
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
[center][size=7][size=4][font=Book Antiqua][b][color=965d02]The Fodder Rescue Operation[/color][/b][/font][/size][/size][/center] [center][emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/center] [font=Book Antiqua][size=3]The "Fodder Rescue Operation" (or FRO for short) is a simple charity for anyone who wants to keep any of the babies in stock for their own. I and Squeeky will on occasion take dragons sold at fodder price that deserve a better fate than being exalted, and place them in our hibernal den until a passerby wishes to keep one of these babies! Simply private message the owner of said hibernal den and we will send you a crossroad of the free bab. @crispycoacoa and @Squeeky are the founders of this project. :3 The link to Crispy's stock can be found [url=]here![/url] The link to Squeeky's stock can be found right [url=]here![/url] :3 If interested check up on the dens whenever you wanna see our stock. :3 It may move a bit slow for now since we're not that well known in the forum side of the site. TwT Each dragon obtained by the FRO will have a badge in their bio; you can use it to your liking! [center][img][/img][/center] Also this badge (obviously) will indicate that a player is a staff member of the FRO! :3 [center][img][/img][/center] Donations are welcome, but we don't expect anything in return of these babs except for a happy new home. :3 [center][emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [emoji=star size=1][/center]
The Fodder Rescue Operation

The "Fodder Rescue Operation" (or FRO for short) is a simple charity for anyone who wants to keep any of the babies in stock for their own. I and Squeeky will on occasion take dragons sold at fodder price that deserve a better fate than being exalted, and place them in our hibernal den until a passerby wishes to keep one of these babies! Simply private message the owner of said hibernal den and we will send you a crossroad of the free bab.
@crispycoacoa and @Squeeky are the founders of this project. :3

The link to Crispy's stock can be found here!
The link to Squeeky's stock can be found right here! :3

If interested check up on the dens whenever you wanna see our stock. :3
It may move a bit slow for now since we're not that well known in the forum side of the site. TwT

Each dragon obtained by the FRO will have a badge in their bio; you can use it to your liking!
Also this badge (obviously) will indicate that a player is a staff member of the FRO! :3

Donations are welcome, but we don't expect anything in return of these babs except for a happy new home. :3