
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Faded eyes missing special eyes icon
Upon hatching an Earth nest, I got a hatchling with the new Faded special eyes type, but didn't realize at first because special eyes dragons usually get a little icon next to them on the new hatch screen to indicate as such.

Only when I was going through the three hatchlings' bios a little bit later did I realize one of them had Faded, so I clicked back through my browser history to the new hatch page and confirmed there was no special eyes icon. I can't remember off the top of my head if all naturally occurring special eyes get the icon on the new hatch screen, I've had rotten luck with getting special eyes recently, but I thought it might be a good idea to bring this up as it's a newly added eye type and there might still be bugs.

I did grab a screenshot, but I'm not quite sure how to add images (other than, like, Flight Rising dragons, because they're hosted here) and what's good for image hosting.
Upon hatching an Earth nest, I got a hatchling with the new Faded special eyes type, but didn't realize at first because special eyes dragons usually get a little icon next to them on the new hatch screen to indicate as such.

Only when I was going through the three hatchlings' bios a little bit later did I realize one of them had Faded, so I clicked back through my browser history to the new hatch page and confirmed there was no special eyes icon. I can't remember off the top of my head if all naturally occurring special eyes get the icon on the new hatch screen, I've had rotten luck with getting special eyes recently, but I thought it might be a good idea to bring this up as it's a newly added eye type and there might still be bugs.

I did grab a screenshot, but I'm not quite sure how to add images (other than, like, Flight Rising dragons, because they're hosted here) and what's good for image hosting.
mack, they/he, NZ
credit to Shaniae for the earth flight graphic!
@mackelleo, what makes you think that Faded is a special eye type? Is it stated somewhere? And Imgur is a great image hosting service BTW. [emoji=gaoler happy size=1]
@mackelleo, what makes you think that Faded is a special eye type? Is it stated somewhere?

And Imgur is a great image hosting service BTW.
Actually faded eye has a special eye icon when it's not supposed to have. Same with dark and bright and pastel
Actually faded eye has a special eye icon when it's not supposed to have. Same with dark and bright and pastel
Almandine Andesine Chrysoberyl Prehnite Jade

i believe pastel/bright/faded/dark are supposed to have the special eye icon because technically they are outside of the realm of common - rare which makes them "special"

but pastel/bright notification in hatching has been bugged out for a while - sometimes it shows up on the nest hatch screen, sometimes it doesnt
i believe pastel/bright/faded/dark are supposed to have the special eye icon because technically they are outside of the realm of common - rare which makes them "special"

but pastel/bright notification in hatching has been bugged out for a while - sometimes it shows up on the nest hatch screen, sometimes it doesnt
41328.png -
cillian || adult || he/they
Candy Coated Dragons
adopts: obelisk | aether