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TOPIC | view number of completed den tasks?
so close to Hard Days Night (300), 99%! trying to figure out exactly how many more i need... i have 303 total hibden slots, 130 unlock w slots remaining, and 40 gem turn in tasks. is there a way to see how many of each kind ive completed seperatley? if there is a way to math it out i am too toasted to see it.
so close to Hard Days Night (300), 99%! trying to figure out exactly how many more i need... i have 303 total hibden slots, 130 unlock w slots remaining, and 40 gem turn in tasks. is there a way to see how many of each kind ive completed seperatley? if there is a way to math it out i am too toasted to see it.
2CnjrDd.png Rw7uKRS.png UBaiWUV.png
Currently, there are 373 item task slots and 100 gem slots. With how many slots you have remaining, that means you've claimed 243 item task slots and 60 gem slots!
Currently, there are 373 item task slots and 100 gem slots. With how many slots you have remaining, that means you've claimed 243 item task slots and 60 gem slots!
Headshot of my avatar dragon. Hyperlink heads to the dragon himself, and a link to the artist is in his bio. • ufology
@ufology thanks! love ur name!
@ufology thanks! love ur name!
2CnjrDd.png Rw7uKRS.png UBaiWUV.png