

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | Hello everyone!
My name is Aethelwolfe. My name may not suggest it, but I love me some dragons. It was a hard wait for the welcome week but I'm glad to be able to jump in now. Seems like there's a lot to the game so I'm excited.
My name is Aethelwolfe. My name may not suggest it, but I love me some dragons. It was a hard wait for the welcome week but I'm glad to be able to jump in now. Seems like there's a lot to the game so I'm excited.

Hello and welcome to Flight Rising! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

I suggest you pop over to the Guides section to learn more about the site as a newbie. A few I recommend include:

I also would suggest you start working on a Coliseum team as soon as possible! Coliseum teams are teams of dragons that fight in the Coliseum (a little self-explanatory). They can be used to level exalt fodder, basically other dragons, that you can then exalt and earn money off of. Coli drops, such as familiars, materials, and food, can be very useful to sell on the Auction House or keep for yourself. A few guides include:

Be sure to go look into your Flight forum as well; there's plenty of giveaways for newbies, and support networks that can give you dragons to start grinding with, food banks to help you get on your feet, among other things, like a mentor program! Raffles & Giveaways also has plenty of free stuff as well!

If you still have questions, head on over to the Help Center or ask me! You can get someone's attention by putting an @ in front of their username.

Hope you enjoy your time here! FR is a unique and pretty welcoming community, and I hope you find reason to stay.

Hello and welcome to Flight Rising! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

I suggest you pop over to the Guides section to learn more about the site as a newbie. A few I recommend include:

I also would suggest you start working on a Coliseum team as soon as possible! Coliseum teams are teams of dragons that fight in the Coliseum (a little self-explanatory). They can be used to level exalt fodder, basically other dragons, that you can then exalt and earn money off of. Coli drops, such as familiars, materials, and food, can be very useful to sell on the Auction House or keep for yourself. A few guides include:

Be sure to go look into your Flight forum as well; there's plenty of giveaways for newbies, and support networks that can give you dragons to start grinding with, food banks to help you get on your feet, among other things, like a mentor program! Raffles & Giveaways also has plenty of free stuff as well!

If you still have questions, head on over to the Help Center or ask me! You can get someone's attention by putting an @ in front of their username.

Hope you enjoy your time here! FR is a unique and pretty welcoming community, and I hope you find reason to stay.

Hello! Welcome to FR!

Hello! Welcome to FR!
+0 fr time
an art - a wound - a sentient canvas
Hey, thanks @LifeisaGame!

And wow, thank you for all the helpful information and resources @FloatingInSpace @.@ I'll definitely start reading through these.
Hey, thanks @LifeisaGame!

And wow, thank you for all the helpful information and resources @FloatingInSpace @.@ I'll definitely start reading through these.
@Aethelwolfe No problem! Also, your progens are really pretty! Imma just~ *shoves scrys into thread* [img][/img] [img][/img] Also, sending a little something your way! ;)

No problem! Also, your progens are really pretty! Imma just~ *shoves scrys into thread*
Also, sending a little something your way! ;)
+0 fr time
an art - a wound - a sentient canvas
welcome to the game you SILLY person @Aethelwolfe ;3
welcome to the game you SILLY person @Aethelwolfe ;3

Welcome to FR!

Welcome to FR!
Thanks for the welcomes! And thanks LifeisaGame! You're awesome. I do have to say I'm really happy with my black and gold progen xD. Was afraid of that third color roll.
Thanks for the welcomes! And thanks LifeisaGame! You're awesome. I do have to say I'm really happy with my black and gold progen xD. Was afraid of that third color roll.
Hello I joined today as well~
Hello I joined today as well~
Hey, welcome fellow newbie!
Hey, welcome fellow newbie!