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TOPIC | Issue with Pinkerton
Alright, it's been doing this for a couple weeks now and it only looks like this on my computer. My phone still shows what it should look like. I use chrome on both my computer and phone which just makes this weirder. It doesn't show what, if anything I'd nabbed after I click the button. All that happens is the page reloads and the button gets darker to show it'd been clicked. [img][/img]
Alright, it's been doing this for a couple weeks now and it only looks like this on my computer. My phone still shows what it should look like. I use chrome on both my computer and phone which just makes this weirder.

It doesn't show what, if anything I'd nabbed after I click the button. All that happens is the page reloads and the button gets darker to show it'd been clicked.

Clear your cache, or do a hard refresh on the page (ctrl+F5, maybe a few times), and he should appear. It's because that part of the site moved to www1 a few weeks back so the images need to update.

And don't worry about your items. You're still getting them after you clicked, just not showing up to tell you what you get that's all. You haven't missed anything.
Clear your cache, or do a hard refresh on the page (ctrl+F5, maybe a few times), and he should appear. It's because that part of the site moved to www1 a few weeks back so the images need to update.

And don't worry about your items. You're still getting them after you clicked, just not showing up to tell you what you get that's all. You haven't missed anything.
Huh. Well that was a simple fix XD Thank you, @hat17
Huh. Well that was a simple fix XD Thank you, @hat17