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TOPIC | Happy Hatchery: Free Support Dergs!

Omg the one with the cake!

My signature is a Fluffy too!

Omg the one with the cake!

My signature is a Fluffy too!

@OrchardOfStone I’d have to say, YouTube is a great place for inspiration. Especially for artist! You see, I work with clay sculptures and find quite a bit of inspiration online and within video games such as World of Warcraft. One of my favorite youtubers is probably this [url=] guy![/url] He’s an animator. All of videos are hilarious to watch and could bring you in a good mood within seconds! His main audience target is kids but still, really fun to watch. He doesn’t upload often dew to animating every one of his videos but it’s worth giving a video a try! He’s also pretty relatable. I was wondering if I’d be able to adopt this lovely dude! He reminds me of a villain. Perhaps Hades? Oh yeah Percy Jackson along with the whole 2 series after is also really good book to cope With! Rick Riordan packs the books full of action,adventure, kindness, and.. mythology. Lots of mythology. The whole book is just mythology. But it’s an amazing series to read and really pulls you in! Oh yeah back to this guy. I’d love to adopt him/purchase if he’s Available! He’d probably be Hades, (God of the underworld) or Thanatos (Keeper of the doors of death) [url=] [img][/img]
@OrchardOfStone I’d have to say, YouTube is a great place for inspiration. Especially for artist! You see, I work with clay sculptures and find quite a bit of inspiration online and within video games such as World of Warcraft. One of my favorite youtubers is probably this guy! He’s an animator. All of videos are hilarious to watch and could bring you in a good mood within seconds! His main audience target is kids but still, really fun to watch. He doesn’t upload often dew to animating every one of his videos but it’s worth giving a video a try! He’s also pretty relatable. I was wondering if I’d be able to adopt this lovely dude! He reminds me of a villain. Perhaps Hades? Oh yeah Percy Jackson along with the whole 2 series after is also really good book to cope With! Rick Riordan packs the books full of action,adventure, kindness, and.. mythology. Lots of mythology. The whole book is just mythology. But it’s an amazing series to read and really pulls you in! Oh yeah back to this guy. I’d love to adopt him/purchase if he’s Available! He’d probably be Hades, (God of the underworld) or Thanatos (Keeper of the doors of death)

Hi, everyone. I found the thread by accident (because I clicked on the signature picture of @Schingiuire) and I almost cried reading what the meaning of the thread is. Which is why I'm here posting something for myself and for everyone who might read this. Initially I thought I could have listed something I was grateful for, but as someone who's habit is to spiral down awful thoughts, I know it can be hard to find something. So I'm telling you about my boyfriend. He is here on FR as well, too. We met a few years ago and we got along very well, ending up loving each other and deciding to be a couple after almost half a year of being besties. He made me suffer a lot through the first year and I ended up leaving him because it looked like he wasn't able to love me as I needed. A couple of months later we started talking again and we got together again. Why? Because he showed me he could change to love me as I needed and almost automatically I changed as well, beginning to open up to him with my problems, to ask for help or simply ask for consolation. He ended up being my safe house. He's my best friend and I love him as much as he loves me, and I try to help him as much as he helps me. Yes, we still have problems, yes, we still argue, but we found a way to coexist and to improve together as individuals and as a couple. I won't ever be able to thank him enough. I also have two best friends, who I love and cherish because they're fantastic girls who helped me get up and be better by simply being by my side. ----- Beside persons, something else that helped me cope is reading. Because of this, I'm recommending two book series I absolutely love and will alway re-read whenever I need to. The first is one who all probably know: Hunger Games. I loved it, not because it's a dystopian scifi series of books, but because of Katniss. She's real, and not the classic beautiful heroic protagonist, she makes mistakes and she has emotions, she loves and needs people, she hurts others, she has real problems and the author shows her during the coping fase of her life. Reading the books remembers me that you can be broken and fragile, you can lose people and still be okay someday. One day, things will be okay; not perfect, but okay and you will be fine, and happy, and be able to smile and love your own life. Because eventually, after all you've gone through, it will get better. The sun's gonna shine again. The second book series is "A Court of Thorns and Roses", by Sarah J Maas. The protagonist reminds me in part of Katniss, because she has real emotions and she has problems and a difficult family, but she finds a way. She learns to love, to build her own family, she addresses her problems because her friends know she has to or she'll never heal from them. The books show that you can cope on your own, or you can ask for help; some people may close the door in your face, but other won't. Other will lend you their hend and will hug you, and let you cry, and scream, and vent until you have nothing left inside. Then, they will help you get full again but with happiness, with beautiful memories, with smiles, and music, and dance, and arts. You can get better. ----- In my life, I lost lots of people. I lost friends, family members, people I didn't know but I looked up to. Loss can hurt, loss can destroy you and leave you with nothing but heartache. I'm used to bottle up all these negative emotions, but eventually, they'll come out. When I broke up with my boyfriend, it took me a month and half to face the emotions that came with it. I found myself often crying and hugging myself because my chest felt empty, and cold, and in pain. I didn't lose people just because they died. I lost lots of them because they chose to leave me alone. Because they didn't want to stay with me anymore. I had a friend, who was like a soulmate to me, leave me because some other friends convinced her my views on some topic were "toxic". She blocked me everywhere, even her, on FR. I feel like things are not done between us, I need more explanations, and I need to know how she's doing, if she ever regretted leaving me, but I know any of this will ever happen. I know she's done with it, she's done with me. I don't know how to cope with this kind of loss, because it will never have an end. If anyone has any suggestion, please tell me, because sometimes I found myself thinking about it and not being able to breathe. ----- Flight Rising has helped me cope, anyway. I have not been diagnosed with depression, but a few specialists told me that that's probably what I have. Depression, emotional deficiency, anxiety and panic attacks and a visceral fear of being rejected and left alone, which is why I naturally tend to close off and stay away from people on my own. But on FR things are better. I love dragons, I've always have, and creating new scrys, designing new outfits are what really inspires me. I managed to create one of my OCs (who's also a kind of self insert into my Original Fictional World, in a book I'm writing). Her name is Nachtmerrie, which means "nightmare" in Dutch, if I remember correctly. That's because I often have nightmares who can make me wake up crying in the morning, who can leave me with fear and pain. But my own Nachtmerrie is beautiful and I love her immensely. [img][/img] My progens are fantastic as well, they're Eridor and Banshee and I love them. Eridor is literally a dragon in one of my other books, and he's almost as I pictured him! I've been on FR for four years, now, but I just have started designing outfits and geneing dragons, which is why I've just started improving the aspects of my progens. Being on FR and meeting such amazing people in the forums makes me happy and have a warm feel in my chest, so I'll keep coming back. ----- Last thing! As a coping mechanism I have for my anxiety, I collect plushies. Warm little plushies! They're soft and smooth and hugging them and rubbing their velvety fabric on my lips helps me calm down. If not the lips, then the cheek. Hugs help too, I sometimes calm down because my boyfriend is just hugging me from behind. Having someone I trust behind my back really makes me feel safe. ----- @OrchardOfStone Can I adopt him? [img][/img]
Hi, everyone.
I found the thread by accident (because I clicked on the signature picture of @Schingiuire) and I almost cried reading what the meaning of the thread is. Which is why I'm here posting something for myself and for everyone who might read this.

Initially I thought I could have listed something I was grateful for, but as someone who's habit is to spiral down awful thoughts, I know it can be hard to find something. So I'm telling you about my boyfriend. He is here on FR as well, too. We met a few years ago and we got along very well, ending up loving each other and deciding to be a couple after almost half a year of being besties. He made me suffer a lot through the first year and I ended up leaving him because it looked like he wasn't able to love me as I needed. A couple of months later we started talking again and we got together again. Why? Because he showed me he could change to love me as I needed and almost automatically I changed as well, beginning to open up to him with my problems, to ask for help or simply ask for consolation.
He ended up being my safe house.
He's my best friend and I love him as much as he loves me, and I try to help him as much as he helps me. Yes, we still have problems, yes, we still argue, but we found a way to coexist and to improve together as individuals and as a couple. I won't ever be able to thank him enough.

I also have two best friends, who I love and cherish because they're fantastic girls who helped me get up and be better by simply being by my side.

Beside persons, something else that helped me cope is reading. Because of this, I'm recommending two book series I absolutely love and will alway re-read whenever I need to.
The first is one who all probably know: Hunger Games. I loved it, not because it's a dystopian scifi series of books, but because of Katniss. She's real, and not the classic beautiful heroic protagonist, she makes mistakes and she has emotions, she loves and needs people, she hurts others, she has real problems and the author shows her during the coping fase of her life. Reading the books remembers me that you can be broken and fragile, you can lose people and still be okay someday. One day, things will be okay; not perfect, but okay and you will be fine, and happy, and be able to smile and love your own life. Because eventually, after all you've gone through, it will get better. The sun's gonna shine again.

The second book series is "A Court of Thorns and Roses", by Sarah J Maas. The protagonist reminds me in part of Katniss, because she has real emotions and she has problems and a difficult family, but she finds a way. She learns to love, to build her own family, she addresses her problems because her friends know she has to or she'll never heal from them. The books show that you can cope on your own, or you can ask for help; some people may close the door in your face, but other won't. Other will lend you their hend and will hug you, and let you cry, and scream, and vent until you have nothing left inside. Then, they will help you get full again but with happiness, with beautiful memories, with smiles, and music, and dance, and arts. You can get better.

In my life, I lost lots of people. I lost friends, family members, people I didn't know but I looked up to. Loss can hurt, loss can destroy you and leave you with nothing but heartache. I'm used to bottle up all these negative emotions, but eventually, they'll come out.
When I broke up with my boyfriend, it took me a month and half to face the emotions that came with it. I found myself often crying and hugging myself because my chest felt empty, and cold, and in pain.
I didn't lose people just because they died. I lost lots of them because they chose to leave me alone. Because they didn't want to stay with me anymore. I had a friend, who was like a soulmate to me, leave me because some other friends convinced her my views on some topic were "toxic". She blocked me everywhere, even her, on FR. I feel like things are not done between us, I need more explanations, and I need to know how she's doing, if she ever regretted leaving me, but I know any of this will ever happen. I know she's done with it, she's done with me. I don't know how to cope with this kind of loss, because it will never have an end. If anyone has any suggestion, please tell me, because sometimes I found myself thinking about it and not being able to breathe.

Flight Rising has helped me cope, anyway. I have not been diagnosed with depression, but a few specialists told me that that's probably what I have. Depression, emotional deficiency, anxiety and panic attacks and a visceral fear of being rejected and left alone, which is why I naturally tend to close off and stay away from people on my own. But on FR things are better. I love dragons, I've always have, and creating new scrys, designing new outfits are what really inspires me. I managed to create one of my OCs (who's also a kind of self insert into my Original Fictional World, in a book I'm writing). Her name is Nachtmerrie, which means "nightmare" in Dutch, if I remember correctly. That's because I often have nightmares who can make me wake up crying in the morning, who can leave me with fear and pain.
But my own Nachtmerrie is beautiful and I love her immensely.


My progens are fantastic as well, they're Eridor and Banshee and I love them. Eridor is literally a dragon in one of my other books, and he's almost as I pictured him! I've been on FR for four years, now, but I just have started designing outfits and geneing dragons, which is why I've just started improving the aspects of my progens.

Being on FR and meeting such amazing people in the forums makes me happy and have a warm feel in my chest, so I'll keep coming back.

Last thing!
As a coping mechanism I have for my anxiety, I collect plushies. Warm little plushies! They're soft and smooth and hugging them and rubbing their velvety fabric on my lips helps me calm down. If not the lips, then the cheek.
Hugs help too, I sometimes calm down because my boyfriend is just hugging me from behind. Having someone I trust behind my back really makes me feel safe.

Can I adopt him?
G1 Sale Thread | Nacht | She/Her/Them | FR +9
Wow this thread hit me right in the feels.

I have been diagnosed with anxiety, and while not diagnosed I think I'm on the ADHD spectrum somewhere, I'm pretty sure I'm a Highly Sensitive Person, and I definitely have depression. Some days, for a variety of reasons, can be a challenge - which is something I'm sure a lot of folks can identify with here.

It's taken me a long time to find a few strategies that work for me. One is breathing. I found I just couldn't mediate, even after trying apps and how to videos, because I couldn't shut my brain up. But when I began counting my breaths (the "square breathing" method), I focused on the counting and it not only slowed my breathing, it helped me relax.

Sometimes I can get into a funk. I don't want to socialize, I don't want to leave my house, I don't have the energy to even go shopping for food. So I go to YouTube and find cat videos, or I listen to some of my favorite songs. My current favorite is one that, when I hear it, I can't help but sing along to and it cheers me quite a bit. It also helps that the video has a theme of getting oneself up out of adversity; "The World Is Watching" by Within Temptation. (specifically the version guest-starring Piotr. He looks like a derp but holy cow, the emotion).

Something that also helps me when I'm in a funk is to get out of my current routines and get into nature. There's a park not far from my house that incorporates a small beach. I love to go out there, listen to the water and smell the salt, and just soak in nature. Nature helps. Even if it's only getting out to walk past a few trees, a little bit of nature can help reset my mood. One day, it was the fact there were four or five sea lions sitting out on a buoy barking and being generally obnoxious. Realizing that the sea lions didn't care at all about my issues and they were just out there doing their stupid sea lion thing helped so much, somehow.

Yesterday, I was walking past a bunch of stores and there was a new clothing store on the block. They had a sandwich board sign outside with a chibi octopus painted on it that said "You look great today." It made me smile. Walking back the other way, a half hour later, the other side of the sign said "You are smart and make good choices."

Those rando messages from a rando sign made me feel so good about myself. I'm not sure how to pass that on, but sometimes, even just a random compliment can really brighten someone's day, and maybe it's someone who could really use that boost.

I don't have a support derg personally, but now I'm eyeing my whole lair wondering if someone is and I just hadn't realized it yet. Thanks for this thread! :D
Wow this thread hit me right in the feels.

I have been diagnosed with anxiety, and while not diagnosed I think I'm on the ADHD spectrum somewhere, I'm pretty sure I'm a Highly Sensitive Person, and I definitely have depression. Some days, for a variety of reasons, can be a challenge - which is something I'm sure a lot of folks can identify with here.

It's taken me a long time to find a few strategies that work for me. One is breathing. I found I just couldn't mediate, even after trying apps and how to videos, because I couldn't shut my brain up. But when I began counting my breaths (the "square breathing" method), I focused on the counting and it not only slowed my breathing, it helped me relax.

Sometimes I can get into a funk. I don't want to socialize, I don't want to leave my house, I don't have the energy to even go shopping for food. So I go to YouTube and find cat videos, or I listen to some of my favorite songs. My current favorite is one that, when I hear it, I can't help but sing along to and it cheers me quite a bit. It also helps that the video has a theme of getting oneself up out of adversity; "The World Is Watching" by Within Temptation. (specifically the version guest-starring Piotr. He looks like a derp but holy cow, the emotion).

Something that also helps me when I'm in a funk is to get out of my current routines and get into nature. There's a park not far from my house that incorporates a small beach. I love to go out there, listen to the water and smell the salt, and just soak in nature. Nature helps. Even if it's only getting out to walk past a few trees, a little bit of nature can help reset my mood. One day, it was the fact there were four or five sea lions sitting out on a buoy barking and being generally obnoxious. Realizing that the sea lions didn't care at all about my issues and they were just out there doing their stupid sea lion thing helped so much, somehow.

Yesterday, I was walking past a bunch of stores and there was a new clothing store on the block. They had a sandwich board sign outside with a chibi octopus painted on it that said "You look great today." It made me smile. Walking back the other way, a half hour later, the other side of the sign said "You are smart and make good choices."

Those rando messages from a rando sign made me feel so good about myself. I'm not sure how to pass that on, but sometimes, even just a random compliment can really brighten someone's day, and maybe it's someone who could really use that boost.

I don't have a support derg personally, but now I'm eyeing my whole lair wondering if someone is and I just hadn't realized it yet. Thanks for this thread! :D

The square breathing method has helped me out tremendously. It's awesome to see someone else use it with success!!

Would you like a support derg from my for sale or Needs home tabs? You could also pick from @OrchardOfStone 's adopt me tab!

The square breathing method has helped me out tremendously. It's awesome to see someone else use it with success!!

Would you like a support derg from my for sale or Needs home tabs? You could also pick from @OrchardOfStone 's adopt me tab!
@Schingiuire I'm so glad it works for you! Yeah, I wish I'd figured it out before now - it's amazing how fast it can work. Even two breaths in and I can feel my shoulders relax. I wish I could remember to do it more often. :D I hadn't actually thought about adopting! The last thing I need is one more derg, but of course I went and looked, and he looks so fuzzy and soft and in need of a buddy, too and I can't resist. You'll need to take the items off first, but might I take this boy home? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I'm so glad it works for you! Yeah, I wish I'd figured it out before now - it's amazing how fast it can work. Even two breaths in and I can feel my shoulders relax. I wish I could remember to do it more often. :D

I hadn't actually thought about adopting! The last thing I need is one more derg, but of course I went and looked, and he looks so fuzzy and soft and in need of a buddy, too and I can't resist.

You'll need to take the items off first, but might I take this boy home?



(Sorry for the delay!)

Thank you for sharing so much! And for adding a link to your profile so other people can share coping strategies/their experiences. It sounds like literature and people are really important to you, and I’m glad to hear that they’ve helped you through some tough times!

I’ll send that big tree derg your way! Hope you enjoy him!

(Sorry for the delay!)

Thank you for sharing so much! And for adding a link to your profile so other people can share coping strategies/their experiences. It sounds like literature and people are really important to you, and I’m glad to hear that they’ve helped you through some tough times!

I’ll send that big tree derg your way! Hope you enjoy him!


That purple fuzzball is the son of a lore dragon, who is the grandson of another lore dragon and the great grandson of the crazy man in my signature. I'll send him your way in a couple hours ^^

That purple fuzzball is the son of a lore dragon, who is the grandson of another lore dragon and the great grandson of the crazy man in my signature. I'll send him your way in a couple hours ^^