
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Mother-of-Million's Quest
ewwwww they're gooey
ewwwww they're gooey
*wave* hi arcanite~! I love this idea ho boy do I wanna do one now. Also love the plant reference :D Keen to see her progress :3
*wave* hi arcanite~! I love this idea ho boy do I wanna do one now. Also love the plant reference :D Keen to see her progress :3
Basic to Beautiful
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@Sunlightdruid you should totally do one!!! I’m having such a blast
@Sunlightdruid you should totally do one!!! I’m having such a blast
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Bitcoin's giving herself a bit of a break this round...only two eggs in her current nest. Stay tuned to see what the little beasts will look like!!
~Bitcoin and Crypto 4ever~
Bitcoin's giving herself a bit of a break this round...only two eggs in her current nest. Stay tuned to see what the little beasts will look like!!
~Bitcoin and Crypto 4ever~
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FRESHLY MINTED BABIES!! Ruble and Kopek! Kopek beat the odds and is a non-eyeburning mix of colors! Much applause to him. As always, you can buy these lovely little bundles of money on the auction house. They've been added to the main post under 'May 8' [center][color=FF8C00]~***~[/center] [center][b]Ruble[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Kopek[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Kopek beat the odds and is a non-eyeburning mix of colors! Much applause to him.

As always, you can buy these lovely little bundles of money on the auction house. They've been added to the main post under 'May 8'
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Additional patch notes: you may have noticed (but probably not LOL bc the math is so big) but I have changed the GDP calculation process. Here are the changes:

OLD: Hatches * 7000 = GDP
(this was assuming I sold/prior hatches were sold for the default fodder floor price of 7kt)

CURRENT: Hatches * 10,000 = GDP
(This reflects the fact that I sell the hatchlings above fodder price, using a 1g:1000t conversion. This change also reflects the fact that I level to 7 and exalt the dragons that don't sell, for an average of 10kt-11kt)

Will I be recalculating the total? No. This change will only be applicable to her hatches that I've had. I am still assuming her prior keepers sold at average fodder floor price.

I will create a post describing how to replicate this project in a little while! For anyone that would like to have a super-producer of their own.

Happy earnings!
Additional patch notes: you may have noticed (but probably not LOL bc the math is so big) but I have changed the GDP calculation process. Here are the changes:

OLD: Hatches * 7000 = GDP
(this was assuming I sold/prior hatches were sold for the default fodder floor price of 7kt)

CURRENT: Hatches * 10,000 = GDP
(This reflects the fact that I sell the hatchlings above fodder price, using a 1g:1000t conversion. This change also reflects the fact that I level to 7 and exalt the dragons that don't sell, for an average of 10kt-11kt)

Will I be recalculating the total? No. This change will only be applicable to her hatches that I've had. I am still assuming her prior keepers sold at average fodder floor price.

I will create a post describing how to replicate this project in a little while! For anyone that would like to have a super-producer of their own.

Happy earnings!
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Get that bag!
Get that bag!

I wanted goopy dragons so there was a wee delay getting Ms. Bitcoin on a nest, since I messed up and had US Dollar on a different cooldown schedule than her. Oops!

Bitcoin is currently on a FOUR EGG NEST so there will be four new slimy money makers in a few days!!

ALSO if anyone starts a project like this/inspired by this, ping me! No need to credit me with the idea (for all I know someone else already did this sort of personal quest) but I'd love to cheer you and your dragons on

May the last day of May bring thee wealth...


I wanted goopy dragons so there was a wee delay getting Ms. Bitcoin on a nest, since I messed up and had US Dollar on a different cooldown schedule than her. Oops!

Bitcoin is currently on a FOUR EGG NEST so there will be four new slimy money makers in a few days!!

ALSO if anyone starts a project like this/inspired by this, ping me! No need to credit me with the idea (for all I know someone else already did this sort of personal quest) but I'd love to cheer you and your dragons on

May the last day of May bring thee wealth...

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[center][pinglist=26279][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=FF8C00]GOOD GOLDEN MORNING!!! WE HAVE HATCHLINGS!! [/b][/center] This golden quartet will be available on the AH immediately. Grab one!! Bitcoin's beautiful pumpkin primary color is strong with these kids...little Peso looks so much like her Main post has been updated with this hatch! Have a good and profitable day! [center][b]Lek[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Dinar[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Florin[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Peso[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

This golden quartet will be available on the AH immediately. Grab one!! Bitcoin's beautiful pumpkin primary color is strong with these kids...little Peso looks so much like her

Main post has been updated with this hatch! Have a good and profitable day!
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[center][b][color=FF8C00]GOOD DAY WE HAVE NEW [s]MONEY[/s] HATCHLINGS[/b][/center] Everyone say hello to Taka, Poisha, and Manat! Latest brood from Bitcoin and Crypto. For all you rare color enjoyers, Taka is [b]1/1 not exalted and 1/2 EVER[/b] in his color combo! Taka and Poisha are both named for old Bangladeshi currency, Manat is named for the Azerbaijani manat. This hatch brings us to 151/200 hatches for Bitcoin! [center] [b][color=FF8C00]Taka:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=FF8C00]Poisha: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=FF8C00]Manat: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

Everyone say hello to Taka, Poisha, and Manat! Latest brood from Bitcoin and Crypto. For all you rare color enjoyers, Taka is 1/1 not exalted and 1/2 EVER in his color combo! Taka and Poisha are both named for old Bangladeshi currency, Manat is named for the Azerbaijani manat. This hatch brings us to 151/200 hatches for Bitcoin!


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