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TOPIC | Clarification on Terms of Use Conduct 12
If I made a program that, upon receiving the HTML of a Flight Rising profile page, took the information from it and rendered it in a different style (with no option to interact, just look), would that be against the Terms of Use?

also, follow up question, if the above is allowed, would making one request via PHP or something to the site to get that HTML be against the Terms? (I'm not sure how many an "excessive amount of concurrent connections" would be, it shouldn't be but I'm being safe )

[edit : this is about Conduct 12 and 13, but that wouldn't fit the title]
If I made a program that, upon receiving the HTML of a Flight Rising profile page, took the information from it and rendered it in a different style (with no option to interact, just look), would that be against the Terms of Use?

also, follow up question, if the above is allowed, would making one request via PHP or something to the site to get that HTML be against the Terms? (I'm not sure how many an "excessive amount of concurrent connections" would be, it shouldn't be but I'm being safe )

[edit : this is about Conduct 12 and 13, but that wouldn't fit the title]
regular users likely aren't gonna be able to help much with that, it sounds like something that would be best to make a ticket about via the contact us page
regular users likely aren't gonna be able to help much with that, it sounds like something that would be best to make a ticket about via the contact us page