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TOPIC | "Keepsakes" for dragons
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I think we should be able to add items to dragons that serve more as "keepsakes" or as a personal treasure/hoard. I feel like it would add to the customizability of dragons, and most sites like Flight Rising already have this feature. It would just be cosmetic and if the items are in the "keepsakes", they would become unusable until removed. I think it would just be nice to give some of my dragons corresponding items to their stories, apparel, and familiars. [b]EXAMPLE[/b] My dragon Czar. See his color palette and apparel? [url=][img][/img][/url] If I had a choice to give him items to hold, I would give him these. [item=Brilliant Brass Torc] [item=Antique Oil Lamp] [item=Chimera Relic] This could probably just be limited to materials and "other" items only just for simplicity. I'm not a coder and have no background in it, so I'd have no idea of how difficult this would be to implement. [b]Possible Sample[/b] [img][/img] I hope this is straight forward enough. If someone else explains this better than me or comes up with some better idea built off of this one, I'll add it here. I haven't seen this suggested before. [b]EDIT:[/b] Yes, you can put the icons in bios, but honestly, I never look at bios because of the recent update. I don't see them, therefore I don't read them or even remember they're there. Maybe this could be an option added to the bios. On other petsites, you aren't required to remove them to sell the pet so maybe it could be like that on here, and it would just give you a notification before selling or exalting the dragon. Also, I feel like there should be some point to items that can't be used for literally anything except selling or transmuting. I have a giant vault of items that will forever serve no purpose except existing because I think they're pretty. I rarely use the vault other than this purpose.
I think we should be able to add items to dragons that serve more as "keepsakes" or as a personal treasure/hoard. I feel like it would add to the customizability of dragons, and most sites like Flight Rising already have this feature.

It would just be cosmetic and if the items are in the "keepsakes", they would become unusable until removed. I think it would just be nice to give some of my dragons corresponding items to their stories, apparel, and familiars.


My dragon Czar. See his color palette and apparel?


If I had a choice to give him items to hold, I would give him these.
Brilliant Brass Torc Antique Oil Lamp Chimera Relic

This could probably just be limited to materials and "other" items only just for simplicity. I'm not a coder and have no background in it, so I'd have no idea of how difficult this would be to implement.

Possible Sample

I hope this is straight forward enough. If someone else explains this better than me or comes up with some better idea built off of this one, I'll add it here. I haven't seen this suggested before.

Yes, you can put the icons in bios, but honestly, I never look at bios because of the recent update. I don't see them, therefore I don't read them or even remember they're there. Maybe this could be an option added to the bios.

On other petsites, you aren't required to remove them to sell the pet so maybe it could be like that on here, and it would just give you a notification before selling or exalting the dragon.

Also, I feel like there should be some point to items that can't be used for literally anything except selling or transmuting. I have a giant vault of items that will forever serve no purpose except existing because I think they're pretty. I rarely use the vault other than this purpose.
@FrogWitch If it’s purely cosmetic, why not just put the item icons in the dragon’s bio?
@FrogWitch If it’s purely cosmetic, why not just put the item icons in the dragon’s bio?
Coffee Pot
May be grumpy before coffee. And after coffee. (FR+8)
What makes this different from putting this information in the dragon's bio and locking/vaulting what they hoard?
What makes this different from putting this information in the dragon's bio and locking/vaulting what they hoard?
I personally would prefer a 'gallery' for the entire lair, rather than individual dragons.

As said, for something like this, it could easily be put in the bio, and while it isn't the first thing seen when going to a dragon's page, it would make more sense, and honestly I feel it would be better to keep it there.

I can easily see 'losing' items because you put them on one of over 600 dragons you can hold and then have to go through each individual dragon in order to find that item.

I can also see this becoming annoying because you had to remove it before selling/crossroads, along with all the other things you have to remove in order to let the dragon leave your lair.

But a gallery could allow people to show off (or remove special items from their hoards without cluttering up the vault) their items if they wanted, and it could become another treasure sink, which the site needs.

You get X slots for free, and then you have to pay to unlock more slots.

You could 'customize' the gallery, such as name it, create categories for it, perhaps add dragon 'caretakers' for each category, and perhaps background for the galleries (chosen from site created backgrounds). Perhaps scenes or vistas could be reused here as well.
I personally would prefer a 'gallery' for the entire lair, rather than individual dragons.

As said, for something like this, it could easily be put in the bio, and while it isn't the first thing seen when going to a dragon's page, it would make more sense, and honestly I feel it would be better to keep it there.

I can easily see 'losing' items because you put them on one of over 600 dragons you can hold and then have to go through each individual dragon in order to find that item.

I can also see this becoming annoying because you had to remove it before selling/crossroads, along with all the other things you have to remove in order to let the dragon leave your lair.

But a gallery could allow people to show off (or remove special items from their hoards without cluttering up the vault) their items if they wanted, and it could become another treasure sink, which the site needs.

You get X slots for free, and then you have to pay to unlock more slots.

You could 'customize' the gallery, such as name it, create categories for it, perhaps add dragon 'caretakers' for each category, and perhaps background for the galleries (chosen from site created backgrounds). Perhaps scenes or vistas could be reused here as well.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
really love this idea! see this all the time on other pet sites and i think it’s fit perfectly. maybe not like the sample (it is just an example after all), but giving a little icon for a dragon would make them even more personal.
really love this idea! see this all the time on other pet sites and i think it’s fit perfectly. maybe not like the sample (it is just an example after all), but giving a little icon for a dragon would make them even more personal.
BonsaiPixels.FR_2xPlanter.png wfuYhNt.gif sale trade lore wishlist

Support. I don't get the whole 'put it in your bio' thing considering that it would make organization hell
Support. I don't get the whole 'put it in your bio' thing considering that it would make organization hell

I get too many pings, please PM if you ping and I don’t respond
No support. Use the bio.
No support. Use the bio.
[quote name="BananicornKate" date="2020-12-26 10:43:22" ] Support. I don't get the whole 'put it in your bio' thing considering that it would make organization hell [/quote] What about it is disorganized? There are plenty of bio templates that you can modify to include hoard items. For example, squidragon's bio templates have multiple slots for item icons. I use them as a mix of decoration/color matching or hoard items (example of former on [url=]this dragon[/url] and latter on [url=]this dragon[/url]). The Effluvial Crows subspecies also has bio templates with a specific section for collected trinkets (see in [url=]this post[/url]). I'm sure there's many more templates out there, but those are the ones I know off the top of my head. Don't get me wrong, it's a cute idea. But we have dragon biographies for complete customization over our dragons. I also agree with Jemadar's point about losing items. I don't even have that many permas and I still lose apparel pieces sometimes.
BananicornKate wrote on 2020-12-26 10:43:22:
Support. I don't get the whole 'put it in your bio' thing considering that it would make organization hell
What about it is disorganized?

There are plenty of bio templates that you can modify to include hoard items. For example, squidragon's bio templates have multiple slots for item icons. I use them as a mix of decoration/color matching or hoard items (example of former on this dragon and latter on this dragon). The Effluvial Crows subspecies also has bio templates with a specific section for collected trinkets (see in this post). I'm sure there's many more templates out there, but those are the ones I know off the top of my head.

Don't get me wrong, it's a cute idea. But we have dragon biographies for complete customization over our dragons. I also agree with Jemadar's point about losing items. I don't even have that many permas and I still lose apparel pieces sometimes.
[quote name="Jemadar" date="2020-12-26 10:19:10" ] I personally would prefer a 'gallery' for the entire lair, rather than individual dragons. As said, for something like this, it could easily be put in the bio, and while it isn't the first thing seen when going to a dragon's page, it would make more sense, and honestly I feel it would be better to keep it there. I can easily see 'losing' items because you put them on one of over 600 dragons you can hold and then have to go through each individual dragon in order to find that item. I can also see this becoming annoying because you had to remove it before selling/crossroads, along with all the other things you have to remove in order to let the dragon leave your lair. But a gallery could allow people to show off (or remove special items from their hoards without cluttering up the vault) their items if they wanted, and it could become another treasure sink, which the site needs. You get X slots for free, and then you have to pay to unlock more slots. You could 'customize' the gallery, such as name it, create categories for it, perhaps add dragon 'caretakers' for each category, and perhaps background for the galleries (chosen from site created backgrounds). Perhaps scenes or vistas could be reused here as well. [/quote] This. Bios are very easily organizable to include personal hoards without the need to actually use the item/s in question. Not to mention the aforementioned search through hundreds of dragons if you want to change, remove, or use the items being held if this became a thing. That aside, it's not hard to move things around in a bio to make space for a dragon's hoard, or just go to one of the many coding shops for a specific request. A gallery for the lair as a whole with this customizability could be your own actual collections and less limited for those that want dragons to have large hoards. It is more versatile than having a dragon hoard such as noted, but can also be used as such by simply naming and having the ability to link the gallery in a dragon's biography or even attach a dragon to "overlook" the hoard. Finding items here would also be as easy or as complicated as you desire, which depends on if you customize it to be specifically for each individual dragon.
Jemadar wrote on 2020-12-26 10:19:10:
I personally would prefer a 'gallery' for the entire lair, rather than individual dragons.

As said, for something like this, it could easily be put in the bio, and while it isn't the first thing seen when going to a dragon's page, it would make more sense, and honestly I feel it would be better to keep it there.

I can easily see 'losing' items because you put them on one of over 600 dragons you can hold and then have to go through each individual dragon in order to find that item.

I can also see this becoming annoying because you had to remove it before selling/crossroads, along with all the other things you have to remove in order to let the dragon leave your lair.

But a gallery could allow people to show off (or remove special items from their hoards without cluttering up the vault) their items if they wanted, and it could become another treasure sink, which the site needs.

You get X slots for free, and then you have to pay to unlock more slots.

You could 'customize' the gallery, such as name it, create categories for it, perhaps add dragon 'caretakers' for each category, and perhaps background for the galleries (chosen from site created backgrounds). Perhaps scenes or vistas could be reused here as well.

This. Bios are very easily organizable to include personal hoards without the need to actually use the item/s in question. Not to mention the aforementioned search through hundreds of dragons if you want to change, remove, or use the items being held if this became a thing. That aside, it's not hard to move things around in a bio to make space for a dragon's hoard, or just go to one of the many coding shops for a specific request.

A gallery for the lair as a whole with this customizability could be your own actual collections and less limited for those that want dragons to have large hoards. It is more versatile than having a dragon hoard such as noted, but can also be used as such by simply naming and having the ability to link the gallery in a dragon's biography or even attach a dragon to "overlook" the hoard. Finding items here would also be as easy or as complicated as you desire, which depends on if you customize it to be specifically for each individual dragon.
G3 Imperial & Lineage Hatchery (WIP)
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ANYTHING to fill up that empty space
ANYTHING to fill up that empty space
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