I was bored, and hatched and gened some nocs two months ago. I don't need them, and it would be waste to exalt them, too.
Both are for sale in the Auction House - but if you're interested, contact me via private message, and maybe I can negotiate a better deal. I just want to get rid of them and get some of the gene value back, if possible.
I accept gems, treasure and mixed payment. Not items, maybe dragons (if gem-gened imps and between dust and rose).
Male noc, Storm Skink - Smoke Spinner - Crimson Underbelly (370 gems in AH)

Female noc, Garnet Skink - Ginger Spinner - Orange Contour (400 gems in AH)

Both are unbred.
Both are for sale in the Auction House - but if you're interested, contact me via private message, and maybe I can negotiate a better deal. I just want to get rid of them and get some of the gene value back, if possible.
I accept gems, treasure and mixed payment. Not items, maybe dragons (if gem-gened imps and between dust and rose).
Male noc, Storm Skink - Smoke Spinner - Crimson Underbelly (370 gems in AH)

Female noc, Garnet Skink - Ginger Spinner - Orange Contour (400 gems in AH)

Both are unbred.