will be entered in to that day's daily raffle. [*]With the exception of Sunday, daily raffle prizes will be posted between 4:00 and 7:00 FR time every morning. [*]Users may win multiple daily raffles, but can only win once per day. These will be drawn separately from the main raffle. [*]Ping @Instar to request to be added to the reminder pings for the daily badges and raffle. [*]Please see the Rules post for further information about daily raffle drawing![/list] [center][size=5][b][emoji=rose size=1] Daily Raffle - Saturday[emoji=rose size=1][/b][/size][/center] [quote=Last Stand][center][item=Plague Sprite][item=Vista: Boneyard] [item=Enduring Goblin][item=Runaway Rotclaw][item=Unhatched Plague Egg][br][br][size=2][i]Plague Sprite, Enduring Goblin, Runaway Rotclaw, Unhatched Plague Egg, Vista: Boneyard[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=With an Uncertain Future][center][item=Shadow Sprite][item=Unhatched Shadow Egg] OR [item=OR][item=Earth Sprite][item=Unhatched Earth Egg][br][br][size=2][i]Shadow Sprite, Unhatched Shadow Egg, OR Earth Sprite, Unhatched Earth Egg (User selects either Shadow or Earth Prize!)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The Will to Win][center][item=Nature Sprite] [item=Timber Tender][item=Unhatched Bogsneak Egg][item=Unhatched Plague Egg][br][br][size=2][i]Nature Sprite, Timber Tender, Unhatched Bogsneak Egg, Unhatched Plague Egg[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=It's Here][center][item=Luminous Halo][item=Sunbeam Ursa][item=Spirit of Light][item=Unhatched Light Egg][item=Illuminated Runescroll][br][br][size=2][i]Luminous Halo, Sunbeam Ursa, Spirit of Light, Unhatched Light Egg, Illuminated Runescroll[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=And It's Been Fun][center][item=Breed Change: Wildclaw][item=Vial of Scattersight][item=Swiftbrood Boon][br][br][size=2][i]Breed Change: Wildclaw, Vial of Scattersight, Swiftbrood Boon[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br] [center][size=5][b][emoji=bramble size=1]Past Dailies[emoji=bramble size=1][/b][/size][/center] [b][size=5]Sunday:[/size][/b] See [url=]this post[/url] for Sunday's raffle drawing and prizes. [b][size=5]Monday:[/size][/b] See [url=]this post[/url] for Monday's raffle drawing and prizes. [b][size=5]Tuesday:[/size][/b] See [url=]this post[/url] for Tuesday's raffle drawing and prizes. [b][size=5]Wednesday:[/size][/b] See [url=]this post[/url] for Wednesday's raffle drawing and prizes. [b][size=5]Thursday:[/size][/b] See [url=]this post[/url] for Thursday's raffle drawing and prizes. [b][size=5]Friday:[/size][/b] See [url=]this post[/url] for Friday's raffle drawing and prizes. [center][img][/img][/center]
  • Dragons sent in to raffle receivers on each day of the week will be entered in to that day's daily raffle.
  • With the exception of Sunday, daily raffle prizes will be posted between 4:00 and 7:00 FR time every morning.
  • Users may win multiple daily raffles, but can only win once per day. These will be drawn separately from the main raffle.
  • Ping @Instar to request to be added to the reminder pings for the daily badges and raffle.
  • Please see the Rules post for further information about daily raffle drawing!
Daily Raffle - Saturday
Last Stand wrote:
Plague Sprite Vista: Boneyard Enduring Goblin Runaway Rotclaw Unhatched Plague Egg

Plague Sprite, Enduring Goblin, Runaway Rotclaw, Unhatched Plague Egg, Vista: Boneyard

With an Uncertain Future wrote:
Shadow Sprite Unhatched Shadow Egg OR Earth Sprite Unhatched Earth Egg

Shadow Sprite, Unhatched Shadow Egg, OR Earth Sprite, Unhatched Earth Egg (User selects either Shadow or Earth Prize!)

The Will to Win wrote:
Nature Sprite Timber Tender Unhatched Bogsneak Egg Unhatched Plague Egg

Nature Sprite, Timber Tender, Unhatched Bogsneak Egg, Unhatched Plague Egg

It's Here wrote:
Luminous Halo Sunbeam Ursa Spirit of Light Unhatched Light Egg Illuminated Runescroll

Luminous Halo, Sunbeam Ursa, Spirit of Light, Unhatched Light Egg, Illuminated Runescroll

And It's Been Fun wrote:
Breed Change: Wildclaw Vial of Scattersight Swiftbrood Boon

Breed Change: Wildclaw, Vial of Scattersight, Swiftbrood Boon

Past Dailies
Sunday: See this post for Sunday's raffle drawing and prizes.

Monday: See this post for Monday's raffle drawing and prizes.

Tuesday: See this post for Tuesday's raffle drawing and prizes.

Wednesday: See this post for Wednesday's raffle drawing and prizes.

Thursday: See this post for Thursday's raffle drawing and prizes.

Friday: See this post for Friday's raffle drawing and prizes.
[center][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Prizes[/b][/color][/url][/size] [/center] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][center][b][size=6][color=transparent]xx[/color]Most X Prizes[color=transparent]xx[/color][/size][/b][/center][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [quote=Most Levels][center][item=Golden Bantam Fangar][br][br][size=2][i]Golden Bantam Fangar[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Most Dragons][center][item=Speedy][br][br][size=2][i]Speedy[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Most 1T Levels][center][item=Red-footed Akirbeak][br][br][size=2][i]Red-footed Akirbeak[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][columns][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][center][b][size=6][color=transparent]xx[/color]Main Raffle Prizes[color=transparent]xx[/color][/size][/b][/center][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][br] [quote=Nature vs. Plague][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Nature Egg, Plague Sprite, Nature Sprite, Unhatched Plague Egg[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Guy Fiery][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Fire Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The Ref][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Arcane Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Upper Management][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Lightning Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Mom's Favourite][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Plague Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The High Geologist][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Earth Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Cryszard][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Ice Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Little Pogchamp][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Shadow Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Not the Ref][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Wind Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Baby Shark][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Water Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Lifebringer][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Nature Sprite[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Shine][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Sunchaser Jewelry[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Storm][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Electricians Power Pack[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Ember][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Metallurgists Forgetools[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Star][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Archivists Spellscroll[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Sneeze][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Boneyard Tatters[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Stonechip][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Eroded Crystalhide[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Frost][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Frigid Fugitive Shackles[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Trick][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Tricktrouper Crown[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Breeze][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Windbound Plumage[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Wave][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Thresher Flatfins[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=The First Flower][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Naturalist Adornments[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Show Your Pride][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Illuminated Armband, Electricians Armband, Searing Armband, Starseer Armband, Infectionist's Armband, Stonekeeper Armband, Frigid Armband, Shady Armband, Whirlwind Armband, Diver ArmbandDruidic Armband[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Show Your Colours][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Illuminated Sash, Electrified Sash, Searing Sash, Starseer's Sash, Infectionist's Sash, Stonekeeper Sash, Frigid Sash, Shady Sash, Whirlwind Sash, Diver Sash, Druidic Sash[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Magical Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Arcane Egg, Crystalspine Gem Guardian, Wild Magic Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Diseased Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Plague Egg, Contagion Gem Guardian, Mushroom Bloom Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Frozen Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Ice Egg, Frigid Gem Guardian, Winter Spirits Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Buried Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Earth Egg, Shattered Plain Gem Guardian, Quartz Reef Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Shining Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Light Egg, Sundial Gem Guardian, Solarium Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Sparking Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Lightning Egg, Highland Gem Guardian, Beast of Metal Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Molten Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Fire Egg, Emberglow Gem Guardian, Kawah Ijen Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Hidden Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Shadow Egg, Driftwood Gem Guardian, Moths to Smoke Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Floating Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Wind Egg, Zephyr Gem Guardian, Here be Dragons Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Sunken Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Water Egg, Tsunami Gem Guardian, Koi Medium Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Overgrown Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Nature Egg, Everbloom Gem Guardian, Loveblooms Eternal Chest[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Nightbound Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Nocturne Egg, Breed Change: Nocturne, Tertiary Gene: Smirch[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Alchemical Treasure][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Bogsneak Egg, Breed Change: Bogsneak[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Terrible Claw][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Breed Change: Wildclaw[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Downy Wing][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Breed Change: Coatl[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Desert Emperor][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Pharaoh[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Entombed Emperor][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Secondary Gene: Sarcophagus[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Hymenoptera][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Wasp[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Honey Gather][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Secondary Gene: Bee[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Blooming Patterns][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Petals[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Emergence][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Secondary Gene: Butterfly[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Pretty Poison][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]NvP Exclusive - Skin: Poisonous Symbiosis[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Pretty Poison 2][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]NvP Exclusive - Skin: Poisonous Symbiosis[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Take Care][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Breed Change: Tundra, Accent: Hazard Disciple[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Blending][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Red Witch[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Dipped In][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b]][br][br][i]Skin: Contaminated Brew[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Don't Venture Far][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Breed Change: Mirror, Accent: Necropolis Explorer[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Tangled][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Breed Change: Pearlcatcher, Accent: Ram Roses[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Planted][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Jungle Queen[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Caught Inside][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Zone 128, Breed Change: Obelisk[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Plentiful Pickings][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Breed Change: Snapper, Skin: Grapefruit Harvest[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Fairy Light][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Fairy Flowers[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Moonspun][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Blooming Moon[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=They're So Fluffy][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Downy Fox Rat, Fawn Fox Rat[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Firefly Jar][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Vista: Twilight Firefly, Tertiary Gene: Firefly, Firebug[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Time to Weave][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Tertiary Gene: Blossom (Gaoler)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Candypink][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]20x Pretty Pink Mums, Cherry Blossom Caterpillar[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Gecko Love][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Friend Gecko, Cosmo Gecko, Bubble Brook Gecko, Princess Petal Gecko, Watermelon Coleus Gecko, Vista: Baldwin's Brew[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Froggy Love][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Regenerating Reedjumper, Terror Toad, Marsh Frog Companion, Horned Frog Companion, Desert Rain Frog Companion, Poison Dart Frog Companion, Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion, Toad Companion[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Freaky Friday][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Infectionist's Armband, Druidic Armband, Blight Nymph, Flower Nymph[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Gone But Not Lost][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Loga, Dripcave Deputy, Slight Eyewing, Miniature Sornieth Globe, Willowmane Deerling[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Fiona's Darlings][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Ornamental Eyewing, Deepwater Traveller, Marshfowl, Turbocharged Creeper, Guardian Foo[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Training Days][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Bogsneak Egg, Scene: Training Fields, Amaranth Moth, Bluelight Chipskink, Brown-Spotted Mith, Bumble, Ceanothus Brawler, Chipskink, Coral Carpenter, Crimson Emperor, Dark Sparrowmouse, Deaths-Head Stag, Ember Mouse, Emerald Webwing, Frosted Pocketmouse, Glowing Pocket Mouse, Leafy Moth, Luna Mith, Mith Bruiser, Primrose Mith, Ragepuff, Ruby Webwing, Satin Pocketmouse, Silky Webwing, Sweetpuff, Webwing Alpha, Yellow Sparrowmouse, Vista: Training Fields, Vista: Training Fields II[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Forest Party][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Nature Egg, Autumn Dryad, Bamboo Phytocat, Basilisk, Blooming Strangler, Bluefin Charger, Clown Charger, Cockatrice, Coral Basilisk, Crimson Emperor, Deaths-Head Stag, Dryad, Greenroot Janustrap, Grouse Basilisk, Janustrap, Leafy Moth, Sakura Owl, Strangler, Wildwood Owl, Vista: Woodland Path[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Scorched Spoils][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Fire Egg, Vista: Scorched Forest, Augite Protector, Banded Owlcat, Centaur Archer, Clown Charger, Crowned Bonepriest, Extinguished Jackalope, Moss-Covered Golem, Painted Centaur, Rambra, Red-Winged Owlcat, Searing Jackalope, Smoke Gyre, Steam Gyre, Umberhorn Qiriq, Wintermane Bowman, Wintermane Spearman, Zeeba[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Sandswept Struggles][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Light Egg, Scene: Sandswept Delta, Buff Dunerunner, Carmine Serthis, Charcoal Kitsune, Crowned Bonepriest, Desert Strangler, Dunerunner, Dusk Fuiran, Fan Scorpion, Fennec Kitsune, Fuiran, Gabboon Viperpillar, Greatshell, Iridescent Scaleback, Masked Gryphon, Nightsky Fuiran, Opheodrys Serthis, Peacock Scorpion, Prickly Strangler, Redtail Gryphon, Sanddrift Fuiran, Scaleback, Serthis Alchemist, Serthis Potionmaster, Shadow Serpent, Shattered Serpent, Storm Seeker, Tricolor Viperpillar, Vista: Sandswept Delta[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Blooming Boons][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Scene: Blooming Grove, Alstroemeria Fox, Aspen Gall Dryad, Barkskin Watcher, Buttercup Strangler, Five-Toed Pilco, Flora Cerdae, Flowering Pohip, Frostbite Dryad, Fungi Sage, Grove Piper, Lilium Floron, Maned Cerdae, Moonlight Fungi, Mossy Pohip, Myosotis Fox, Palefoot Tadhop, Petalmane Floron, Rosaline Strangler, Ruffletail Tadhop, Spotted Faun, Sunbeam Dryad, Terra Tortoise, Travelling Garden, Venomtooth Pilco, White Rot Deer, Wood Ear Deer, Vista: Blooming Grove[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Forgotten Rock][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Ancient Fungus, Bell Goat, Blue Dragon Snail, Blueband Duelist, Bramble Guardian, Burrow Bear, Cave Lantern, Centaur Berserker, Citrine Jewel, Corpse Cleaner, Creeping Cluster, Crimson Reef Snail, Cursed Bat, Dire Claw, Deepmine Aardvark, Djamor Bat, Dwarf Truffle, Emerald Jewel, Ostreatus Bat, Parasitic Fungus, Peacevine Aardvark, Polarized Bell Goat, Runic Bat, Stonestomp Spearmaiden, Swiftfoot Slayer, Swiftstride Soldier, Venomblade Assassin, Vista: Forgotten Cave[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Bamboo Stroll][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Unhatched Wind Egg, Baku, Blacktalon Striker, Carmine Serthis, Dream Eater, Ethereal Trickster, Fungalhoof Qiriq, Gale Wolf, Hainu, Mantled Foo, Opheodrys Serthis, Raptorik Warrior, Red-Breasted Hainu, Tengu, Tigerblood Foo, Trick-of-the-Light, Umbra Wolf, Wandering Surge Priest, Vista: Bamboo Falls[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Thundering War][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Ampelope, Condorwing Champion, Coursing Skira, Dire Vulture, Dustfeather Sphinx, Falconclaw Warrior, Flesh Forager, Golden Lionsnake, Grassland Skira, Greattusk, Heckling Hydrena, King Quillrunner, Magpie Sphinx, Pale Greattusk, Plainstrider Bard, Quillrunner, Rabid Grinfin, Raptorik Herder, Raptorik Wanderer, Rockback Charger, Roundhorn Rager, Roving Lionsnake, Starry Ampelope, Thunderstomp, Unburdened Billy, Wintermane Minstrel, Vista: Thunderhead Savanna[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Pirate's Cove][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Coast Charger, Coastline Sawbeak, Dainty Wavehopper, Daydream Puffer, Deeprealm Hunter, Green-Breasted Sawbeak, Highfin Sea Serpent, Igueel Matriarch, Leopard Coralclimber, Maren Defender, Maren Sorceress, Maren Spearmaiden, Mirage Puffer, Mottled Sea Serpent, Murkbottom Gull, Noxious Coralclimber, Oceansurf Magus, Redfin Wavespinner, Riptide Clipper, Sandshore Snipper, Spiney Whale, Surf Strider, Toxic Igueel, Tradewinds Gull, Vivid Wavehopper, Waveswell Sorcerer, Vista: Redrock Cove[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=River of Sewer][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Blueridge Greatshell, Brown River Flight, Crested River Flight, Cumulus Seal, Dappled Seal, Everglade Lasher, Fanrat, Ghostly Rat Lord, Giant White Toridae, Goldfin River Flight, Granite Thresher, Greater Sandstrike, Grey River Flight, Maren Currentfinder, Maren Shark Hunter, Noggle, Radioactive Slime, Rainbow Sprite, Rat King, River Muck, Scaleside Noggle, Scarlet Flycatcher, Sewer Toridae, Shale Thresher, Silky Fanrat, Sludge Shifter, Sunset Lasher, Vista: Waterway, Vista: Waterway II[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=AK Arena][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Armored Greatowl, Ashmane Chimera, Bengal Chimera, Boran Veteran, Celestial Antelope, Charcoal Sprangyroo, Chimera, Double-Tailed Warcat, Featherback Boar, Goldenplains Poodle Mith, Greenwing Razorclaw, Hulking Greatowl, Longneck Gladiator, Longneck Interloper, Longneck Magi, Longneck Mender, Longneck Scrapper, Longneck Skirmisher, Marshland Poodle Mith, Raptorik Bladedancer, Raptorik Ringmaster, Silver Springbok, Spellwall Boran, Sprangyroo, Stormclaw Showman, Undying Featherback, Warcat Protector, Vista: Arena, Vista: Arena II[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Venting Sisters][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Armored Duskflapper, Ashscale Ophiotaurus, Ashspine Widow, Basalt Vent Hop, Chillwind Harpy, Dreadram, Fiendcat, Firebelly Weaver, Firemane Manticore, Flamerest Fiendcat, Flamescale Illusionist, Flamescale Lancer, Flamescale Spearman, Flamescale Venomcaster, Ghost Manticore, Hydra, Ignited Imp, Magma Runner, Nightfall Imp, Ophiotaurus, Serthis Archivist, Serthis Loremaster, Spectral Duskflapper, Stormcloud Harpy, Tunnel Hydra, Ultraram, Vista: Volcanic Vents[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Rainbow Monkeys][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Barkback Boar, Budwing Morpho, Clown Hippocampus, Deadwood Boar, Goldenbeast, Hippocampus, King Parda, Manticore Screamer, Overcharged Silverbeast, Paradise Zalis, Parda, Petal Jumper, Proto Manticore, Ringlet Amphithere, Ultramel Amphithere, Zalis, Vista: Rainsong Jungle[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Snowball Fight][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Auburn Woolly Walrus, Black Wolf, Coarsefur Yeti, Bramblecrown Stoat, Bullephant, Deadwood Strangler, Elk, Frosttangle Strangler, Glassbound Gustvul, Glassbound Solarvul, Hoarfrost Mauler, Longneck Hunter, Mammophant, Maned Rasa, Nochnyr, Pebblehide Stoat, Permafrost Impaler, Poultrygeist, Shalebuck, Snowfall Elk, Snowy Owlynx, Squall Rasa, Teardrop Owlynx, Treehorn Wolpertinger, Venerable Shalebuck, Winter Wolf, Wolpertinger, Woodland Turkey, Woolly Walrus, Vista: Boreal Wood, Vista: Boreal Wood II[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Shiny Rockpiles][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Almandine Sturgeon, Amber Gulper, Apatite Fisher, Arctic Hippalectryon, Chalcedony Snipper, Clearwater Oracle, Crystalhide Jester, Crystalplate Stinger, Hawksbill Goliath, Hippalectryon, Maren Warlock, Moonbeam Crayfish, Rhodochrosite Crane, Sparkling Stinger, Stonewatch Prince, Windcarve Fugitive, Vista: Crystal Pools[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Screaming Singers][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Blue Moon Aviar, Blue Tang Hippogriff, Brush Dodo, Cardinal Hippogriff, Clouddancer, Crowned Roc, Death Seeker, Dodo, Fallen Streak, Hooded Dodo, Masked Harpy, Mesacliff Assassin, Mesacliff Harpy, Renegade Aviar, Roc, Snow Streak, Stonewatch Harpy , Storm Seeker, Sunspot Clouddancer, Windcarve Bladedancer, Windcarve Harpy, Vista: Harpy's Roost[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Ghost Stories][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Aer Phantom, Carrioncorn, Disoriented Spirit, Greybeak Reaper, Infestation Hound, Longneck Medium, Longneck Scholar, Nightmare, Otherworldly Aura, Pronghorn Hunter, Pronghorn Stomper, Shatterbone Vulture, Lux Spectre, Malevolent Spirit, Somber Spirit, Tatterwing Carcass, Tengu Caller, Wraith Hound, Vista: Ghostlight Ruins[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Common Sight][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Acid Ant, Armored Colony, Blackwing Croaker, Brilliant Psywurm, Common Podid, Fungal Garden, Furry Fiddle, Heartred Croaker, Ink Ant, Lion's Mane Seeker, Marsh Kelpie, Mistwatch Shellion, Molten Wartoad, Mossy Cerdae, Muckbottom Catfish, Poisonous Toridae, Psywurm, Salve Kamaitachi, Scythe Kamaitachi, Silt Wolf, Southmarsh Podid, Swamp Wolf, Venomous Toridae, Vilevenom Kelpie, Wartoad, Wetland Unicorn, Whisper, Vista: Mire II, Vista: Mire[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Sushi Wrap][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Abyss Striker, Cloud Chaser, Corrosive Depin, Depin, Golden Porpoise, Jeweled Octoflyer, Kelp Tender, Mammertee, Mantarune, Maren Ambusher, Maren Scout, Maren Warrior, Maren Wavesinger, Octoflyer, Relic Eel, Wave Sweeper, Vista: Kelp Beds[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Work In Progress][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Black Iron Creeper, Chromefeather Lookout, Clattercog Engineer, Construction Mith, Coppercoil Creeper, Copperplate Longmech, Frost Delver, Gearspring Pocketmouse, Geartoggle Smith, Jelly Drone, Longmech, Mechanical Destroyer, Mistral Minion, Monkey Wrench, Robotic Tender, Scrapmetal Tracker, Sentinel Mith, Sentry Squawker, Spellbound Golem, Steelhound, Stone Borer, Swift Lumen, Swift Volt, Tribeam Hunter, Tribeam Lurker, War Smith, Wind-Up Pocketmouse, Workshop Monitor, Vista: Golem Workshop[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Progress Failed][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Aberrant Chacma, All-Seeing Eye, Barhide Menace, Bearded Pupowl, Blushing Tangle, Calico Ferberus, Deeprealm Leon, Everburn Tangle , Fear Frog, Ferberus, Foolish Prince, Frogspawn Flyer, Giggling Planesrunner, Lap Pupowl, Medusa Leon, Mindless Flight, Portal Watcher, Sanguine Multimist, Sparksylph, Spectre Wyvern, Tattertail Bilworper, Springfoot Bilworper, Teleporting Planesrunner, Terror Toad, Void Wyvern, Vista: Forbidden Portal[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Fight It Outside 1][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Fight It Outside 2][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Fight It Outside 3][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Fight It Outside 4][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Fight It Outside 5][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Resupply Run][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]99x Soldier's Supplies[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Spinning Spots][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Skink, Secondary Gene: Spinner, Tertiary Gene: Capsule[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Slime Time][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Slime, Secondary Gene: Sludge[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Smart in Stripes][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Pinstripe, Secondary Gene: Trail[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Made With Love][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Stitched, Secondary Gene: Patchwork[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Careful Contact][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Poison, Secondary Gene: Toxin[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Fae Insects][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Sphinxmoth (Veilspun), Secondary Gene: Hawkmoth (Veilspun), Tertiary Gene: Firefly (Veilspun)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Build A Banescale][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Poison (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Arrow (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Squiggle (Banescale)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Build A Gaoler][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Breed Change: Gaoler, Primary Gene: Ripple (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Striation (Gaoler), Tertiary Gene: Scorpion (Gaoler)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Gradient Beauty][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Fade, Secondary Gene: Blend, Tertiary Gene: Peacock[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Grassland Camo][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Savannah, Secondary Gene: Safari, Tertiary Gene: Okapi[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Cracked Stained Glass][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Mosaic, Secondary Gene: Breakup, Tertiary Gene: Crackle[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Jungle's Scars][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Tiger, Secondary Gene: Stripes, Tertiary Gene: Smirch[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Prancing Pierrot][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Clown, Secondary Gene: Eye Spots, Breed Change: Spiral[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Abyssal Dangers][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Lionfish, Secondary Gene: Noxtide, Tertiary Gene: Spines[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Watercolours][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Bar, Secondary Gene: Daub, Tertiary Gene: Underbelly[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Planetary Alignment][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Primary Gene: Jupiter, Secondary Gene: Saturn, Tertiary Gene: Veined[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Frozen Flowers][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Tertiary Gene: Blossom (Gaoler), Primary Gene: Clown (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Hex (Gaoler)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Forest Spirit][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Tertiary Gene: Branches (Veilspun), Primary Gene: Jupiter (Veilspun), Secondary Gene: Web (Veilspun)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=We Survived][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Breed Change: Aberration, Primary Gene: Ground (Aberration), Secondary Gene: Fissure (Aberration), Tertiary Gene: Scales (Aberration)[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Somethings Missing][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Voltaic Halo, Conflagrant Halo, Spellwrought Halo, Contaminated Halo, Crystalcourt Halo, Glitterfreeze Halo, Murkmirth Halo, Aerborne Halo, Fathomsearch Halo, Gladegift Halo[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=It Shines][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Luminous Halo[/i][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Queenly Allowance][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]1000 gems[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Princely Allowance][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]1 million treasure[/i][/size][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Stars of Coli][columns][outfit=1870667][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][item=Nebula Starsilk Circlet][item=Nebula Starsilk Cloak][item=Nebula Starsilk Earrings][item=Nebula Starsilk Scarf][item=Nebula Starsilk Shawl][item=Nebula Starsilk Sleeves][item=Nebula Starsilk Socks][item=Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap][item=Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes][br][br][i]Nebula Starsilk Circlet, Nebula Starsilk Cloak, Nebula Starsilk Earrings, Nebula Starsilk Scarf, Nebula Starsilk ShawlNebula Starsilk SleevesNebula Starsilk SocksNebula Starsilk TailwrapNebula Starsilk Wingdrapes[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Nature's Stars][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Verdant Starsilks[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Stars of Rain][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Rainbow Starsilk Circlet, Rainbow Starsilk Cloak, Rainbow Starsilk Earrings, Rainbow Starsilk Scarf, Rainbow Starsilk Shawl, Rainbow Starsilk Sleeves, Rainbow Starsilk Socks, Rainbow Starsilk Tailwrap, Rainbow Starsilk Wingdrapes[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Arcane][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Starsighted, Accent: Gifts from Above, Skin: Galactic Devourer, Skin: Celestial Vapors, Accent: Stardust Witch[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Earth][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Salt King, Accent: Topographic, Accent: Obsidian Amendments, Accent: Rockoco, Skin: Veined Marble[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Fire][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Molten Velvet, Skin: Flaming Wraith, Accent: Ethereal Phoenix, Accent: Warforged, Skin: Copper Melt[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Ice][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Permafrost Prison, Accent: Shard of the Ancients, Accent: Ice Queen, Accent: Frozen Guilts, Skin: Winterwatch[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Light][columns][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][br][br][i]Accent: Ichor Breakout, Accent: Lightlock, Accent: Omniscient, Skin: Bring the Eclipse, Accent: Pixie and Whisper[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Lightning][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Porcelain Automaton, Accent: Spire Hunter, Skin: Corporate Warfare, Skin: Electro Fluff, Accent: Zappy Zap[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Nature][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Burnt Honey, Accent: Grow Nouveau, Skin: Green Miracle, Skin: Chromatic Predator, Skin: Overflowing Energy[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Plague][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Vanitas, Accent: Blood Mancer, Skin: Sickness Sprite, Accent: Toxoplasmosis, Accent: Smog Keeper[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Shadow][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Loaded Dice, Accent: Future Seer, Accent: Wispwillow Spirit, Accent: Nightingale, Skin: Crescent Gargoyle[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Water][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Sluggish, Accent: Koi Medium, Skin: Fasciatus, Accent: DeepSea Dweller, Accent: Undrowned[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Wind][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Eye of the Breeze, Skin: Esteemed Aeromancer, Accent: Reedcleft Ascendant, Accent: Wind's Calling, Skin: Twisted Bamboo[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Arcane 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Fractured Cosmos, Accent: Potion Accident, Skin: Wild Magic, Accent: Falling Star, Skin: Starwood blossom[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Earth 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Born From Stone, Accent: Sand Swirl, Skin: Crystalcourt Acolyte, Accent: Precious Veins, Skin: Rock Formation[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Fire 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Pyromanticist, Accent: FireFire, Accent: Forge Flare, Skin: Igneus Praesidium, Skin: Flowing Ash[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Ice 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: countertenor, Accent: Cold-Hearted Prince, Skin: Unfettered, Accent: Frost Thruster, Skin: Frozen Figure[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Light 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Sunchaser, Accent: Prismatic Sunrise, Accent: Enchanted Collector, Skin: Inner Light, Accent: Sol Seraph[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Lightning 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Thunder, Skin: Abandoned Factory, Accent: Mechanical Medical Myste, Accent: Mechanical Valkyrie, Skin: Brass Centurion[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Nature 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Veiled Rainbowwing, Accent: Magnolia Maypole, Skin: Fauna de la lune, Accent: Verdant Adaptations, Accent: Sneaky Succulents[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Plague 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Bottled Terror, Accent: Fae Decay, Skin: Shepherd of Affliction, Skin: Acid Bath, Accent: Bone Garden[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Shadow 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Thing in the Closet, Accent: Silent Growth, Accent: mirror mirror on the wal, Accent: Stellae Umbrarum, Accent: Masquerade Night[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Water 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Skin: Undersea Angler, Accent: Amphitrite, Skin: Ghost Ship, Accent: Poisonous, Skin: Noodlebranch[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Painted Wind 2][columns][outfit=][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Accent: Fluttering Breeze, Accent: Breath of the Wind, Skin: Wind's Grace, Accent: Wild Sprite, Accent: Heart of the Hurricane[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Ghoulish Vibrancy][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Spectral Fuchsia Trunk[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Twilight Follower][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Night Sky Bundle[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=The Old Magic][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Enchanter's Tatters[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Dragon's Dowry][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Jewelry Box[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Delicate Finery][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Pastel Lace Anklet, Pastel Lace Collar, Pastel Lace Headpiece, Pastel Lace Ribbons, Pastel Lace Tail Ornament, Pastel Lace Waist Frill, Pastel Lace Wristlet, Pastel-Edged Claw[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Flamesilk Regalia][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Gossamer Flame Regalia, Vista: Gossamer Flame[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Tenured Funnyman][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Sarcastic Jester's Motley[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Cambion Conception][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Fiendflesh Terrorbox[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Scorpion's Cloth][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Sinister Intent[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=She Looks Killer][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Murderous Footpads, Murderous Gambeson, Murderous Gloves, Murderous Hood, Murderous Vial, Murderous Tools, Murderous Presence[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=The Most Frightening Colour][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Eerie Cyan Clawrings, Eerie Cyan Forejewels, Eerie Cyan Ghastcrown, Eerie Cyan Grasp, Eerie Cyan Nightshroud, Eerie Cyan Pendants, Eerie Cyan Taildecor[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Wearable Soundproofing][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Echo Eater Armet, Echo Eater Flightshroud, Echo Eater Forecallouses, Echo Eater Grimplate, Echo Eater Hindcallouses, Echo Eater Spikescarf, Echo Eater Tailspine, Echo Eater Tasset[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Gem Collecting][columns]x[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][i]Fiendish Emerald Trunk, Unearthly Onyx Trunk, Bewitching Ruby Trunk, Haunting Amber Clawrings, Haunting Amber Forejewels, Haunting Amber Ghastcrown, Haunting Amber Grasp, Haunting Amber Nightshroud, Haunting Amber Pendants, Haunting Amber Taildecor[/i][/center][/columns][/quote][br][br]
xxMost X Prizesxx
Most Levels wrote:
Golden Bantam Fangar

Golden Bantam Fangar

Most Dragons wrote:


Most 1T Levels wrote:
Red-Footed Akirbeak

Red-footed Akirbeak

xxMain Raffle Prizesxx

Nature vs. Plague wrote:

Unhatched Nature Egg, Plague Sprite, Nature Sprite, Unhatched Plague Egg

Guy Fiery wrote:

Fire Sprite

The Ref wrote:

Arcane Sprite

Upper Management wrote:

Lightning Sprite

Mom's Favourite wrote:

Plague Sprite

The High Geologist wrote:

Earth Sprite

Cryszard wrote:

Ice Sprite

Little Pogchamp wrote:

Shadow Sprite

Not the Ref wrote:

Wind Sprite

Baby Shark wrote:

Water Sprite

Lifebringer wrote:

Nature Sprite

The First Shine wrote:

Sunchaser Jewelry

The First Storm wrote:

Electricians Power Pack

The First Ember wrote:

Metallurgists Forgetools

The First Star wrote:

Archivists Spellscroll

The First Sneeze wrote:

Boneyard Tatters

The First Stonechip wrote:

Eroded Crystalhide

The First Frost wrote:

Frigid Fugitive Shackles

The First Trick wrote:

Tricktrouper Crown

The First Breeze wrote:

Windbound Plumage

The First Wave wrote:

Thresher Flatfins

The First Flower wrote:

Naturalist Adornments

Show Your Pride wrote:

Illuminated Armband, Electricians Armband, Searing Armband, Starseer Armband, Infectionist's Armband, Stonekeeper Armband, Frigid Armband, Shady Armband, Whirlwind Armband, Diver ArmbandDruidic Armband

Show Your Colours wrote:

Illuminated Sash, Electrified Sash, Searing Sash, Starseer's Sash, Infectionist's Sash, Stonekeeper Sash, Frigid Sash, Shady Sash, Whirlwind Sash, Diver Sash, Druidic Sash

Magical Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Arcane Egg, Crystalspine Gem Guardian, Wild Magic Chest

Diseased Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Plague Egg, Contagion Gem Guardian, Mushroom Bloom Chest

Frozen Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Ice Egg, Frigid Gem Guardian, Winter Spirits Chest

Buried Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Earth Egg, Shattered Plain Gem Guardian, Quartz Reef Chest

Shining Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Light Egg, Sundial Gem Guardian, Solarium Chest

Sparking Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Lightning Egg, Highland Gem Guardian, Beast of Metal Chest

Molten Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Fire Egg, Emberglow Gem Guardian, Kawah Ijen Chest

Hidden Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Shadow Egg, Driftwood Gem Guardian, Moths to Smoke Chest

Floating Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Wind Egg, Zephyr Gem Guardian, Here be Dragons Chest

Sunken Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Water Egg, Tsunami Gem Guardian, Koi Medium Chest

Overgrown Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Nature Egg, Everbloom Gem Guardian, Loveblooms Eternal Chest

Nightbound Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Nocturne Egg, Breed Change: Nocturne, Tertiary Gene: Smirch

Alchemical Treasure wrote:

Unhatched Bogsneak Egg, Breed Change: Bogsneak

Terrible Claw wrote:

Breed Change: Wildclaw

Downy Wing wrote:

Breed Change: Coatl

Desert Emperor wrote:

Primary Gene: Pharaoh

Entombed Emperor wrote:

Secondary Gene: Sarcophagus

Hymenoptera wrote:

Primary Gene: Wasp

Honey Gather wrote:

Secondary Gene: Bee

Blooming Patterns wrote:

Primary Gene: Petals

Emergence wrote:

Secondary Gene: Butterfly

Pretty Poison wrote:
x xxxx

NvP Exclusive - Skin: Poisonous Symbiosis

Pretty Poison 2 wrote:
x xxxx

NvP Exclusive - Skin: Poisonous Symbiosis

Take Care wrote:
x xxxx

Breed Change: Tundra, Accent: Hazard Disciple

Blending wrote:
x xxxx

Skin: Red Witch

Dipped In wrote:
x xxxx

Skin: Contaminated Brew

Don't Venture Far wrote:
x xxxx

Breed Change: Mirror, Accent: Necropolis Explorer

Tangled wrote:
x xxxx

Breed Change: Pearlcatcher, Accent: Ram Roses

Planted wrote:
x xxxx

Accent: Jungle Queen

Caught Inside wrote:
x xxxx

Accent: Zone 128, Breed Change: Obelisk

Plentiful Pickings wrote:
x xxxx

Breed Change: Snapper, Skin: Grapefruit Harvest

Fairy Light wrote:
x xxxx

Skin: Fairy Flowers

Moonspun wrote:
x xxxx

Accent: Blooming Moon

They're So Fluffy wrote:

Downy Fox Rat, Fawn Fox Rat

Firefly Jar wrote:

Vista: Twilight Firefly, Tertiary Gene: Firefly, Firebug

Time to Weave wrote:

Tertiary Gene: Blossom (Gaoler)

Candypink wrote:

20x Pretty Pink Mums, Cherry Blossom Caterpillar

Gecko Love wrote:

Friend Gecko, Cosmo Gecko, Bubble Brook Gecko, Princess Petal Gecko, Watermelon Coleus Gecko, Vista: Baldwin's Brew

Froggy Love wrote:
x xxxx

Regenerating Reedjumper, Terror Toad, Marsh Frog Companion, Horned Frog Companion, Desert Rain Frog Companion, Poison Dart Frog Companion, Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion, Toad Companion

Freaky Friday wrote:

Infectionist's Armband, Druidic Armband, Blight Nymph, Flower Nymph

Gone But Not Lost wrote:

Loga, Dripcave Deputy, Slight Eyewing, Miniature Sornieth Globe, Willowmane Deerling

Fiona's Darlings wrote:

Ornamental Eyewing, Deepwater Traveller, Marshfowl, Turbocharged Creeper, Guardian Foo

Training Days wrote:

Unhatched Bogsneak Egg, Scene: Training Fields, Amaranth Moth, Bluelight Chipskink, Brown-Spotted Mith, Bumble, Ceanothus Brawler, Chipskink, Coral Carpenter, Crimson Emperor, Dark Sparrowmouse, Deaths-Head Stag, Ember Mouse, Emerald Webwing, Frosted Pocketmouse, Glowing Pocket Mouse, Leafy Moth, Luna Mith, Mith Bruiser, Primrose Mith, Ragepuff, Ruby Webwing, Satin Pocketmouse, Silky Webwing, Sweetpuff, Webwing Alpha, Yellow Sparrowmouse, Vista: Training Fields, Vista: Training Fields II

Forest Party wrote:

Unhatched Nature Egg, Autumn Dryad, Bamboo Phytocat, Basilisk, Blooming Strangler, Bluefin Charger, Clown Charger, Cockatrice, Coral Basilisk, Crimson Emperor, Deaths-Head Stag, Dryad, Greenroot Janustrap, Grouse Basilisk, Janustrap, Leafy Moth, Sakura Owl, Strangler, Wildwood Owl, Vista: Woodland Path

Scorched Spoils wrote:

Unhatched Fire Egg, Vista: Scorched Forest, Augite Protector, Banded Owlcat, Centaur Archer, Clown Charger, Crowned Bonepriest, Extinguished Jackalope, Moss-Covered Golem, Painted Centaur, Rambra, Red-Winged Owlcat, Searing Jackalope, Smoke Gyre, Steam Gyre, Umberhorn Qiriq, Wintermane Bowman, Wintermane Spearman, Zeeba

Sandswept Struggles wrote:

Unhatched Light Egg, Scene: Sandswept Delta, Buff Dunerunner, Carmine Serthis, Charcoal Kitsune, Crowned Bonepriest, Desert Strangler, Dunerunner, Dusk Fuiran, Fan Scorpion, Fennec Kitsune, Fuiran, Gabboon Viperpillar, Greatshell, Iridescent Scaleback, Masked Gryphon, Nightsky Fuiran, Opheodrys Serthis, Peacock Scorpion, Prickly Strangler, Redtail Gryphon, Sanddrift Fuiran, Scaleback, Serthis Alchemist, Serthis Potionmaster, Shadow Serpent, Shattered Serpent, Storm Seeker, Tricolor Viperpillar, Vista: Sandswept Delta

Blooming Boons wrote:

Scene: Blooming Grove, Alstroemeria Fox, Aspen Gall Dryad, Barkskin Watcher, Buttercup Strangler, Five-Toed Pilco, Flora Cerdae, Flowering Pohip, Frostbite Dryad, Fungi Sage, Grove Piper, Lilium Floron, Maned Cerdae, Moonlight Fungi, Mossy Pohip, Myosotis Fox, Palefoot Tadhop, Petalmane Floron, Rosaline Strangler, Ruffletail Tadhop, Spotted Faun, Sunbeam Dryad, Terra Tortoise, Travelling Garden, Venomtooth Pilco, White Rot Deer, Wood Ear Deer, Vista: Blooming Grove

Forgotten Rock wrote:

Ancient Fungus, Bell Goat, Blue Dragon Snail, Blueband Duelist, Bramble Guardian, Burrow Bear, Cave Lantern, Centaur Berserker, Citrine Jewel, Corpse Cleaner, Creeping Cluster, Crimson Reef Snail, Cursed Bat, Dire Claw, Deepmine Aardvark, Djamor Bat, Dwarf Truffle, Emerald Jewel, Ostreatus Bat, Parasitic Fungus, Peacevine Aardvark, Polarized Bell Goat, Runic Bat, Stonestomp Spearmaiden, Swiftfoot Slayer, Swiftstride Soldier, Venomblade Assassin, Vista: Forgotten Cave

Bamboo Stroll wrote:

Unhatched Wind Egg, Baku, Blacktalon Striker, Carmine Serthis, Dream Eater, Ethereal Trickster, Fungalhoof Qiriq, Gale Wolf, Hainu, Mantled Foo, Opheodrys Serthis, Raptorik Warrior, Red-Breasted Hainu, Tengu, Tigerblood Foo, Trick-of-the-Light, Umbra Wolf, Wandering Surge Priest, Vista: Bamboo Falls

Thundering War wrote:

Ampelope, Condorwing Champion, Coursing Skira, Dire Vulture, Dustfeather Sphinx, Falconclaw Warrior, Flesh Forager, Golden Lionsnake, Grassland Skira, Greattusk, Heckling Hydrena, King Quillrunner, Magpie Sphinx, Pale Greattusk, Plainstrider Bard, Quillrunner, Rabid Grinfin, Raptorik Herder, Raptorik Wanderer, Rockback Charger, Roundhorn Rager, Roving Lionsnake, Starry Ampelope, Thunderstomp, Unburdened Billy, Wintermane Minstrel, Vista: Thunderhead Savanna

Pirate's Cove wrote:

Coast Charger, Coastline Sawbeak, Dainty Wavehopper, Daydream Puffer, Deeprealm Hunter, Green-Breasted Sawbeak, Highfin Sea Serpent, Igueel Matriarch, Leopard Coralclimber, Maren Defender, Maren Sorceress, Maren Spearmaiden, Mirage Puffer, Mottled Sea Serpent, Murkbottom Gull, Noxious Coralclimber, Oceansurf Magus, Redfin Wavespinner, Riptide Clipper, Sandshore Snipper, Spiney Whale, Surf Strider, Toxic Igueel, Tradewinds Gull, Vivid Wavehopper, Waveswell Sorcerer, Vista: Redrock Cove

River of Sewer wrote:

Blueridge Greatshell, Brown River Flight, Crested River Flight, Cumulus Seal, Dappled Seal, Everglade Lasher, Fanrat, Ghostly Rat Lord, Giant White Toridae, Goldfin River Flight, Granite Thresher, Greater Sandstrike, Grey River Flight, Maren Currentfinder, Maren Shark Hunter, Noggle, Radioactive Slime, Rainbow Sprite, Rat King, River Muck, Scaleside Noggle, Scarlet Flycatcher, Sewer Toridae, Shale Thresher, Silky Fanrat, Sludge Shifter, Sunset Lasher, Vista: Waterway, Vista: Waterway II

AK Arena wrote:

Armored Greatowl, Ashmane Chimera, Bengal Chimera, Boran Veteran, Celestial Antelope, Charcoal Sprangyroo, Chimera, Double-Tailed Warcat, Featherback Boar, Goldenplains Poodle Mith, Greenwing Razorclaw, Hulking Greatowl, Longneck Gladiator, Longneck Interloper, Longneck Magi, Longneck Mender, Longneck Scrapper, Longneck Skirmisher, Marshland Poodle Mith, Raptorik Bladedancer, Raptorik Ringmaster, Silver Springbok, Spellwall Boran, Sprangyroo, Stormclaw Showman, Undying Featherback, Warcat Protector, Vista: Arena, Vista: Arena II

Venting Sisters wrote:

Armored Duskflapper, Ashscale Ophiotaurus, Ashspine Widow, Basalt Vent Hop, Chillwind Harpy, Dreadram, Fiendcat, Firebelly Weaver, Firemane Manticore, Flamerest Fiendcat, Flamescale Illusionist, Flamescale Lancer, Flamescale Spearman, Flamescale Venomcaster, Ghost Manticore, Hydra, Ignited Imp, Magma Runner, Nightfall Imp, Ophiotaurus, Serthis Archivist, Serthis Loremaster, Spectral Duskflapper, Stormcloud Harpy, Tunnel Hydra, Ultraram, Vista: Volcanic Vents

Rainbow Monkeys wrote:

Barkback Boar, Budwing Morpho, Clown Hippocampus, Deadwood Boar, Goldenbeast, Hippocampus, King Parda, Manticore Screamer, Overcharged Silverbeast, Paradise Zalis, Parda, Petal Jumper, Proto Manticore, Ringlet Amphithere, Ultramel Amphithere, Zalis, Vista: Rainsong Jungle

Snowball Fight wrote:

Auburn Woolly Walrus, Black Wolf, Coarsefur Yeti, Bramblecrown Stoat, Bullephant, Deadwood Strangler, Elk, Frosttangle Strangler, Glassbound Gustvul, Glassbound Solarvul, Hoarfrost Mauler, Longneck Hunter, Mammophant, Maned Rasa, Nochnyr, Pebblehide Stoat, Permafrost Impaler, Poultrygeist, Shalebuck, Snowfall Elk, Snowy Owlynx, Squall Rasa, Teardrop Owlynx, Treehorn Wolpertinger, Venerable Shalebuck, Winter Wolf, Wolpertinger, Woodland Turkey, Woolly Walrus, Vista: Boreal Wood, Vista: Boreal Wood II

Shiny Rockpiles wrote:

Almandine Sturgeon, Amber Gulper, Apatite Fisher, Arctic Hippalectryon, Chalcedony Snipper, Clearwater Oracle, Crystalhide Jester, Crystalplate Stinger, Hawksbill Goliath, Hippalectryon, Maren Warlock, Moonbeam Crayfish, Rhodochrosite Crane, Sparkling Stinger, Stonewatch Prince, Windcarve Fugitive, Vista: Crystal Pools

Screaming Singers wrote:

Blue Moon Aviar, Blue Tang Hippogriff, Brush Dodo, Cardinal Hippogriff, Clouddancer, Crowned Roc, Death Seeker, Dodo, Fallen Streak, Hooded Dodo, Masked Harpy, Mesacliff Assassin, Mesacliff Harpy, Renegade Aviar, Roc, Snow Streak, Stonewatch Harpy , Storm Seeker, Sunspot Clouddancer, Windcarve Bladedancer, Windcarve Harpy, Vista: Harpy's Roost

Ghost Stories wrote:

Aer Phantom, Carrioncorn, Disoriented Spirit, Greybeak Reaper, Infestation Hound, Longneck Medium, Longneck Scholar, Nightmare, Otherworldly Aura, Pronghorn Hunter, Pronghorn Stomper, Shatterbone Vulture, Lux Spectre, Malevolent Spirit, Somber Spirit, Tatterwing Carcass, Tengu Caller, Wraith Hound, Vista: Ghostlight Ruins

Common Sight wrote:

Acid Ant, Armored Colony, Blackwing Croaker, Brilliant Psywurm, Common Podid, Fungal Garden, Furry Fiddle, Heartred Croaker, Ink Ant, Lion's Mane Seeker, Marsh Kelpie, Mistwatch Shellion, Molten Wartoad, Mossy Cerdae, Muckbottom Catfish, Poisonous Toridae, Psywurm, Salve Kamaitachi, Scythe Kamaitachi, Silt Wolf, Southmarsh Podid, Swamp Wolf, Venomous Toridae, Vilevenom Kelpie, Wartoad, Wetland Unicorn, Whisper, Vista: Mire II, Vista: Mire

Sushi Wrap wrote:

Abyss Striker, Cloud Chaser, Corrosive Depin, Depin, Golden Porpoise, Jeweled Octoflyer, Kelp Tender, Mammertee, Mantarune, Maren Ambusher, Maren Scout, Maren Warrior, Maren Wavesinger, Octoflyer, Relic Eel, Wave Sweeper, Vista: Kelp Beds

Work In Progress wrote:

Black Iron Creeper, Chromefeather Lookout, Clattercog Engineer, Construction Mith, Coppercoil Creeper, Copperplate Longmech, Frost Delver, Gearspring Pocketmouse, Geartoggle Smith, Jelly Drone, Longmech, Mechanical Destroyer, Mistral Minion, Monkey Wrench, Robotic Tender, Scrapmetal Tracker, Sentinel Mith, Sentry Squawker, Spellbound Golem, Steelhound, Stone Borer, Swift Lumen, Swift Volt, Tribeam Hunter, Tribeam Lurker, War Smith, Wind-Up Pocketmouse, Workshop Monitor, Vista: Golem Workshop

Progress Failed wrote:

Aberrant Chacma, All-Seeing Eye, Barhide Menace, Bearded Pupowl, Blushing Tangle, Calico Ferberus, Deeprealm Leon, Everburn Tangle , Fear Frog, Ferberus, Foolish Prince, Frogspawn Flyer, Giggling Planesrunner, Lap Pupowl, Medusa Leon, Mindless Flight, Portal Watcher, Sanguine Multimist, Sparksylph, Spectre Wyvern, Tattertail Bilworper, Springfoot Bilworper, Teleporting Planesrunner, Terror Toad, Void Wyvern, Vista: Forbidden Portal

Fight It Outside 1 wrote:

Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap

Fight It Outside 2 wrote:

Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap

Fight It Outside 3 wrote:

Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap

Fight It Outside 4 wrote:

Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap

Fight It Outside 5 wrote:

Eliminate, Rally, 3x Berserker, 2x Ambush, Sap

Resupply Run wrote:

99x Soldier's Supplies

Spinning Spots wrote:

Primary Gene: Skink, Secondary Gene: Spinner, Tertiary Gene: Capsule

Slime Time wrote:

Primary Gene: Slime, Secondary Gene: Sludge

Smart in Stripes wrote:

Primary Gene: Pinstripe, Secondary Gene: Trail

Made With Love wrote:

Primary Gene: Stitched, Secondary Gene: Patchwork

Careful Contact wrote:

Primary Gene: Poison, Secondary Gene: Toxin

Fae Insects wrote:

Primary Gene: Sphinxmoth (Veilspun), Secondary Gene: Hawkmoth (Veilspun), Tertiary Gene: Firefly (Veilspun)

Build A Banescale wrote:

Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Poison (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Arrow (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Squiggle (Banescale)

Build A Gaoler wrote:

Breed Change: Gaoler, Primary Gene: Ripple (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Striation (Gaoler), Tertiary Gene: Scorpion (Gaoler)

Gradient Beauty wrote:

Primary Gene: Fade, Secondary Gene: Blend, Tertiary Gene: Peacock

Grassland Camo wrote:

Primary Gene: Savannah, Secondary Gene: Safari, Tertiary Gene: Okapi

Cracked Stained Glass wrote:

Primary Gene: Mosaic, Secondary Gene: Breakup, Tertiary Gene: Crackle

Jungle's Scars wrote:

Primary Gene: Tiger, Secondary Gene: Stripes, Tertiary Gene: Smirch

Prancing Pierrot wrote:

Primary Gene: Clown, Secondary Gene: Eye Spots, Breed Change: Spiral

Abyssal Dangers wrote:

Primary Gene: Lionfish, Secondary Gene: Noxtide, Tertiary Gene: Spines

Watercolours wrote:

Primary Gene: Bar, Secondary Gene: Daub, Tertiary Gene: Underbelly

Planetary Alignment wrote:

Primary Gene: Jupiter, Secondary Gene: Saturn, Tertiary Gene: Veined

Frozen Flowers wrote:

Tertiary Gene: Blossom (Gaoler), Primary Gene: Clown (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Hex (Gaoler)

Forest Spirit wrote:

Tertiary Gene: Branches (Veilspun), Primary Gene: Jupiter (Veilspun), Secondary Gene: Web (Veilspun)

We Survived wrote:

Breed Change: Aberration, Primary Gene: Ground (Aberration), Secondary Gene: Fissure (Aberration), Tertiary Gene: Scales (Aberration)

Somethings Missing wrote:

Voltaic Halo, Conflagrant Halo, Spellwrought Halo, Contaminated Halo, Crystalcourt Halo, Glitterfreeze Halo, Murkmirth Halo, Aerborne Halo, Fathomsearch Halo, Gladegift Halo

It Shines wrote:

Luminous Halo

Queenly Allowance wrote:

1000 gems

Princely Allowance wrote:

1 million treasure

Stars of Coli wrote:
Not Found
Nebula Starsilk Circlet Nebula Starsilk Cloak Nebula Starsilk Earrings Nebula Starsilk Scarf Nebula Starsilk Shawl Nebula Starsilk Sleeves Nebula Starsilk Socks Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes

Nebula Starsilk Circlet, Nebula Starsilk Cloak, Nebula Starsilk Earrings, Nebula Starsilk Scarf, Nebula Starsilk ShawlNebula Starsilk SleevesNebula Starsilk SocksNebula Starsilk TailwrapNebula Starsilk Wingdrapes

Nature's Stars wrote:
x xxxx

Verdant Starsilks

Stars of Rain wrote:
x xxxx

Rainbow Starsilk Circlet, Rainbow Starsilk Cloak, Rainbow Starsilk Earrings, Rainbow Starsilk Scarf, Rainbow Starsilk Shawl, Rainbow Starsilk Sleeves, Rainbow Starsilk Socks, Rainbow Starsilk Tailwrap, Rainbow Starsilk Wingdrapes

Painted Arcane wrote:

Accent: Starsighted, Accent: Gifts from Above, Skin: Galactic Devourer, Skin: Celestial Vapors, Accent: Stardust Witch

Painted Earth wrote:

Skin: Salt King, Accent: Topographic, Accent: Obsidian Amendments, Accent: Rockoco, Skin: Veined Marble

Painted Fire wrote:

Accent: Molten Velvet, Skin: Flaming Wraith, Accent: Ethereal Phoenix, Accent: Warforged, Skin: Copper Melt

Painted Ice wrote:

Skin: Permafrost Prison, Accent: Shard of the Ancients, Accent: Ice Queen, Accent: Frozen Guilts, Skin: Winterwatch

Painted Light wrote:

Accent: Ichor Breakout, Accent: Lightlock, Accent: Omniscient, Skin: Bring the Eclipse, Accent: Pixie and Whisper[/center]

Painted Lightning wrote:

Skin: Porcelain Automaton, Accent: Spire Hunter, Skin: Corporate Warfare, Skin: Electro Fluff, Accent: Zappy Zap

Painted Nature wrote:

Accent: Burnt Honey, Accent: Grow Nouveau, Skin: Green Miracle, Skin: Chromatic Predator, Skin: Overflowing Energy

Painted Plague wrote:

Accent: Vanitas, Accent: Blood Mancer, Skin: Sickness Sprite, Accent: Toxoplasmosis, Accent: Smog Keeper

Painted Shadow wrote:

Accent: Loaded Dice, Accent: Future Seer, Accent: Wispwillow Spirit, Accent: Nightingale, Skin: Crescent Gargoyle

Painted Water wrote:

Accent: Sluggish, Accent: Koi Medium, Skin: Fasciatus, Accent: DeepSea Dweller, Accent: Undrowned

Painted Wind wrote:

Accent: Eye of the Breeze, Skin: Esteemed Aeromancer, Accent: Reedcleft Ascendant, Accent: Wind's Calling, Skin: Twisted Bamboo

Painted Arcane 2 wrote:

Skin: Fractured Cosmos, Accent: Potion Accident, Skin: Wild Magic, Accent: Falling Star, Skin: Starwood blossom

Painted Earth 2 wrote:

Accent: Born From Stone, Accent: Sand Swirl, Skin: Crystalcourt Acolyte, Accent: Precious Veins, Skin: Rock Formation

Painted Fire 2 wrote:

Accent: Pyromanticist, Accent: FireFire, Accent: Forge Flare, Skin: Igneus Praesidium, Skin: Flowing Ash

Painted Ice 2 wrote:

Accent: countertenor, Accent: Cold-Hearted Prince, Skin: Unfettered, Accent: Frost Thruster, Skin: Frozen Figure

Painted Light 2 wrote:

Skin: Sunchaser, Accent: Prismatic Sunrise, Accent: Enchanted Collector, Skin: Inner Light, Accent: Sol Seraph

Painted Lightning 2 wrote:

Accent: Thunder, Skin: Abandoned Factory, Accent: Mechanical Medical Myste, Accent: Mechanical Valkyrie, Skin: Brass Centurion

Painted Nature 2 wrote:

Accent: Veiled Rainbowwing, Accent: Magnolia Maypole, Skin: Fauna de la lune, Accent: Verdant Adaptations, Accent: Sneaky Succulents

Painted Plague 2 wrote:

Skin: Bottled Terror, Accent: Fae Decay, Skin: Shepherd of Affliction, Skin: Acid Bath, Accent: Bone Garden

Painted Shadow 2 wrote:

Skin: Thing in the Closet, Accent: Silent Growth, Accent: mirror mirror on the wal, Accent: Stellae Umbrarum, Accent: Masquerade Night

Painted Water 2 wrote:

Skin: Undersea Angler, Accent: Amphitrite, Skin: Ghost Ship, Accent: Poisonous, Skin: Noodlebranch

Painted Wind 2 wrote:

Accent: Fluttering Breeze, Accent: Breath of the Wind, Skin: Wind's Grace, Accent: Wild Sprite, Accent: Heart of the Hurricane

Ghoulish Vibrancy wrote:
x xxxx

Spectral Fuchsia Trunk

Twilight Follower wrote:
x xxxx

Night Sky Bundle

The Old Magic wrote:
x xxxx

Enchanter's Tatters

Dragon's Dowry wrote:
x xxxx

Jewelry Box

Delicate Finery wrote:
x xxxx

Pastel Lace Anklet, Pastel Lace Collar, Pastel Lace Headpiece, Pastel Lace Ribbons, Pastel Lace Tail Ornament, Pastel Lace Waist Frill, Pastel Lace Wristlet, Pastel-Edged Claw

Flamesilk Regalia wrote:
x xxxx

Gossamer Flame Regalia, Vista: Gossamer Flame

Tenured Funnyman wrote:
x xxxx

Sarcastic Jester's Motley

Cambion Conception wrote:
x xxxx

Fiendflesh Terrorbox

Scorpion's Cloth wrote:
x xxxx

Sinister Intent

She Looks Killer wrote:
x xxxx

Murderous Footpads, Murderous Gambeson, Murderous Gloves, Murderous Hood, Murderous Vial, Murderous Tools, Murderous Presence

The Most Frightening Colour wrote:
x xxxx

Eerie Cyan Clawrings, Eerie Cyan Forejewels, Eerie Cyan Ghastcrown, Eerie Cyan Grasp, Eerie Cyan Nightshroud, Eerie Cyan Pendants, Eerie Cyan Taildecor

Wearable Soundproofing wrote:
x xxxx

Echo Eater Armet, Echo Eater Flightshroud, Echo Eater Forecallouses, Echo Eater Grimplate, Echo Eater Hindcallouses, Echo Eater Spikescarf, Echo Eater Tailspine, Echo Eater Tasset

Gem Collecting wrote:
x xxxx

Fiendish Emerald Trunk, Unearthly Onyx Trunk, Bewitching Ruby Trunk, Haunting Amber Clawrings, Haunting Amber Forejewels, Haunting Amber Ghastcrown, Haunting Amber Grasp, Haunting Amber Nightshroud, Haunting Amber Pendants, Haunting Amber Taildecor

[center][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Prizes[/b][/color][/url][/size] [/center] [quote=Of The Stars][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G3 Imp, Unbred[br][*][size=4]Comes with apparel and skin[br][*][size=4]Lvl 25, unstoned[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Jaded][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1 XYY, Unbred[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Unstoned [br][*][size=4]Comes with familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Autumn Spook][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Gened, Unbred[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Fully Stoned[br][*][size=4]Comes with familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Murky Depths][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Gened, Unbred[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Unstoned[br][*][size=4]Comes with familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Silver Mine][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Unbred[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Unstoned[br][*][size=4]Comes with familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=More Light][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, Multigaze[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Unstoned[br][*][size=4]Comes with familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Vermillion Stars][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, Special ID[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Unstoned[br][*][size=4]Comes with familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Full of Soup][columns][b]CLAIMED[nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Unbred, Fully Gened, Water Primal[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Unstoned[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Perfectly Camouflaged][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Unbred, Fully Gened[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Wine in Front of Me][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Unbred, Fully Gened[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Abyssal Beast][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, XXY, Water Multigaze[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Breeze Blessing][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, XXY, Wind Multigaze[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Ball Lightning][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, XXY, Lightning Primals[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Tropical Treat][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, XYY[br][*][size=4]G3 Zinovia Lineage[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Ruby and Sapphire][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, XXY, Plague Multigaze[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Lite Brite][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, Light Multigaze[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Magician's Companion][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Unbred, Fully Gened[br][*][size=4]Comes Dressed[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Wispwillows][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]G1, Unbred[br][*][size=4]Comes Dressed[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=L O V E][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred, Arcane Primal[br][*][size=4]Comes Dressed[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Fiendish][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]XXY, Unbred [br][*][size=4]Gen 4 Ignis Line[br][*][size=4]Comes Dressed[br][*][size=4]Comes with Familiar[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Turkey Eater][columns][b]CLAIMED[/b][nextcol][list][*][size=4]Unbred[br][*][size=4]Level 25, Unstoned[br][*][size=4]Comes with Fam and Apparel[/list][/columns][/quote][br][br][quote=Looking Dead][center][img][/img][br][br][size=2][i]3 Adopt Set by Gwythaint[/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Painting Time][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Painted Bust by Fantelle[/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Chirping Chibies][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Chibi by librariesrpunk[br][br][/i][b][size=4]Claimable 1 time.[/size][i][/b][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Keeping Symmetrical][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Symmetrical Bust by 0hzarks[/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Done and Sketched][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Sketch Bust by Phenri[/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Colouring In][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Coloured Bust by Phenri[/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Custom skin from Phenri] [center][b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Unique Familiar][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][size=2][i]Badges by Kahvinporo[br][br][/i][b][size=4]Claimable 1 time.[/size][i][/b][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Treasure shopping with Phenri][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Gem shopping with Phenri][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][/center][/quote][br][br][quote=Climbing Higher][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote][br][br][quote=Double Trouble][center][br][br][b]CLAIMED[/b][br][br][/i][b][size=4][/size][/b][i][/center][/size][/i][/quote][br][br][quote=Stoned and All][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/size][/i][/quote][br][br][quote=Growing Crystals][center][b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/size][/i][/quote][br][br]

Of The Stars wrote:
  • G3 Imp, Unbred
  • Comes with apparel and skin
  • Lvl 25, unstoned

Jaded wrote:
  • G1 XYY, Unbred
  • Level 25, Unstoned
  • Comes with familiar

Autumn Spook wrote:
  • G1, Gened, Unbred
  • Level 25, Fully Stoned
  • Comes with familiar

Murky Depths wrote:
  • G1, Gened, Unbred
  • Level 25, Unstoned
  • Comes with familiar

Silver Mine wrote:
  • G1, Unbred
  • Level 25, Unstoned
  • Comes with familiar

More Light wrote:
  • Unbred, Multigaze
  • Level 25, Unstoned
  • Comes with familiar

Vermillion Stars wrote:
  • Unbred, Special ID
  • Level 25, Unstoned
  • Comes with familiar

Full of Soup wrote:
  • G1, Unbred, Fully Gened, Water Primal
  • Level 25, Unstoned
  • Comes with Familiar

Perfectly Camouflaged wrote:
  • G1, Unbred, Fully Gened
  • Comes with Familiar

Wine in Front of Me wrote:
  • G1, Unbred, Fully Gened
  • Comes with Familiar

Abyssal Beast wrote:
  • Unbred, XXY, Water Multigaze
  • Comes with Familiar

Breeze Blessing wrote:
  • Unbred, XXY, Wind Multigaze
  • Comes with Familiar

Ball Lightning wrote:
  • Unbred, XXY, Lightning Primals
  • Comes with Familiar

Tropical Treat wrote:
  • Unbred, XYY
  • G3 Zinovia Lineage
  • Comes with Familiar

Ruby and Sapphire wrote:
  • Unbred, XXY, Plague Multigaze
  • Comes with Familiar

Lite Brite wrote:
  • Unbred, Light Multigaze
  • Comes with Familiar

Magician's Companion wrote:
  • G1, Unbred, Fully Gened
  • Comes Dressed
  • Comes with Familiar

Wispwillows wrote:
  • G1, Unbred
  • Comes Dressed
  • Comes with Familiar

L O V E wrote:
  • Unbred, Arcane Primal
  • Comes Dressed
  • Comes with Familiar

Fiendish wrote:
  • XXY, Unbred
  • Gen 4 Ignis Line
  • Comes Dressed
  • Comes with Familiar

Turkey Eater wrote:
  • Unbred
  • Level 25, Unstoned
  • Comes with Fam and Apparel

Looking Dead wrote:

3 Adopt Set by Gwythaint

Painting Time wrote:

Painted Bust by Fantelle

Chirping Chibies wrote:

Chibi by librariesrpunk

Claimable 1 time.

Keeping Symmetrical wrote:

Symmetrical Bust by 0hzarks

Done and Sketched wrote:

Sketch Bust by Phenri

Colouring In wrote:

Coloured Bust by Phenri

Custom skin from Phenri wrote:

Unique Familiar wrote:

Badges by Kahvinporo

Claimable 1 time.

Treasure shopping with Phenri wrote:

Gem shopping with Phenri wrote:

Climbing Higher wrote:

Double Trouble wrote:


Stoned and All wrote:

Growing Crystals wrote:

[center][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=#ab0c0f]Intro[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Rules[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Spreadsheet[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Badges[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Flowers[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Daily Raffle[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Prizes[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#0c910c][b]Credits[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ab0c0f]Plague OOF Hub[/color][/url][/size][/center] A huge thanks to all of our artists that contributed to the out-of-flight raffle and PB! [list][*]Daily badges by cotardsolution [*]Tiered badges and flower graphics by Phenri [*]1t badges and divider by Wolfdawn [*]Banner and headers by DepressoDad [*]Payout header by Gavix[/list] And thank you to all of the members of the Rot Squad, for teaching me the ropes, for organizing this push, and dealing with my many questions! Thank you to the receivers for handling all these dragons! Thank you to the OOFers who've offered their support to us! Thank you to our many artists, who have donated their time and creativity to make all of our events and prizes so exciting. Thank you to every plagueling who's donated items and currency towards this push and to Plague Dominance! And thank you to Nature Flight, without whom this battle would not be possible. =:) [center][img][/img][/center]

A huge thanks to all of our artists that contributed to the out-of-flight raffle and PB!
  • Daily badges by cotardsolution
  • Tiered badges and flower graphics by Phenri
  • 1t badges and divider by Wolfdawn
  • Banner and headers by DepressoDad
  • Payout header by Gavix

And thank you to all of the members of the Rot Squad, for teaching me the ropes, for organizing this push, and dealing with my many questions!

Thank you to the receivers for handling all these dragons! Thank you to the OOFers who've offered their support to us! Thank you to our many artists, who have donated their time and creativity to make all of our events and prizes so exciting. Thank you to every plagueling who's donated items and currency towards this push and to Plague Dominance!

And thank you to Nature Flight, without whom this battle would not be possible. =:)
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