
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [Winners Drawn] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[center][url=][b]Main[/b][/url] | [url=]Payout[/url] | [url=]Guidelines[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Dailies[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=][u]Spreadsheet[/u][/url] [size=5][b][url=]Winners Drawn[/url].[/b][/size] [img][/img] [size=2]Banner by @/Lumenwood[/size][/center] Welcome to the [b]Thundercrack Carnival 2021 Out-of-Flight Raffle - [/b]! The raffle will run from [b]July 18th to 24th[/b]. [i]Dragons all across Sornieth are coming together, crackling with excitement and anticipation for this year’s annual celebration of the Lightning Flight: the Thundercrack Carnivale! Bracing themselves for the rumbling fury of the famously stormy weather of the Shifting Expanse, the visitors and Lightning Flight members alike are surprised to discover that this year things are curiously...silent? Thunderheads have cleared and lightning is no longer lighting up the sky; a rare shift in wind patterns and fronts has provided clear skies for the Carnivale! The unusual weather conditions are treating the celebrants to extraordinary unobstructed views of the night sky, and with those, sparkling displays of the heavens. Stars, celestial bodies, and constellations not seen for millenia are now visible once again, and the glow of the night sky enhances the natural beauty of the Shifting Expanse. Lightning astronomers, peering at the clear skies, begin to discover a wealth of new constellations and views of the cosmos they never imagined were hidden behind the raging storms. What has caused this meteorological anomaly? Could it have something to do with the mysterious reactor tucked away in the far reaches of the Expanse? Or perhaps the leyline disturbances sending shockwaves across Sornieth? Though the skies are clear, the truth remains clouded...[/i]
Main | Payout | Guidelines | Badges | Dailies | Prizes | Spreadsheet

Winners Drawn.

Banner by @/Lumenwood

Welcome to the Thundercrack Carnival 2021 Out-of-Flight Raffle - !
The raffle will run from July 18th to 24th.

Dragons all across Sornieth are coming together, crackling with excitement and anticipation for this year’s annual celebration of the Lightning Flight: the Thundercrack Carnivale! Bracing themselves for the rumbling fury of the famously stormy weather of the Shifting Expanse, the visitors and Lightning Flight members alike are surprised to discover that this year things are curiously...silent?

Thunderheads have cleared and lightning is no longer lighting up the sky; a rare shift in wind patterns and fronts has provided clear skies for the Carnivale! The unusual weather conditions are treating the celebrants to extraordinary unobstructed views of the night sky, and with those, sparkling displays of the heavens. Stars, celestial bodies, and constellations not seen for millenia are now visible once again, and the glow of the night sky enhances the natural beauty of the Shifting Expanse. Lightning astronomers, peering at the clear skies, begin to discover a wealth of new constellations and views of the cosmos they never imagined were hidden behind the raging storms.

What has caused this meteorological anomaly? Could it have something to do with the mysterious reactor tucked away in the far reaches of the Expanse? Or perhaps the leyline disturbances sending shockwaves across Sornieth? Though the skies are clear, the truth remains clouded...
[center][url=]Main[/url] | [url=][b]Payout[/b][/url] | [url=]Guidelines[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Dailies[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=][u]Spreadsheet[/u][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][size=5][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/size][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][size=5][b]Who's Online Sheet[/b][/size][/url] [img][/img] Check the [url=]spreadsheet [/url]for the most up-to-date payouts and who is online![/center] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]Level[/b] h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25[/size] [/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]Treasure[/b] 2,500 t 6,000 t 6,000 t 6,000 t 7,000 t 8,500 t 10,000 t 11,500 t 13,000 t 14,500 t 16,000 t 17,500 t 19,000 t 20,500 t 22,000 t 23,500 t 25,000 t 26,500 t 28,000 t 29,500 t 31,000 t 32,500 t 34,000 t 35,500 t 37,000 t 39,750 t[/size] [/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]Gem[/b] 2 g 5 g 5 g 5 g 5 g 7 g 8 g 9 g 10 g 12 g 13 g 14 g 15 g 17 g 18 g 19 g 20 g 22 g 23 g 24 g 25 g 27 g 28 g 29 g 30 g 33 g[/size] [/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]Tickets[/b] 10 tx 10 tx 20 tx 30 tx 40 tx 50 tx 60 tx 70 tx 80 tx 90 tx 100 tx 110 tx 120 tx 130 tx 140 tx 150 tx 160 tx 170 tx 180 tx 190 tx 200 tx 210 tx 220 tx 230 tx 240 tx 250 tx[/size] [/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]1t Tickets[/b] 30 tx 30 tx 60 tx 90 tx 120 tx 150 tx 180 tx 210 tx 240 tx 270 tx 300 tx 330 tx 360 tx 390 tx 420 tx 600 tx 640 tx 680 tx 720 tx 760 tx 800 tx 840 tx 880 tx 920 tx 960 tx 1,000 tx[/size] [/center] [/columns] [b][size=4]Tickets may also be bought at 1,000 treasure or 1 gem each.[/size][/b]
Main | Payout | Guidelines | Badges | Dailies | Prizes | Spreadsheet




Who's Online Sheet


Check the spreadsheet for the most up-to-date payouts and who is online!

ec1fdee64c.png ec1fdee64c.png ec1fdee64c.png ec1fdee64c.png ec1fdee64c.png ec1fdee64c.png
2,500 t
6,000 t
6,000 t
6,000 t
7,000 t
8,500 t
10,000 t
11,500 t
13,000 t
14,500 t
16,000 t
17,500 t
19,000 t
20,500 t
22,000 t
23,500 t
25,000 t
26,500 t
28,000 t
29,500 t
31,000 t
32,500 t
34,000 t
35,500 t
37,000 t
39,750 t
2 g
5 g
5 g
5 g
5 g
7 g
8 g
9 g
10 g
12 g
13 g
14 g
15 g
17 g
18 g
19 g
20 g
22 g
23 g
24 g
25 g
27 g
28 g
29 g
30 g
33 g
10 tx
10 tx
20 tx
30 tx
40 tx
50 tx
60 tx
70 tx
80 tx
90 tx
100 tx
110 tx
120 tx
130 tx
140 tx
150 tx
160 tx
170 tx
180 tx
190 tx
200 tx
210 tx
220 tx
230 tx
240 tx
250 tx
1t Tickets
30 tx
30 tx
60 tx
90 tx
120 tx
150 tx
180 tx
210 tx
240 tx
270 tx
300 tx
330 tx
360 tx
390 tx
420 tx
600 tx
640 tx
680 tx
720 tx
760 tx
800 tx
840 tx
880 tx
920 tx
960 tx
1,000 tx

Tickets may also be bought at 1,000 treasure or 1 gem each.
[center][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Payout[/url] | [url=][b]Guidelines[/b][/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Dailies[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=][u]Spreadsheet[/u][/url] [img][/img][/center] [LIST=1] [*]This raffle is open to all [b]non-Lightning members[/b]. Sparks, please enter into the [url=]In-Flight Raffle[/url]. [*]This raffle starts at [b]00:30 FRT on July 18th[/b] and ends at [b]23:45 FRT on July 24th[/b]. Dragons and currency will not be accepted for tickets before the start time and after the end time. [LIST] [*]If you are sending a dragon with a daily exalt bonus, please send the Private Auction/1-way CR or accept the 2-way CR before [b]23:30 FRT[/b] to ensure that our attendants can record and exalt it in time. [/LIST] [*]We're also selling raffle tickets! Tickets are [b]1000t/1g[/b] each. Please send @DeadlyInformant a CR or PM with the amount of currency and the number of tickets you want to buy. Please ensure to let them know it is for the Lightning raffle. [*]Earn more tickets by sending in dragons for 1t via Private Auction, or via 1-way Crossroads. [LIST] [*]You will earn 3x the tickets for levels 1-14, and 4x tickets for levels 15-25 [/LIST] [*]Math is not required, but can make things go a lot faster! [*][b]Drawing info:[/b] [LIST] [*]After the push ends, [b]all participants will be pinged once[/b] to the thread with a request to check ticket numbers for accuracy. Please ping @DeadlyInformant if you notice any mistakes. [*]The first round will be picking prizes on [b]Wednesday, July 28th[/b]. [*]Drawing will be done using [*]All winners will be drawn at once in a live drawing. [*]Winners will go in rounds of 10 each to give prize choices. [*]Winners have [b]24 hours[/b] to respond with a list of preferred prizes. [LIST] [*]If 24 hours have passed, any winners who has not posted a list will be bumped to the [b]top of the next round[/b]. [*]If someone does not respond twice they will be dropped as a winner and another person will be drawn. [/LIST] [*]Participants can only win [b]one prize[/b], unless every other participant has already won a prize. Then everyone gets put back into the drawing pot and the process begins again! [*]Participants who change their usernames should contact @DeadlyInformant before the live drawing starts. [/LIST] [*]Got any questions or concerns? Contact @DeadlyInformant! [/LIST]
  1. This raffle is open to all non-Lightning members. Sparks, please enter into the In-Flight Raffle.

  2. This raffle starts at 00:30 FRT on July 18th and ends at 23:45 FRT on July 24th. Dragons and currency will not be accepted for tickets before the start time and after the end time.
    • If you are sending a dragon with a daily exalt bonus, please send the Private Auction/1-way CR or accept the 2-way CR before 23:30 FRT to ensure that our attendants can record and exalt it in time.
  3. We're also selling raffle tickets! Tickets are 1000t/1g each. Please send @DeadlyInformant a CR or PM with the amount of currency and the number of tickets you want to buy. Please ensure to let them know it is for the Lightning raffle.
  4. Earn more tickets by sending in dragons for 1t via Private Auction, or via 1-way Crossroads.
    • You will earn 3x the tickets for levels 1-14, and 4x tickets for levels 15-25
  5. Math is not required, but can make things go a lot faster!
  6. Drawing info:
    • After the push ends, all participants will be pinged once to the thread with a request to check ticket numbers for accuracy. Please ping @DeadlyInformant if you notice any mistakes.
    • The first round will be picking prizes on Wednesday, July 28th.
    • Drawing will be done using
    • All winners will be drawn at once in a live drawing.
    • Winners will go in rounds of 10 each to give prize choices.
    • Winners have 24 hours to respond with a list of preferred prizes.
      • If 24 hours have passed, any winners who has not posted a list will be bumped to the top of the next round.
      • If someone does not respond twice they will be dropped as a winner and another person will be drawn.
    • Participants can only win one prize, unless every other participant has already won a prize. Then everyone gets put back into the drawing pot and the process begins again!
    • Participants who change their usernames should contact @DeadlyInformant before the live drawing starts.
  7. Got any questions or concerns? Contact @DeadlyInformant!
[center][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Payout[/url] | [url=]Guidelines[/url] | [url=][b]Badges[/b][/url] | [url=]Dailies[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=][u]Spreadsheet[/u][/url] [img][/img][/center] These are our daily badges, you can earn them by sending in at least one dragon each day of the push. If you miss a day, you can make up for it by sending in 5 1-way dragons. Badges by @Stormdragon. [center][size=5][b]Sunday[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]Monday[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]Tuesday[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]Wednesday[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]Thursday[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]Friday[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]Saturday[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] The original concept for the tiered badges is by @Avariea! Dragons from Lightning's Out-of-Flight Raffle or Prodartivity all count towards these badges. [center] [size=5][b]5 Levels or 1 Dragon[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]50 Levels or 10 Dragons[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]100 Levels or 20 Dragons[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]250 Levels or 50 Dragons[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]500 Levels or 100 Dragons[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [size=5][b]750 Levels or 150 Dragons[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code]

These are our daily badges, you can earn them by sending in at least one dragon each day of the push. If you miss a day, you can make up for it by sending in 5 1-way dragons.

Badges by @Stormdragon.







The original concept for the tiered badges is by @Avariea! Dragons from Lightning's Out-of-Flight Raffle or Prodartivity all count towards these badges.

5 Levels or 1 Dragon

50 Levels or 10 Dragons

100 Levels or 20 Dragons

250 Levels or 50 Dragons

500 Levels or 100 Dragons

750 Levels or 150 Dragons
[center][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Payout[/url] | [url=]Guidelines[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=][b]Dailies[/b][/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=][u]Spreadsheet[/u][/url] [img][/img][/center] Every day there will be a daily prize, drawn from one random OOF participant who sent in at least one dragon that day. The more dragons you send in, the more tickets you have towards that day's daily prize! [center] [quote=Sunday] [item=Crystalhide Treads] Crystalhide Treads [/quote] [quote=Monday] [item=Goldslab Headdress][item=Goldslab Wingspan] Goldslab Headdress, Goldslab Wingspan [/quote] [quote=Tuesday] [item=Tri-Color Scatterscroll][item=Tri-Color Scatterscroll] Tri-Color Scatterscroll x2 [/quote] [quote=Wednesday] [item=Tertiary Gene: Koi] Tertiary Gene: Koi [/quote] [quote=Thursday] [item=Tertiary Gene: Glimmer] Tertiary Gene: Glimmer [/quote] [quote=Friday] [item=Breed Change: Obelisk] Breed Change: Obelisk [/quote] [quote=Saturday] [item=Dachshund][item=French Bulldog] Dachshund, French Bulldog [/quote]

Every day there will be a daily prize, drawn from one random OOF participant who sent in at least one dragon that day. The more dragons you send in, the more tickets you have towards that day's daily prize!

Sunday wrote:
Crystalhide Treads

Crystalhide Treads
Monday wrote:
Goldslab Headdress Goldslab Wingspan

Goldslab Headdress, Goldslab Wingspan
Tuesday wrote:
Tri-Color Scatterscroll Tri-Color Scatterscroll

Tri-Color Scatterscroll x2
Wednesday wrote:
Tertiary Gene: Koi

Tertiary Gene: Koi
Thursday wrote:
Tertiary Gene: Glimmer

Tertiary Gene: Glimmer
Friday wrote:
Breed Change: Obelisk

Breed Change: Obelisk
Saturday wrote:
Dachshund French Bulldog

Dachshund, French Bulldog
[center][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Payout[/url] | [url=]Guidelines[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Dailies[/url] | [url=][b]Prizes[/b][/url] | [url=][u]Spreadsheet[/u][/url] [img][/img] [center] [img][/img]
[center][color=teal]Let's do this! Bumpity bump bump~[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Let's do this! Bumpity bump bump~

Woah, the daily badges are so cute! I cannot wait to collect them all… [emoji=spiral star size=1]
Woah, the daily badges are so cute! I cannot wait to collect them all…
thundercrack approaches!! >:D
thundercrack approaches!! >:D
wj6EHY6.png __ vfUEUMi.png zLLQDMW.png oMDWJr6.png __
click a jar to donate to causes for free!


Sending over some leveled fodder for some tickets :)
Sending over some leveled fodder for some tickets :)
Wishlist can be found here