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TOPIC | How do I get the battle stone Eliminate?
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I'm reading up on how to coliseum grind and i heard the battle stone eliminate was really good. Now you see if i look in the auction house it is REALLY expensive i mean wow.. I, being poor would like to know if there's any easier way to get one or any cheaper alternatives?
I'm reading up on how to coliseum grind and i heard the battle stone eliminate was really good. Now you see if i look in the auction house it is REALLY expensive i mean wow.. I, being poor would like to know if there's any easier way to get one or any cheaper alternatives?
I believe it's only available otherwise as a rare drop from coli enemies, sadly.
I believe it's only available otherwise as a rare drop from coli enemies, sadly.
The sites database shows every possible enemy it can drop from, as it stands right now Eliminate is a very rare coliseum drop.

The choice to buy or grind is up to you but if you do choose to buy it the exalting cash will more than make up for the cost very quickly. Though I reccomend going for all the other reccomended stones for your build first instead of going headfirst into grabbing that Eliminate.

If you're not quite sure which build you plan on using then most players (including me) reccomend the build in this guide, there are certainly other builds to choose from too but as far as I'm aware this is one of the fastest that allows for bringing in two dragons for levelling at the same time.
The sites database shows every possible enemy it can drop from, as it stands right now Eliminate is a very rare coliseum drop.

The choice to buy or grind is up to you but if you do choose to buy it the exalting cash will more than make up for the cost very quickly. Though I reccomend going for all the other reccomended stones for your build first instead of going headfirst into grabbing that Eliminate.

If you're not quite sure which build you plan on using then most players (including me) reccomend the build in this guide, there are certainly other builds to choose from too but as far as I'm aware this is one of the fastest that allows for bringing in two dragons for levelling at the same time.
You can get it as loot from the Coliseum.

The Game Database has a list of enemies that can potentially drop it:
You can get it as loot from the Coliseum.

The Game Database has a list of enemies that can potentially drop it:
shadow_banner.pngA shadowy dragon which is representative of Zenzic's persona. An original design.shadow_banner.png
Imagination is the reality of our dreamscape.
i dont know much about plague- but i know light offers lvl25s to rent out to newbies, so maybe plague does the same? if so, they might be helpful in grinding some fodder in order to make money quicker and afford your own elim!
i dont know much about plague- but i know light offers lvl25s to rent out to newbies, so maybe plague does the same? if so, they might be helpful in grinding some fodder in order to make money quicker and afford your own elim!
tumblr_p575ucab9X1wvvm88o3_100.png 1vAtYxM.png
please ping me if you're responding!
I don't know what level you are but, when your team is strong enough, I recommend the Sandswept Delta. It was certainly lucky for me when I was grinding for eliminates.
I don't know what level you are but, when your team is strong enough, I recommend the Sandswept Delta. It was certainly lucky for me when I was grinding for eliminates.
April showers bring forth May flowers
Eliminate drops from neutral monsters in any stage from Blooming Grove and higher. I wouldn't recommend the Sandswept Delta for farming it, since none of the monsters drop it there (they might've at one point? but not anymore). It's a pretty rare drop regardless :(
Eliminate drops from neutral monsters in any stage from Blooming Grove and higher. I wouldn't recommend the Sandswept Delta for farming it, since none of the monsters drop it there (they might've at one point? but not anymore). It's a pretty rare drop regardless :(
Yes, Eliminate used to drop in the Delta (it might even have dropped in lower venues than that) but it hasn't for a while now. But as far as grinding for it in the Blooming Grove and higher, I found it easier to grind in a level if my dragons were one level higher. So you could start in the Grove at level 11, but you can also train there at level 12, 13, and 14 and still get some experience points. Using slightly overpowered dragons for the level makes it a little less frustrating.

There are various statting guides that focus on creating fighters that can function without an Eliminate. These can be helpful to tide you over until you do get enough to outfit your entire team. The Sedona build is one of the better-known ones, but I'm sure there are others. One of the classic statting guides for a warrior with Eliminate is here: it shows you how to build a "glass cannon", very powerful but kind of vulnerable to too many hits. I used this guide for my first successful team. (We don't talk about the one prior. I didn't know how to distribute stat points and it wasn't pretty.)

Another trick that I found very helpful when leveling a team (once they get above level 10, that is) is to level up a healer mage alongside of two warriors. The healer is basically there to keep the warriors from keeling over, and get in a swat or two now and then. My favorite healer build is the Healbot, but there's a more general healer guide here. Kiena also has a nice thread that discusses training both warriors and mages here.

Hang in there! It is possible to level up a team from scratch, it really is, even though it can be a pain. Once you've got that first team, though, it becomes much easier to level future dragons, grind for loot, or train dragons for exalt pushes.
Yes, Eliminate used to drop in the Delta (it might even have dropped in lower venues than that) but it hasn't for a while now. But as far as grinding for it in the Blooming Grove and higher, I found it easier to grind in a level if my dragons were one level higher. So you could start in the Grove at level 11, but you can also train there at level 12, 13, and 14 and still get some experience points. Using slightly overpowered dragons for the level makes it a little less frustrating.

There are various statting guides that focus on creating fighters that can function without an Eliminate. These can be helpful to tide you over until you do get enough to outfit your entire team. The Sedona build is one of the better-known ones, but I'm sure there are others. One of the classic statting guides for a warrior with Eliminate is here: it shows you how to build a "glass cannon", very powerful but kind of vulnerable to too many hits. I used this guide for my first successful team. (We don't talk about the one prior. I didn't know how to distribute stat points and it wasn't pretty.)

Another trick that I found very helpful when leveling a team (once they get above level 10, that is) is to level up a healer mage alongside of two warriors. The healer is basically there to keep the warriors from keeling over, and get in a swat or two now and then. My favorite healer build is the Healbot, but there's a more general healer guide here. Kiena also has a nice thread that discusses training both warriors and mages here.

Hang in there! It is possible to level up a team from scratch, it really is, even though it can be a pain. Once you've got that first team, though, it becomes much easier to level future dragons, grind for loot, or train dragons for exalt pushes.
Also you can get lucky in a Raffle (I did!)

And remember you can both grind and level better if you borrow a team from your Flight or this thread.
Also you can get lucky in a Raffle (I did!)

And remember you can both grind and level better if you borrow a team from your Flight or this thread.
We Want Blep! Take Our money! We Want Blep! Take Our Money!

Please note - wonky eyes & busted hands; thanks for help & patience!
If you max out Fairgrounds, it takes about four days to afford an Eliminate. That's an investment, but it's not out of reach.

Here's a short guide to a fast method for winning Glimmer and Gloom. Here's a more in-depth guide with some alternative methods on different difficulties.

You can also keep an eye out on leveled dragons in the auction house. If you check the bios, every once in awhile you'll find a dragon for sale that already has some valuable stones. Of course, you still have to afford the dragon. But starting with a trainer can save a lot of time in leveling the rest of your team, and one with stones like this is a bargain if you can find one.
If you max out Fairgrounds, it takes about four days to afford an Eliminate. That's an investment, but it's not out of reach.

Here's a short guide to a fast method for winning Glimmer and Gloom. Here's a more in-depth guide with some alternative methods on different difficulties.

You can also keep an eye out on leveled dragons in the auction house. If you check the bios, every once in awhile you'll find a dragon for sale that already has some valuable stones. Of course, you still have to afford the dragon. But starting with a trainer can save a lot of time in leveling the rest of your team, and one with stones like this is a bargain if you can find one.
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