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TOPIC | Calling all cosplayers: Pls do a survey?
Hey everyone! I'm a senior in college taking a statistics class, and for my final project, I'm conducting a survey on any and all cosplayers who are willing to take the survey. Although it asks demographics questions, I can assure you that all data will remain completely anonymous. I'm just looking for general trends in the cosplay population and how they differ from the general population. Thank you so much for your time if you take it, and please share with any friends who also cosplay!!

Here is the survey
Hey everyone! I'm a senior in college taking a statistics class, and for my final project, I'm conducting a survey on any and all cosplayers who are willing to take the survey. Although it asks demographics questions, I can assure you that all data will remain completely anonymous. I'm just looking for general trends in the cosplay population and how they differ from the general population. Thank you so much for your time if you take it, and please share with any friends who also cosplay!!

Here is the survey
i filled it out! (i really appreciate the consideration towards gender and sexuality)
i filled it out! (i really appreciate the consideration towards gender and sexuality)
Ollie | he/him
eGiN2Xv.png F8WMfQz.png thDLJf3.png
I did it too :)
I did it too :)