
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | The Giving Tree
@dRagOnixX sending a piece of apparel c:


1. Familiar I don't have
2. Stacks of anything here (even small stacks are appreciated!)
3. 10kt+
4. Iron Chest(s)
5. Ambush stone(s)
@dRagOnixX sending a piece of apparel c:


1. Familiar I don't have
2. Stacks of anything here (even small stacks are appreciated!)
3. 10kt+
4. Iron Chest(s)
5. Ambush stone(s)
20829.png __ null | he/they | FR+3
» selling / trading thread
» looking for accent wearers
» avatar dragon
@snackeater sending 15kt !

1→9kt /10 gems
2→familiars/apparel/skins from June 2016- January 2017 festivals (please i took a break during that time ;-;)
3→frogs/birds/cat apparel (not samurai apparel)
4→flower apparel (not corsages/leis)
5→16kt/30 gems
@snackeater sending 15kt !

1→9kt /10 gems
2→familiars/apparel/skins from June 2016- January 2017 festivals (please i took a break during that time ;-;)
3→frogs/birds/cat apparel (not samurai apparel)
4→flower apparel (not corsages/leis)
5→16kt/30 gems

10gems In Coming

1. 10gems
2. Any Familiars I dont have (Which is basically any)
3. Any Vista
4. Iron chest
5. A cool looking skin/ Apperal

10gems In Coming

1. 10gems
2. Any Familiars I dont have (Which is basically any)
3. Any Vista
4. Iron chest
5. A cool looking skin/ Apperal
@Mitzee sending you a familiars
1. 10 gem
2. 10kT+ (trying to expand my lair)
3. 20kt
4. Missing Black Lace Apparel
5. Raven Sylvan Wings or Cloudy Feathered Wings
@Mitzee sending you a familiars
1. 10 gem
2. 10kT+ (trying to expand my lair)
3. 20kt
4. Missing Black Lace Apparel
5. Raven Sylvan Wings or Cloudy Feathered Wings
@Mitzee WHAT
@Mitzee WHAT

Shhhh you see nothing im clearly asleep RELAXXXX

Shhhh you see nothing im clearly asleep RELAXXXX
@Emme666 sending gems

1. Decent Apparel
2. 10 gems
3. 10k treasure
4. Iron chests
5. Any Holiday Apparel
@Emme666 sending gems

1. Decent Apparel
2. 10 gems
3. 10k treasure
4. Iron chests
5. Any Holiday Apparel
Hey, wanna see a Demigod? Do ya? Well then, I think you know what to do.

Sending apparel

I need:
1. Maiden's Blush (foraging)
2. Blue Baldwin materials
3. Primal banner or Furious banner
4. 5 Grey Slime
5. 40+kt
Sending apparel

I need:
1. Maiden's Blush (foraging)
2. Blue Baldwin materials
3. Primal banner or Furious banner
4. 5 Grey Slime
5. 40+kt
sending blue material!
I hope I'm doing this right..
1. Any wooly coat (apparel)
2. 10g
3. 15kT
4. Any Feathered Wings or Any rose Apparel
5. Pink wooly coat
sending blue material!
I hope I'm doing this right..
1. Any wooly coat (apparel)
2. 10g
3. 15kT
4. Any Feathered Wings or Any rose Apparel
5. Pink wooly coat


Hello, I'm Kanna.
FR +3

Wings incoming.

Easy: Cash money. (10 Gems, 10kT)
Easy: Apperal that'd look good on a white dragon.
Medium: Any amount of unowned familiars.
Medium: Eye Apperal (Except for Light, Fire, Wind)
Hard: Enter your dragon as a Risen. Link in signature.
Wings incoming.

Easy: Cash money. (10 Gems, 10kT)
Easy: Apperal that'd look good on a white dragon.
Medium: Any amount of unowned familiars.
Medium: Eye Apperal (Except for Light, Fire, Wind)
Hard: Enter your dragon as a Risen. Link in signature.