
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Don't let your dreams be dreams
So I decide to pass the time until rollover training my dergs in coli. Normally, I'd train fodder to lvl9 then exalt for maximum time spent/treasure earned efficiency. So I strap two fodder to my mire flyer and begin mindlessly grinding away. On the last battle before they level up to lvl9, I get a [item=unhatched light egg] drop. [i]"Cool."[/i] I could sell it for some sweet derg cash, which is always much appreciated. But that's not the amazing part. [b]NO.[/b] What's absolutely fantastic is that 2 seconds later, [u]this[/u] appears on my screen. [img][/img] That's right folks! I've been playing this game called Dragon Hell since June 2014, and I've only just now fully completed my breeding achievements because it's taken me 5+ YEARS!!!! to get an UNHATCHED LIGHT EGG!!!! I'm sure past-me had tried desperately to complete it sooner (cuz most of the other achievements I had completed within a year of joining) but for some reason light eggs have always been the rarest, most elusively expensive items to both find and/or buy. So TLDR; no matter how long it seems, [b]YOU CAN DO THE THING[/b] if you really want to. Don't let your dreams be dreams. You're awesome kid. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. [sub][sub][sub]gonna go sleep now. wasn't expecting this at all and the happy stress is more than i can handle rn. [/sub][/sub][/sub]
So I decide to pass the time until rollover training my dergs in coli. Normally, I'd train fodder to lvl9 then exalt for maximum time spent/treasure earned efficiency. So I strap two fodder to my mire flyer and begin mindlessly grinding away.
On the last battle before they level up to lvl9, I get a Unhatched Light Egg drop.
"Cool." I could sell it for some sweet derg cash, which is always much appreciated.

But that's not the amazing part. NO.
What's absolutely fantastic is that 2 seconds later, this appears on my screen.


That's right folks! I've been playing this game called Dragon Hell since June 2014, and I've only just now fully completed my breeding achievements because it's taken me 5+ YEARS!!!! to get an UNHATCHED LIGHT EGG!!!!

I'm sure past-me had tried desperately to complete it sooner (cuz most of the other achievements I had completed within a year of joining) but for some reason light eggs have always been the rarest, most elusively expensive items to both find and/or buy.

So TLDR; no matter how long it seems, YOU CAN DO THE THING if you really want to. Don't let your dreams be dreams. You're awesome kid.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

gonna go sleep now. wasn't expecting this at all and the happy stress is more than i can handle rn.
I've found 2 eggs in all the time I've been here. The first was in my first week on here, and I didn't know the value, and I cringe so hard, and the other time I just sold the egg cus I needed cash.
I've found 2 eggs in all the time I've been here. The first was in my first week on here, and I didn't know the value, and I cringe so hard, and the other time I just sold the egg cus I needed cash.
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