

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | New here !!!
Hi!! I'm fairly new to this, just joined today actually!! You can call me Jupiter or Cyrene!! :D
Honestly I'm not quite sure what I should be doing rn?? There's a lot of things on this site and it doesn't really point you in any certain direction..
Hi!! I'm fairly new to this, just joined today actually!! You can call me Jupiter or Cyrene!! :D
Honestly I'm not quite sure what I should be doing rn?? There's a lot of things on this site and it doesn't really point you in any certain direction..
@lethaloxygen Welcome! yeah... it's a lot. Lets see... - Check to see if your flight has a new players forum thread (you found the forum, it'd probably be under 'nature forums' for you.) - Use the which waystone to start getting an idea of what's considered a daily activity. I don't do [i]everything[/i] everyday because sometimes it's [i]too much[/i] and we're all busy [emoji=spiral laughing size=1], but try it out! It helps. You can find your which waystone on your sidebar (under library), or allll the way at the bottom of the page. Little rock with a yellow pattern. - And breed your two dragons! It's good to give it a try, even if they end up to be ugly hatchlings. You can buy some patterned dragons from the auction house for pretty cheap. Some new players guide, one from the [url=]official site staff,[/url] [url=]one from a player[/url]. And if you have any any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try to get back to you. (Sending you some stuff, hope you have fun here!)


yeah... it's a lot. Lets see...
- Check to see if your flight has a new players forum thread (you found the forum, it'd probably be under 'nature forums' for you.)
- Use the which waystone to start getting an idea of what's considered a daily activity. I don't do everything everyday because sometimes it's too much and we're all busy , but try it out! It helps. You can find your which waystone on your sidebar (under library), or allll the way at the bottom of the page. Little rock with a yellow pattern.
- And breed your two dragons! It's good to give it a try, even if they end up to be ugly hatchlings. You can buy some patterned dragons from the auction house for pretty cheap.

Some new players guide, one from the official site staff, one from a player.

And if you have any any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try to get back to you.

(Sending you some stuff, hope you have fun here!)
Welcome! Aside from what Spiraling already mentioned, check to see if Nature has any newbie welcome packages to get you started! That'll also be in your Nature Forums.

You can do pretty much anything you want, some people focus on lore, some people focus on training in the coliseum, some people breed for pretty dragons, some people focus on dressing up, etc.

You can get a lot of money in Fairgrounds when you're just starting out, and you can use that for buying dragons or other items in the Auction House. :)
Welcome! Aside from what Spiraling already mentioned, check to see if Nature has any newbie welcome packages to get you started! That'll also be in your Nature Forums.

You can do pretty much anything you want, some people focus on lore, some people focus on training in the coliseum, some people breed for pretty dragons, some people focus on dressing up, etc.

You can get a lot of money in Fairgrounds when you're just starting out, and you can use that for buying dragons or other items in the Auction House. :)
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FR +2
Dragons Sale
@Spiraling Yeah it is aha- I'll make sure to do all of that!! ^^ and tysm for the stuff you gave me!!! :D
@Spiraling Yeah it is aha- I'll make sure to do all of that!! ^^ and tysm for the stuff you gave me!!! :D