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TOPIC | No really, I already own this familiar!
I often notice that the Marketplace says that I don’t own familiars that I definitely do.

For example, the Ragepuff: Marketplace says I don’t own this, and yet I’ve got a loyal Ragepuff (meaning I’ve had it for quite some time.)

There are other familiars that show up the same way, and I’ve definitely purchased duplicates without realizing I already had them.

I’m playing on an iPhone if that makes any difference.
I often notice that the Marketplace says that I don’t own familiars that I definitely do.

For example, the Ragepuff: Marketplace says I don’t own this, and yet I’ve got a loyal Ragepuff (meaning I’ve had it for quite some time.)

There are other familiars that show up the same way, and I’ve definitely purchased duplicates without realizing I already had them.

I’m playing on an iPhone if that makes any difference.
@lisascenic I would like to know if you're making an assumption When you say, "Marketplace says I don’t own this," do you mean the chest image [emoji=treasure chest size=1] is unlit and gray? The chest image is only lit when there is a copy of the familiar in your hoard or vault. Do you own one ragepuff that is paired with a dragon, so the Marketplace's wing image [emoji=wing size=1] is lit up? The wing image is lit when the familiar is equipped to one of your dragons. Owning only one copy of a familiar, and having that familiar paired with a dragon, means the chest image [emoji=treasure chest size=1] should be unlit and gray. If that isn't the case, something else could be in play. Maybe a caching issue or the site being split in two parts (though that's largely not an issue anymore, with most site parts having been moved to www1)
@lisascenic I would like to know if you're making an assumption

When you say, "Marketplace says I don’t own this," do you mean the chest image is unlit and gray? The chest image is only lit when there is a copy of the familiar in your hoard or vault.

Do you own one ragepuff that is paired with a dragon, so the Marketplace's wing image is lit up? The wing image is lit when the familiar is equipped to one of your dragons.

Owning only one copy of a familiar, and having that familiar paired with a dragon, means the chest image should be unlit and gray.

If that isn't the case, something else could be in play. Maybe a caching issue or the site being split in two parts (though that's largely not an issue anymore, with most site parts having been moved to www1)