

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Gossamer and Shadow [Closed|Private]
K'koran blinked as the two halves fell in his hands, merely wriggling harmlessly in his grip. He crushed them in his hands, and promptly dropped them.

"That is weird." he said, shaking his hands as if something had gotten on them. "They are fairly weak. Elusive ********, but weak. I think you can stop cooking the room to a crisp, dragon." he said, looking over to Alex. "You are turning the room into an oven. And might burn something down."
K'koran blinked as the two halves fell in his hands, merely wriggling harmlessly in his grip. He crushed them in his hands, and promptly dropped them.

"That is weird." he said, shaking his hands as if something had gotten on them. "They are fairly weak. Elusive ********, but weak. I think you can stop cooking the room to a crisp, dragon." he said, looking over to Alex. "You are turning the room into an oven. And might burn something down."
The middle head stops breathing fire and looks at K'koran "oh right, you guys don't have resistance to fire..."
The middle head stops breathing fire and looks at K'koran "oh right, you guys don't have resistance to fire..."
The creatures around Alex and K'koran turn and leap away from them as Yai's weapon spits a hissing line of blue-green energy, the physics of the world familiar enough to let the weapon work mostly as originally intended. The beam carves into one of the slithering beings, releasing a noxious cloud of violet smoke as it lurches to the side, a thin and almost inaudible screech filling the air. Dribbles of thick violet-black goo begin to seep from where the sidearm punctured it, smoking as they contact the air.

The ones no longer harassing the two reptilefolk bound toward Yai, tendrils flailing furiously in an attempt to bind xer up and prevent xer escape; of the other guests, almost nothing is evident by now, but a dull thunder can be heard from somewhere well outside the shattered window.
The creatures around Alex and K'koran turn and leap away from them as Yai's weapon spits a hissing line of blue-green energy, the physics of the world familiar enough to let the weapon work mostly as originally intended. The beam carves into one of the slithering beings, releasing a noxious cloud of violet smoke as it lurches to the side, a thin and almost inaudible screech filling the air. Dribbles of thick violet-black goo begin to seep from where the sidearm punctured it, smoking as they contact the air.

The ones no longer harassing the two reptilefolk bound toward Yai, tendrils flailing furiously in an attempt to bind xer up and prevent xer escape; of the other guests, almost nothing is evident by now, but a dull thunder can be heard from somewhere well outside the shattered window.
Pronoun Choice: Xe, Xer, Xyr, Xerself (Thank you!)

Gem-Buying Thread [CLOSED] | Gem-Selling Thread [CLOSED]
Alex slides in front of Yai, protecting xe from the incoming creatures. "Almost didn't recognize you Yai!" Alex proceeds to turn around, knocking the creatures with her tail, her three heads grinning. "How have you been?"
Alex slides in front of Yai, protecting xe from the incoming creatures. "Almost didn't recognize you Yai!" Alex proceeds to turn around, knocking the creatures with her tail, her three heads grinning. "How have you been?"
The lanky creature spares a glance and a grin for the red-scaled dragon. "Alex! I'd thought I saw you, earlier." Yai returns xyr attention to the opponent xe'd shot, moving around it in a semicircle while careful to stay out of reach. Xe's watching intently for signs that its mutable form can regenerate or otherwise display true shapeshifting like xyr own.

Still, xe makes attention available for a reply to Alex, much less reserved than xe'd been towards their host. "It's been quiet since we parted ways - which is to say, deathly boring." A grin, showing teeth. "And then Atrian invited us all here. Except maybe these people." Xe snaps off a shot to force the other bonelessly-serpentine attacker behind cover, then tilts xyr head, listening. "Sounds like the cavalry's on its way, and I'd rather not be here for whatever bullets or paperwork they're going to have flying around. How about we leave for a party that's still got intact furniture?"
The lanky creature spares a glance and a grin for the red-scaled dragon. "Alex! I'd thought I saw you, earlier." Yai returns xyr attention to the opponent xe'd shot, moving around it in a semicircle while careful to stay out of reach. Xe's watching intently for signs that its mutable form can regenerate or otherwise display true shapeshifting like xyr own.

Still, xe makes attention available for a reply to Alex, much less reserved than xe'd been towards their host. "It's been quiet since we parted ways - which is to say, deathly boring." A grin, showing teeth. "And then Atrian invited us all here. Except maybe these people." Xe snaps off a shot to force the other bonelessly-serpentine attacker behind cover, then tilts xyr head, listening. "Sounds like the cavalry's on its way, and I'd rather not be here for whatever bullets or paperwork they're going to have flying around. How about we leave for a party that's still got intact furniture?"
"Yeah, let's leave before the parents get back home~" And with that, Alex swings her tail at the creatures some more.
"Yeah, let's leave before the parents get back home~" And with that, Alex swings her tail at the creatures some more.
"Its not that I'd fear being injured...just the artifacts..." he trailed off, realizing he was behind on current events. Seeing the place pretty torn up by the creatures and the others fighting made his comment seem pretty futile. He noticed the dragon shout to the canid figure he was examining the plant artifact with. It was obvious they knew each other. He listened for a moment to their banter, shaking his head, his snout in hand.

"Y'all can have your nice reunion and all. This looks like a rather cozy place to hold out when more powerful ones arrive." he said dryly, walking past the fighting crowd, backhanding a few shadows that may have even looked at him the wrong way.

"I'mma try and find a door, while you both are busy with those...things." he said nonchalantly, attempting to feel around for a door to the Grand Stair with his Eidolon talents. He knew he couldn't access doors like a Warden could, be he could feel for them, maybe even find them and if he was lucky, figure out where they led, sometimes. Maybe. Well, he didn't know. He never did this very often.
"Its not that I'd fear being injured...just the artifacts..." he trailed off, realizing he was behind on current events. Seeing the place pretty torn up by the creatures and the others fighting made his comment seem pretty futile. He noticed the dragon shout to the canid figure he was examining the plant artifact with. It was obvious they knew each other. He listened for a moment to their banter, shaking his head, his snout in hand.

"Y'all can have your nice reunion and all. This looks like a rather cozy place to hold out when more powerful ones arrive." he said dryly, walking past the fighting crowd, backhanding a few shadows that may have even looked at him the wrong way.

"I'mma try and find a door, while you both are busy with those...things." he said nonchalantly, attempting to feel around for a door to the Grand Stair with his Eidolon talents. He knew he couldn't access doors like a Warden could, be he could feel for them, maybe even find them and if he was lucky, figure out where they led, sometimes. Maybe. Well, he didn't know. He never did this very often.
@Levialich Alex finds her tail suddenly stuck to the floor, as the snakelike creature caught by the blow ruptures with a wet sound, leaving strands of thick blue-black goo holding the appendage to the floor even against her prodigal strength. Several of the smaller ones take the opportunity of the problem to swarm her, clambering up her legs and trapped tail. The unfamiliar sensation of pain suddenly blossoms across her body as needle-thin claws dig under her scales, trying to get at the softer flesh beneath.

@Jssra Yai finds xerself staring at the serpentine creature as the bubbling ichor coils loose and forms a pair of smaller, spidery things that scuttle toward xer with mandible that glint menacingly in the light. The creature itself slowly collapses like a deflating balloon as more ichor begins to ooze from the wound xe dealt with.

@Kakrikoran There's only one Door that he can sense - the one he arrived by from the Grand Stair. He's quite sure it was shut the last time he looked, though, and now it's ever so slightly ajar from someone who slipped through. There's no sign of anyone near it, although his attention is somewhat distracted by the slowly-increasing numbers of shadowy things trying to assault him. Then there's the thing where the crashing, thumping sounds of Alex's tail have come to a sudden stop behind him...
@Levialich Alex finds her tail suddenly stuck to the floor, as the snakelike creature caught by the blow ruptures with a wet sound, leaving strands of thick blue-black goo holding the appendage to the floor even against her prodigal strength. Several of the smaller ones take the opportunity of the problem to swarm her, clambering up her legs and trapped tail. The unfamiliar sensation of pain suddenly blossoms across her body as needle-thin claws dig under her scales, trying to get at the softer flesh beneath.

@Jssra Yai finds xerself staring at the serpentine creature as the bubbling ichor coils loose and forms a pair of smaller, spidery things that scuttle toward xer with mandible that glint menacingly in the light. The creature itself slowly collapses like a deflating balloon as more ichor begins to ooze from the wound xe dealt with.

@Kakrikoran There's only one Door that he can sense - the one he arrived by from the Grand Stair. He's quite sure it was shut the last time he looked, though, and now it's ever so slightly ajar from someone who slipped through. There's no sign of anyone near it, although his attention is somewhat distracted by the slowly-increasing numbers of shadowy things trying to assault him. Then there's the thing where the crashing, thumping sounds of Alex's tail have come to a sudden stop behind him...
Pronoun Choice: Xe, Xer, Xyr, Xerself (Thank you!)

Gem-Buying Thread [CLOSED] | Gem-Selling Thread [CLOSED]
"There is the door..." He said to the others.

"Master Aurumcor, I recommend immediate evacuation. The number of hostile creatures is exponentially increasing..."

"Yes thank you, were my eyes nonfunctional that would be useful information" he said dryly, turning around. He tilted his head at the dragon, while backhanding a shadow out of his line of sight. "I'd shoot out a dramatic one liner to mock your predicament, but that would be impractical" he said, once again drawing on his attunement to the eidolon. He hopped onto the dragons back, kicking off the shadows, though it may have been useless because they were quite numerous now. Pesky things. He slid down to the dragons tail and examined the goo,

"If you could stay still, imma try and help" he said, examining the goo holding the dragon's tail in place. He inferred that the goo might be some type of cement, so it was a matter of changing that one chemical property to make it less viscous, or less sticky. Either would most likely work , but the tricky part was enforcing his own reality on it. Easier said than done, though.
"There is the door..." He said to the others.

"Master Aurumcor, I recommend immediate evacuation. The number of hostile creatures is exponentially increasing..."

"Yes thank you, were my eyes nonfunctional that would be useful information" he said dryly, turning around. He tilted his head at the dragon, while backhanding a shadow out of his line of sight. "I'd shoot out a dramatic one liner to mock your predicament, but that would be impractical" he said, once again drawing on his attunement to the eidolon. He hopped onto the dragons back, kicking off the shadows, though it may have been useless because they were quite numerous now. Pesky things. He slid down to the dragons tail and examined the goo,

"If you could stay still, imma try and help" he said, examining the goo holding the dragon's tail in place. He inferred that the goo might be some type of cement, so it was a matter of changing that one chemical property to make it less viscous, or less sticky. Either would most likely work , but the tricky part was enforcing his own reality on it. Easier said than done, though.
Alex roars. "Fine, just hurry up!"
Alex roars. "Fine, just hurry up!"