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TOPIC | Question about Lair Editing
Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to chose what tab new dragons go to and if so how to change that setting.
Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to chose what tab new dragons go to and if so how to change that setting.
Hi :T.
I Re read some of my old messages from long ago and it made me cringe...
unfortunately there's no way to change the tab itself, the best workaround there is is to rename the tabs you'd like to switch and move the dragons between them
unfortunately there's no way to change the tab itself, the best workaround there is is to rename the tabs you'd like to switch and move the dragons between them
Dang that sucks but good to know. Thank you
Dang that sucks but good to know. Thank you
Hi :T.
I Re read some of my old messages from long ago and it made me cringe...