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TOPIC | XXX Obi under/aura or XYX Mid/lead aura
Sorry the titles are a bit cut short, (I posted something a while ago and so am reposting) I am looking for two dragons with different colors
1) Midnight/lead/midnight aurora (if you have sailfin that would be cool, but I'm good without)
2) Full Obi Auraboa or Undertide (I'm not picky) pre-sailfin would be cool too. If you also have a black/black/Obi that would also work.

Otherwise, if you're selling the sailfin gene, or breed changer I'm broke but we could try and figure something out, that would be fantastic.

The genes besides sailfin don't matter as they can easily be afforded.
Sorry the titles are a bit cut short, (I posted something a while ago and so am reposting) I am looking for two dragons with different colors
1) Midnight/lead/midnight aurora (if you have sailfin that would be cool, but I'm good without)
2) Full Obi Auraboa or Undertide (I'm not picky) pre-sailfin would be cool too. If you also have a black/black/Obi that would also work.

Otherwise, if you're selling the sailfin gene, or breed changer I'm broke but we could try and figure something out, that would be fantastic.

The genes besides sailfin don't matter as they can easily be afforded.