

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Chest drops suck. Really bad.
theres like five of these threads on the first page but mine has the raw numbers to prove it.

i have been keeping track of what chests drop since the event started. this is information collected from about 20 different accounts, so any chance that RNG being seeded by, say, one's account ID or other information and causing unique small biases is canceled out by the variety of my sample sources. when i collect data, i ask for the full number of chests opened in this session, and every single item one received from a chest be told to me.

here is my full, collected data, along with calculated percentage chance of each dropping, extrapolated from this data.

here's some summaries. it isn't pretty.
  • 98% chance to get a food item per chest. i'll repeat that. 98%. (the chances of getting each food item is very close to being equal.)
  • 24% chance to get a trinket per chest. you know, the completely useless items only good for looking kinda cool and having an autosell price. you get one of those very close to a quarter of the time.
  • 2% chance to get any one of an egg, any of the new familiars, or a scroll. the chance raises to 2.5% for any familiar instead of only the new ones. you will get something actually cool or interesting, on average, every 40-48 chests or so.
  • let's break this down further. .76% chance to get an egg. that's 1 in 131 chests. i don't coli grind due to a general dislike of the coliseum and have not even dug up 131 chests from gathering so far. the chance to get an egg is so rare that i will likely not find one from digging (i am averaging 2-12 chests dug up a day, meaning at best i may pick up around 170 chests by the end of this event.)
  • 1.6% chance to get any familiar; 1.2% chance to get a new familiar. you will get a familiar, on average, anywhere from 60 to 80 chests
  • and finally, the part everyone is waiting for: a .07% chance of getting a nocturne scroll. you have seven hundreths of a percent of a chance to get a breed-change scroll for every chest you open. i believe only three of my sample collectors have actually gotten a scroll; one was extremely lucky, another has grinded for hours every single day. It will take you, on average, 1377 chests to get a nocturne scroll.

now, compare some of these numbers together. i, simple farmer only wanting to tend to my crops, will get maybe 170 chests this event. i have an 12% chance, maybe, of getting a single one of the most desired item in this event.

i'm posting this not only to whine endlessly but also to petition to the devs to rebalance chest drops. there is literally no reason for just under a full quarter of my recorded chest drops to be completely and utterly useless. there is literally no reason to make any of the desirable items a 2% chance. this current balance locks out casual players from getting any real, worthwhile rewards from this event; i personally have never gotten an egg, familiar or scroll from any chest so far, and going off my current data, i will be lucky to get any combination of the 3.

it's not too late to fix things this year. announcing an apology and a shift in the distribution rate of chest items would i do not think be balked by anyone except perhaps hardcore players who have already opened thousands of chests. it will be a large relief for anyone who does not have the time or patience to endlessly kill mimics (and, as an aside, may help congestion issues on the site, since it seems that the coliseum is the source of many of those). i am personally suggesting (this is a rough suggestion, given that since about a quarter of the time you get two items out of a chest and i dont have a mind for statistics enough to completely figure out how to factor that in) a 75/15/10 split between food items, trinkets and eggs/familiars/scrolls, with about even chances between each food item & each trinket, and, say, 3% chance for eggs, 6% chance for familiars, and 1% chance for scrolls. this keeps the same rough rarity as before, but with an actual chance to get something good.

(PS, any users reading this: i am still taking samples! pm me with lists of what you get from chests & how many chests you opened and iw ill add it to my list!)
theres like five of these threads on the first page but mine has the raw numbers to prove it.

i have been keeping track of what chests drop since the event started. this is information collected from about 20 different accounts, so any chance that RNG being seeded by, say, one's account ID or other information and causing unique small biases is canceled out by the variety of my sample sources. when i collect data, i ask for the full number of chests opened in this session, and every single item one received from a chest be told to me.

here is my full, collected data, along with calculated percentage chance of each dropping, extrapolated from this data.

here's some summaries. it isn't pretty.
  • 98% chance to get a food item per chest. i'll repeat that. 98%. (the chances of getting each food item is very close to being equal.)
  • 24% chance to get a trinket per chest. you know, the completely useless items only good for looking kinda cool and having an autosell price. you get one of those very close to a quarter of the time.
  • 2% chance to get any one of an egg, any of the new familiars, or a scroll. the chance raises to 2.5% for any familiar instead of only the new ones. you will get something actually cool or interesting, on average, every 40-48 chests or so.
  • let's break this down further. .76% chance to get an egg. that's 1 in 131 chests. i don't coli grind due to a general dislike of the coliseum and have not even dug up 131 chests from gathering so far. the chance to get an egg is so rare that i will likely not find one from digging (i am averaging 2-12 chests dug up a day, meaning at best i may pick up around 170 chests by the end of this event.)
  • 1.6% chance to get any familiar; 1.2% chance to get a new familiar. you will get a familiar, on average, anywhere from 60 to 80 chests
  • and finally, the part everyone is waiting for: a .07% chance of getting a nocturne scroll. you have seven hundreths of a percent of a chance to get a breed-change scroll for every chest you open. i believe only three of my sample collectors have actually gotten a scroll; one was extremely lucky, another has grinded for hours every single day. It will take you, on average, 1377 chests to get a nocturne scroll.

now, compare some of these numbers together. i, simple farmer only wanting to tend to my crops, will get maybe 170 chests this event. i have an 12% chance, maybe, of getting a single one of the most desired item in this event.

i'm posting this not only to whine endlessly but also to petition to the devs to rebalance chest drops. there is literally no reason for just under a full quarter of my recorded chest drops to be completely and utterly useless. there is literally no reason to make any of the desirable items a 2% chance. this current balance locks out casual players from getting any real, worthwhile rewards from this event; i personally have never gotten an egg, familiar or scroll from any chest so far, and going off my current data, i will be lucky to get any combination of the 3.

it's not too late to fix things this year. announcing an apology and a shift in the distribution rate of chest items would i do not think be balked by anyone except perhaps hardcore players who have already opened thousands of chests. it will be a large relief for anyone who does not have the time or patience to endlessly kill mimics (and, as an aside, may help congestion issues on the site, since it seems that the coliseum is the source of many of those). i am personally suggesting (this is a rough suggestion, given that since about a quarter of the time you get two items out of a chest and i dont have a mind for statistics enough to completely figure out how to factor that in) a 75/15/10 split between food items, trinkets and eggs/familiars/scrolls, with about even chances between each food item & each trinket, and, say, 3% chance for eggs, 6% chance for familiars, and 1% chance for scrolls. this keeps the same rough rarity as before, but with an actual chance to get something good.

(PS, any users reading this: i am still taking samples! pm me with lists of what you get from chests & how many chests you opened and iw ill add it to my list!)

First off, I like your username.

Second off, I'd support this rebalancing of the chest distributions. I don't have time to grind mimics in the Coliseum (that have disappeared for some reason...) and the only time I got a Nocturne was a Christmas present from a friend and the rebalancing isn't unreasonable. There's still a low chance, as was stated by the admins, but it's a better chance than pathetically low .07% chance for the big boy, the Nocturne Breed Change Scroll.

If I may state, the event reminds me of the lottery. Everybody wants in on extremely low chances in hopes of making it big. thatwasaweakanalogy

First off, I like your username.

Second off, I'd support this rebalancing of the chest distributions. I don't have time to grind mimics in the Coliseum (that have disappeared for some reason...) and the only time I got a Nocturne was a Christmas present from a friend and the rebalancing isn't unreasonable. There's still a low chance, as was stated by the admins, but it's a better chance than pathetically low .07% chance for the big boy, the Nocturne Breed Change Scroll.

If I may state, the event reminds me of the lottery. Everybody wants in on extremely low chances in hopes of making it big. thatwasaweakanalogy
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whenever you're
replying to me!
I've opened around 1,000 chests so far in this event and have only found 3 eggs. No scrolls.

Please rebalance, please extend the event with fixed chests. Many people have lost dozens of chests due to improper loading including myself.
I've opened around 1,000 chests so far in this event and have only found 3 eggs. No scrolls.

Please rebalance, please extend the event with fixed chests. Many people have lost dozens of chests due to improper loading including myself.
You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.
You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.
[quote name="forgotn" date="2014-12-27 20:18:44"]You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.[/quote] ^ Agreed. I like it how it is, and even if I don't get a scroll at least I put in a darn good effort to try to get one and I'll be pleased with myself for that. I don't think rebalancing is a good idea because then everyone will have these dragons and they'll devalue faster then they already are.
forgotn wrote on 2014-12-27 20:18:44:
You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.

^ Agreed. I like it how it is, and even if I don't get a scroll at least I put in a darn good effort to try to get one and I'll be pleased with myself for that.

I don't think rebalancing is a good idea because then everyone will have these dragons and they'll devalue faster then they already are.
Everyone will eventually have these dragons anyways.

Anyone could get one by selling a couple familiars or apparel pieces.
Everyone will eventually have these dragons anyways.

Anyone could get one by selling a couple familiars or apparel pieces.
If a game is considered work, then there's something fundamentally wrong with it. Games should be FUN, challenging, and interesting. This event is none of those things. Just boredom and more boredom. Though it's interesting to see just how badly it's failing to be fun, with these numbers. Getting anything worthwhile from this event lacks any sense of accomplishment or satisfaction, due to the abysmally low chance to get anything.
If a game is considered work, then there's something fundamentally wrong with it. Games should be FUN, challenging, and interesting. This event is none of those things. Just boredom and more boredom. Though it's interesting to see just how badly it's failing to be fun, with these numbers. Getting anything worthwhile from this event lacks any sense of accomplishment or satisfaction, due to the abysmally low chance to get anything.
While it might be frustrating and disappointing not to get an egg or scroll, there are other ways to get the dragon. I don't have time to coli much either, but I've already been able to buy a nocturne with nice colors for 300k treasure and saw plenty for 150k. The prices will continue to go down and there are still several days of the event left.
While it might be frustrating and disappointing not to get an egg or scroll, there are other ways to get the dragon. I don't have time to coli much either, but I've already been able to buy a nocturne with nice colors for 300k treasure and saw plenty for 150k. The prices will continue to go down and there are still several days of the event left.
[quote name="forgotn" date="2014-12-27 20:18:44"]You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.[/quote] I don't want to sound rude but I don't agree with you. For those who have been grinding for hours and hours in the Coliseum only to come out with nothing more than useless food points and useless trinkets that can't be used for anything (as of this point, this might change if and when Baldwin's Cauldron gets introduced), It's really discouraging. Making them uber common won't solve the problem but not fixing the issues isn't going to help anything. There's a chance that, when the event returns next year, nobody will want to take part in it because they know that the chances are too low to get anything meaningful or rare from the event.
forgotn wrote on 2014-12-27 20:18:44:
You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.

I don't want to sound rude but I don't agree with you. For those who have been grinding for hours and hours in the Coliseum only to come out with nothing more than useless food points and useless trinkets that can't be used for anything (as of this point, this might change if and when Baldwin's Cauldron gets introduced), It's really discouraging. Making them uber common won't solve the problem but not fixing the issues isn't going to help anything. There's a chance that, when the event returns next year, nobody will want to take part in it because they know that the chances are too low to get anything meaningful or rare from the event.
Please ping me
whenever you're
replying to me!
[quote name="CountofCasualty" date="2014-12-27 20:25:05"][quote name="forgotn" date="2014-12-27 20:18:44"]You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.[/quote] ^ Agreed. I like it how it is, and even if I don't get a scroll at least I put in a darn good effort to try to get one and I'll be pleased with myself for that. I don't think rebalancing is a good idea because then everyone will have these dragons and they'll devalue faster then they already are.[/quote] did either of you read my post im not saying "make them not rare" im saying "make them rare still but maybe actually a chance a casual player could ever get one." buying a new nocturne is an entirely different beast than getting a nocturne scroll. y'all are saying i should either grind up a coli team to get almost 1500 chests to get a nocturne scroll or magic up 3.5 mil treasure, which as a casual player, i, unbelievably, dont actually have advocating the current chest balance is advocating for the massive wealth disparity already happening on this website. keeping things at their current balance is probably just as, if not more likely to devalue nocturnes because people unable to breed change an ideal dragon means they will buy and en masse hatch nocturne eggs (to try and recreate the ideal dragon, but in the proper breed) and sell off the undesirables, flooding the market just as much
CountofCasualty wrote on 2014-12-27 20:25:05:
forgotn wrote on 2014-12-27 20:18:44:
You have proven that they are, in fact, rare. Just like they said they were. Gotta work if you want it now or wait until people are breeding them and they aren't as rare.

^ Agreed. I like it how it is, and even if I don't get a scroll at least I put in a darn good effort to try to get one and I'll be pleased with myself for that.

I don't think rebalancing is a good idea because then everyone will have these dragons and they'll devalue faster then they already are.

did either of you read my post

im not saying "make them not rare" im saying "make them rare still but maybe actually a chance a casual player could ever get one." buying a new nocturne is an entirely different beast than getting a nocturne scroll. y'all are saying i should either grind up a coli team to get almost 1500 chests to get a nocturne scroll or magic up 3.5 mil treasure, which as a casual player, i, unbelievably, dont actually have

advocating the current chest balance is advocating for the massive wealth disparity already happening on this website. keeping things at their current balance is probably just as, if not more likely to devalue nocturnes because people unable to breed change an ideal dragon means they will buy and en masse hatch nocturne eggs (to try and recreate the ideal dragon, but in the proper breed) and sell off the undesirables, flooding the market just as much