
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | BYE!! Dragon/Familiars/Apparel Giveaway
I was wondering if I could have Rosemary? maybe some armor and some things that you don't need anymore too?
I was wondering if I could have Rosemary? maybe some armor and some things that you don't need anymore too?
@rion123 Autumn and her apparel are lovely, is she available?
@rion123 Autumn and her apparel are lovely, is she available?
I really love Eleos and Snowflake (with or without apparel)
I really love Eleos and Snowflake (with or without apparel)
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It's sad you're leaving, but good luck in real life!

I am in love with Whisper and Karat. Are they still available?

Thank you SO very much! I'm still a poor newbie x ) I wanted to join this site for well over a year, so when I finally caught a sign up week in November I was immediately in love! I was quickly discouraged at how expensive everything was, though. So I always appreciate threads like this! Thank you!


Can I please have the following (It looks like a lot, but they're not all rare!):

Marigold Flowerfall (For Whisper!)
Inkwell Feathered wings
Violet Flowerfall
Will o the ember
Little Red Riding Hood
Warmwater wanderers
Windbound mask
Sky Blue Silk Veil
Starlight Cloak
Gloom willow guide

The Morphos
Permafrost Impaler
Sparkling Goblin
Mottled Buttersnake
Seawater Savior
Stardust Scholar


It's sad you're leaving, but good luck in real life!

I am in love with Whisper and Karat. Are they still available?

Thank you SO very much! I'm still a poor newbie x ) I wanted to join this site for well over a year, so when I finally caught a sign up week in November I was immediately in love! I was quickly discouraged at how expensive everything was, though. So I always appreciate threads like this! Thank you!


Can I please have the following (It looks like a lot, but they're not all rare!):

Marigold Flowerfall (For Whisper!)
Inkwell Feathered wings
Violet Flowerfall
Will o the ember
Little Red Riding Hood
Warmwater wanderers
Windbound mask
Sky Blue Silk Veil
Starlight Cloak
Gloom willow guide

The Morphos
Permafrost Impaler
Sparkling Goblin
Mottled Buttersnake
Seawater Savior
Stardust Scholar

*Click us!*

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@Rion132 I'd love lil' Rosie and her Hippojay here if they aren't taken yet! Both would have a great place in my lair <3 (shadow is my favorite iri and hippojays have been eluding me in fishing) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I'd love lil' Rosie and her Hippojay here if they aren't taken yet! Both would have a great place in my lair <3 (shadow is my favorite iri and hippojays have been eluding me in fishing)

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@Rion132 Could I please adopt this girl? I've been looking for more circuit dragons, and I don't have many spirals. Thanks, and best wishes for 2017 C: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Rion132 Could I please adopt this girl? I've been looking for more circuit dragons, and I don't have many spirals. Thanks, and best wishes for 2017 C:

Ok, important news for anyone who wants to get the dragon/apparel/familiar.

I don't have much time and I want to giveaway everything.

In that case if you want dragon, familiar or apparel you need to write it's name in your post. (it's easier for me to find concret item when I will send it :)

There is no limit how much you can get just leave something for others. Don't me selfish. :P
Everybody who received dragon already and want something more needs just to write :)
Ok, important news for anyone who wants to get the dragon/apparel/familiar.

I don't have much time and I want to giveaway everything.

In that case if you want dragon, familiar or apparel you need to write it's name in your post. (it's easier for me to find concret item when I will send it :)

There is no limit how much you can get just leave something for others. Don't me selfish. :P
Everybody who received dragon already and want something more needs just to write :)
@rion132 Do you have any level 25s? If so I would love to have them! If you do not have any, could I ask for your [item=Mesa Mechanojets]?
Do you have any level 25s? If so I would love to have them! If you do not have any, could I ask for your Mesa Mechanojets ?
inactive! thank you for a good time on this site :)
@rion132 Can I have Eleos? And maybe one or two random pieces of apparel? :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Can I have Eleos? And maybe one or two random pieces of apparel? :)


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Im just making list of all my items :) I recommend patience :)


Sorry he's taken.

Im just making list of all my items :) I recommend patience :)


Sorry he's taken.