
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | Logging out problems
Is anyone having issues with being automatically logged out after an hour?
Is anyone having issues with being automatically logged out after an hour?

Welcome to the forums! There are a few potential causes that come to mind, but the likeliest suspect is that you're "partially logged-in." Try logging out completely, then log in again.

Flight Rising currently runs on 2 different servers, whose information can become out-of-sync for a myriad of internal reasons. When this mismatch happens, some pages remember that you're logged in, while others miss the memo and assume you're logged out. Computers are weird like that.

Logging out & logging back in sends both servers a completely new request, which seems to clear up the confusion for the time being. The developers are working to shift the site to one server over time, so this problem will hopefully disappear in the future.

This bug is not time-specific, to my knowledge, but if it's the same pages giving you this problem, you might just be noticing it on a roughly hourly basis by coincidence.

If you have not logged out & logged back in, please try it now, and let us know if anything changes. If that doesn't help, or if the issue persists on a regular basis in the future, any further information about what the problem looks like would be great!

Welcome to the forums! There are a few potential causes that come to mind, but the likeliest suspect is that you're "partially logged-in." Try logging out completely, then log in again.

Flight Rising currently runs on 2 different servers, whose information can become out-of-sync for a myriad of internal reasons. When this mismatch happens, some pages remember that you're logged in, while others miss the memo and assume you're logged out. Computers are weird like that.

Logging out & logging back in sends both servers a completely new request, which seems to clear up the confusion for the time being. The developers are working to shift the site to one server over time, so this problem will hopefully disappear in the future.

This bug is not time-specific, to my knowledge, but if it's the same pages giving you this problem, you might just be noticing it on a roughly hourly basis by coincidence.

If you have not logged out & logged back in, please try it now, and let us know if anything changes. If that doesn't help, or if the issue persists on a regular basis in the future, any further information about what the problem looks like would be great!

Robin Nightmares
they/them/theirs | FR Time +0

+[Wasteland Radio Hatchery]+
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I have tried it and hope it works thank you
I have tried it and hope it works thank you