

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | LF 1x1 Discord
Semilit and/or paragraph. I’m over 18 and prefer to RP with others around that age. Sometimes daily with my responses to RPs. Don’t want to be the only one coming up with ideas. Lots of OCs, lgbt characters and making random characters on the fly.

I have my own opinion on things and will try to work with you on making an rp and characters. Understand that I have a life and things to do so I won’t be available from time to time.

Interested in:

- Warrior Cats
(This rp doesn’t have to be about clan cats. I’m fine with different groups of cats like loners, rouges, kittypets, tribe cats etc. or something different than the usual stuff.)

- Animals
(Feral, anthro, magic, technology etc. Whatever really.)

- Gods&Goddesses
(I have my own pantheon of gods based off animals.)

- HTTYD (How To Train Your Dragon)
(Mainly dragons but will make humans.)

- MLP (My Little Pony)
(Nothing childish please.)

- Supernatural

- Sci-fi
Semilit and/or paragraph. I’m over 18 and prefer to RP with others around that age. Sometimes daily with my responses to RPs. Don’t want to be the only one coming up with ideas. Lots of OCs, lgbt characters and making random characters on the fly.

I have my own opinion on things and will try to work with you on making an rp and characters. Understand that I have a life and things to do so I won’t be available from time to time.

Interested in:

- Warrior Cats
(This rp doesn’t have to be about clan cats. I’m fine with different groups of cats like loners, rouges, kittypets, tribe cats etc. or something different than the usual stuff.)

- Animals
(Feral, anthro, magic, technology etc. Whatever really.)

- Gods&Goddesses
(I have my own pantheon of gods based off animals.)

- HTTYD (How To Train Your Dragon)
(Mainly dragons but will make humans.)

- MLP (My Little Pony)
(Nothing childish please.)

- Supernatural

- Sci-fi
Randomly post everyday (sometimes)!
Message for Discord or look at profile!
Randomly post everyday (sometimes)!
Message for Discord or look at profile!