Hey all, I need that sweet sweet lair space in a few days so I'm hosting a
[center][size=6] [b]~~PWYW Tab Sale~~[/b][/size][/center]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/18336/476221]Any derg on page 1 of my sales tab is up for grabs[/url]. All offers above 7k will be entertained. Ping, PM, or CR me.
First come, first served. I will hold for up to 48 hours.
[center][b]Here are some personal faves from the group.[/b]
Hey all, I need that sweet sweet lair space in a few days so I'm hosting a
~~PWYW Tab Sale~~
Any derg on page 1 of my sales tab is up for grabs. All offers above 7k will be entertained. Ping, PM, or CR me.
First come, first served. I will hold for up to 48 hours.
Here are some personal faves from the group.