
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | XXX clearout!
Hey all!

A while back I completed my XXX collection. I was working on getting them all outfitted, but the scope and expense of the project was growing on me. After discord broke most of my tracking post, I decided it was time to wrap things up and move on to newer endeavors. Hence: a lot of XXXs for sale!

Some are currently listed on the AH for 100g, but I am very open to other offers. A good chunk of them are still in hibden, but will be listed for 100g as I have space. There are only a few dragons I'm looking for more than 100g just based on rarity. Gems and/or treasure are both fine, also open to trading (mostly accents, genes, and apparel).

Here's a link to the XXXs in my hibden.
Annnd Here's a link to the XXXs currently listed on the AH.
Hey all!

A while back I completed my XXX collection. I was working on getting them all outfitted, but the scope and expense of the project was growing on me. After discord broke most of my tracking post, I decided it was time to wrap things up and move on to newer endeavors. Hence: a lot of XXXs for sale!

Some are currently listed on the AH for 100g, but I am very open to other offers. A good chunk of them are still in hibden, but will be listed for 100g as I have space. There are only a few dragons I'm looking for more than 100g just based on rarity. Gems and/or treasure are both fine, also open to trading (mostly accents, genes, and apparel).

Here's a link to the XXXs in my hibden.
Annnd Here's a link to the XXXs currently listed on the AH.
