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TOPIC | Nuzlocke Story - Alone in the Dark

Sooo interesting~, I would also love to be pinged for updates :3

Sooo interesting~, I would also love to be pinged for updates :3

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Aww i really lote you story @Darknessdragon !!! Could you ping me for updates?
Aww i really lote you story @Darknessdragon !!! Could you ping me for updates?
Battle of the first four veteran: we burned the moon!
[center][b][size=4]Chapter 24[/size=4] [u]Hide and Seek[/b][/u][/center] [u][b]Lance[/u][url=][img][/img][/url][i] "Marten! Marten! Where are you!" I yell, running through the twisting passages of the lair. We had been playing a game of hide and seek, but now I couldn't find my adventurous little niece. She usually is extremely easy to find, since she hasn't grasped the concept of actually hiding yet. "Marten please come out! You win! I can't find you, you're the best hider!" My thoughts spun in circles as I checked every room, and explored places I even haven't been to yet. Draco is going to kill me. He's going to come back from his hunting trip, find out I've lost his daughter, and he's going to kill me. Where could she be? I only gave her thirty seconds to hide! She couldn't have hidden far! Oh Shadowbinder, what if she's found her way outside!?! Who knows where she could be! I run to check the nesting grounds, to see if she went there for a nap for some reason. I suddenly hear a sound like the breaking of glass. The hoard! I run as fast as I can through the narrow halls to the hoard, the thorny walls scratching my sides as I sharply turned the corners. I jump into the hoard room to see Marten had knocked over one of the shelves containing some of the [item=haunted stone orb] [i]that Taz had collected for a while. Purple mist streamed from one of the orbs that had broken. Marten stood stone still, her eyes fixated on the mist. "Marten! Come here! Get away from that!" I near yell at her. I don't know what the mist is, but I don't want to find out as I see thin tendrils of the mist reach out at the young imperial. "Marten!" I lunge forward and snatch up the paralyzed hatchling by her scruff. I jump back from the mist, and it makes a hissing noise. I growl deeply at it, fanning out my wings. Marten suddenly becomes animated, squirming madly in my jaws and screeching in terror. I hold onto her firmly, trying not to let my nerves make me bite too hard. The mist continues to hiss, but it begins to dissipate, and is gone in a few more moments. Marten quiets, and I set her down on the ground. She immediately darts to my wrist and holds on tightly. "Marten, what happened?" The little imperial sniffled, still scared from whatever experience she just had. "Marten, hush. It's okay, I scared it away for you," I say quietly, awkwardly patting her back. This is not how the usually boisterous tomboy hatchling usually acts. "I-I don't know!" she squeaks, "I was jus-st trying to find a hiding sp-pot and heard a voice, and thought where those thingys were would be a good spot, but I knocked the shelf over a-and the thingy broke a-and..." she pressed her face into my leg. "Um...How about this, we go take a nap for a while until mom and dad come back okay? Look!" I say as I grab some honeycomb dripping with sweet golden honey, "A little treat! It'll make you feel better!" I hand her a chunk of the honeycomb, and she takes it quietly. "Here, I'll carry you there too okay, you can ride up on my head so you're the tallest dragon here!" She just nods, obviously still scared. She climbs up onto my head and holds on tightly to my roundhorns. I carry her to her room, gently swaying my head as I walked. She still didn't say anything, but I could hear her munching on the honeycomb. I set her down into her pine needle nest and curl around her. "It's alright now Marten. Just go to sleep and forget about this for a while, okay? I'll talk to your daddy and uncle Taz first, don't worry about it," I tell the young hatchling as she fell asleep quickly. Draco is still gonna kill me, but at least Marten is safe. Taz will need to do something with those orbs, or at least put them somewhere where they won't fall and break! I set my head down on my paws and think about how I'll tell Draco about what happened. [center][size=2]Ping list for Updates @Stormdragon @Stormrunner @NewHope @Khoshekh @psychocanes @ArgenteaMoon @tricksterraven @Dask @Limikkin @Exsanguinate @numenskog Thanks for reading! And welcome to the new readers!
Chapter 24
Hide and Seek


"Marten! Marten! Where are you!" I yell, running through the twisting passages of the lair. We had been playing a game of hide and seek, but now I couldn't find my adventurous little niece. She usually is extremely easy to find, since she hasn't grasped the concept of actually hiding yet. "Marten please come out! You win! I can't find you, you're the best hider!"

My thoughts spun in circles as I checked every room, and explored places I even haven't been to yet. Draco is going to kill me. He's going to come back from his hunting trip, find out I've lost his daughter, and he's going to kill me. Where could she be? I only gave her thirty seconds to hide! She couldn't have hidden far!

Oh Shadowbinder, what if she's found her way outside!?! Who knows where she could be! I run to check the nesting grounds, to see if she went there for a nap for some reason. I suddenly hear a sound like the breaking of glass. The hoard! I run as fast as I can through the narrow halls to the hoard, the thorny walls scratching my sides as I sharply turned the corners.

I jump into the hoard room to see Marten had knocked over one of the shelves containing some of the Haunted Stone Orb that Taz had collected for a while. Purple mist streamed from one of the orbs that had broken. Marten stood stone still, her eyes fixated on the mist. "Marten! Come here! Get away from that!" I near yell at her. I don't know what the mist is, but I don't want to find out as I see thin tendrils of the mist reach out at the young imperial.

"Marten!" I lunge forward and snatch up the paralyzed hatchling by her scruff. I jump back from the mist, and it makes a hissing noise. I growl deeply at it, fanning out my wings. Marten suddenly becomes animated, squirming madly in my jaws and screeching in terror. I hold onto her firmly, trying not to let my nerves make me bite too hard. The mist continues to hiss, but it begins to dissipate, and is gone in a few more moments.

Marten quiets, and I set her down on the ground. She immediately darts to my wrist and holds on tightly. "Marten, what happened?" The little imperial sniffled, still scared from whatever experience she just had. "Marten, hush. It's okay, I scared it away for you," I say quietly, awkwardly patting her back. This is not how the usually boisterous tomboy hatchling usually acts.

"I-I don't know!" she squeaks, "I was jus-st trying to find a hiding sp-pot and heard a voice, and thought where those thingys were would be a good spot, but I knocked the shelf over a-and the thingy broke a-and..." she pressed her face into my leg.

"Um...How about this, we go take a nap for a while until mom and dad come back okay? Look!" I say as I grab some honeycomb dripping with sweet golden honey, "A little treat! It'll make you feel better!" I hand her a chunk of the honeycomb, and she takes it quietly. "Here, I'll carry you there too okay, you can ride up on my head so you're the tallest dragon here!" She just nods, obviously still scared. She climbs up onto my head and holds on tightly to my roundhorns.

I carry her to her room, gently swaying my head as I walked. She still didn't say anything, but I could hear her munching on the honeycomb. I set her down into her pine needle nest and curl around her. "It's alright now Marten. Just go to sleep and forget about this for a while, okay? I'll talk to your daddy and uncle Taz first, don't worry about it," I tell the young hatchling as she fell asleep quickly. Draco is still gonna kill me, but at least Marten is safe. Taz will need to do something with those orbs, or at least put them somewhere where they won't fall and break! I set my head down on my paws and think about how I'll tell Draco about what happened.

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@Stormdragon @Stormrunner @NewHope @Khoshekh @psychocanes @ArgenteaMoon @tricksterraven @Dask @Limikkin @Exsanguinate @numenskog

Thanks for reading! And welcome to the new readers!
[center][b][size=4]Chapter 25[/size=4] [u]The Clearing[/b][/u][/center] [u][b]Kul[/b][/u][i][url=][img][/img][/url] We've made good progress through the Shadow realm. Still, no clans have room for my large family. I glance at Theo, who carries his two sleeping sisters on his back as we fly. I can tell he is tiring but his look of determination assures me he will continue without complaint. His pet bird hovers near his shoulder, its blue eyes piercing the dark night. I hear the thunderous beat of Ferguson's wings as he flaps them to remain in the airstream we are gliding in. I've grown fond of the loyal guardian. His size, even though small for a guardian, has provided us some protection from some of the larger creatures that stalk the night. Despite my protests he insists on guarding us every night, and he does so without fail. I wonder how he doesn't fall asleep, since he barely sleeps at all. I see a thick cluster of trees and begin to descend. This could be a good place to spend the night. Ferguson nods, but continues flying, he needs to find a bigger landing spot. Theo follows after me, gliding as gracefully as a swan. Although my silent son may be somewhat clumsy on the ground, he's a master in the air. As we fly closer, I notice a glowing green plant in the middle of the space, very unlike the blue glow from the mushrooms. I land a little distance away from it, wary of the soft green glow. Tiny green fireflies float around the leaves. Theo lands behind me, and his now awake sisters tumble off his back as he lies down. I approach the little plant cautiously. The dirt is mounded up around it, like it has a large bulb beneath the tiny plant. I can see with my heat sensing eyes that the mound is very warm, another unusual asset of this mystery plant. I flick one of the leaves with my claw. It doesn't break like I thought it would, but rather begins to quiver. The plant begins to wobble, and the dirt is shaken away from the plant. I see the dark brown bulb, its leaflets spiraling tightly up to the glowing plant. The tips of the bulb begin to unpeel, and what it reveals surprises me. In the light of the brightly glowing plant sits a newborn hatchling. The plant was part of a [item=unhatched nature egg]![i] Two pairs of forest green eyes blink up at me. She's a mirror, like myself, but her bright orange and blue colors contrast greatly. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center][i] She squeaks at me, and runs under my legs, headbutting my back leg. "She's so cute!" exclaims Pandora. She lands in front of the hatchling, who was already bigger than the little nocturne. The little hatchling squeaks at Pandora, attempting a roar. Pandora playfully roars at her, and she retreats to the safety of my front paws. Ferguson walks into the clearing and asks, "You've found another hatchling? What's her name?" He flattens himself to the ground, as to not appear menacing to the hatchling. She isn't intimidated by his size however, and immediately runs at him, attempting to climb onto his broad head. "I'll call her Mira," I smile as the hatchling bites Ferguson's horn. "Let's find a good spot to sleep here. We still have a long way to go until the fairgrounds." The hatchling refuses to come down from Ferguson's head, so he carries her around as we search for a place to sleep. We find a tree with a good amount of cover around the base, and settle in. Ferguson remains outside with the tired hatchling nestled between his front paws. It already seems that she has a favorite. [center][size=2]Ping list for Updates @Stormdragon @Stormrunner @NewHope @Khoshekh @psychocanes @ArgenteaMoon @tricksterraven @Dask @Limikkin @Exsanguinate @numenskog It seems I found this egg yesterday ^^ Logged in and checked my hoard to find it there before I had gathered! Must have missed it yesterday! Thanks for reading!
Chapter 25
The Clearing


We've made good progress through the Shadow realm. Still, no clans have room for my large family. I glance at Theo, who carries his two sleeping sisters on his back as we fly. I can tell he is tiring but his look of determination assures me he will continue without complaint. His pet bird hovers near his shoulder, its blue eyes piercing the dark night.

I hear the thunderous beat of Ferguson's wings as he flaps them to remain in the airstream we are gliding in. I've grown fond of the loyal guardian. His size, even though small for a guardian, has provided us some protection from some of the larger creatures that stalk the night. Despite my protests he insists on guarding us every night, and he does so without fail. I wonder how he doesn't fall asleep, since he barely sleeps at all.

I see a thick cluster of trees and begin to descend. This could be a good place to spend the night. Ferguson nods, but continues flying, he needs to find a bigger landing spot. Theo follows after me, gliding as gracefully as a swan. Although my silent son may be somewhat clumsy on the ground, he's a master in the air. As we fly closer, I notice a glowing green plant in the middle of the space, very unlike the blue glow from the mushrooms.

I land a little distance away from it, wary of the soft green glow. Tiny green fireflies float around the leaves. Theo lands behind me, and his now awake sisters tumble off his back as he lies down. I approach the little plant cautiously. The dirt is mounded up around it, like it has a large bulb beneath the tiny plant. I can see with my heat sensing eyes that the mound is very warm, another unusual asset of this mystery plant.

I flick one of the leaves with my claw. It doesn't break like I thought it would, but rather begins to quiver. The plant begins to wobble, and the dirt is shaken away from the plant. I see the dark brown bulb, its leaflets spiraling tightly up to the glowing plant. The tips of the bulb begin to unpeel, and what it reveals surprises me.

In the light of the brightly glowing plant sits a newborn hatchling. The plant was part of a Unhatched Nature Egg ! Two pairs of forest green eyes blink up at me. She's a mirror, like myself, but her bright orange and blue colors contrast greatly.

She squeaks at me, and runs under my legs, headbutting my back leg. "She's so cute!" exclaims Pandora. She lands in front of the hatchling, who was already bigger than the little nocturne. The little hatchling squeaks at Pandora, attempting a roar. Pandora playfully roars at her, and she retreats to the safety of my front paws.

Ferguson walks into the clearing and asks, "You've found another hatchling? What's her name?" He flattens himself to the ground, as to not appear menacing to the hatchling. She isn't intimidated by his size however, and immediately runs at him, attempting to climb onto his broad head.

"I'll call her Mira," I smile as the hatchling bites Ferguson's horn. "Let's find a good spot to sleep here. We still have a long way to go until the fairgrounds." The hatchling refuses to come down from Ferguson's head, so he carries her around as we search for a place to sleep. We find a tree with a good amount of cover around the base, and settle in. Ferguson remains outside with the tired hatchling nestled between his front paws. It already seems that she has a favorite.

Ping list for Updates
@Stormdragon @Stormrunner @NewHope @Khoshekh @psychocanes @ArgenteaMoon @tricksterraven @Dask @Limikkin @Exsanguinate @numenskog

It seems I found this egg yesterday ^^ Logged in and checked my hoard to find it there before I had gathered! Must have missed it yesterday! Thanks for reading!
@Darknessdragon Congratulations on the new member of your clan!
@Darknessdragon Congratulations on the new member of your clan!
Light Sprite
@Darknessdragon you found a little charizard! Congratulations :D (I've reaaaally missed your nuzlocke the last days, I really like it :3 )
@Darknessdragon you found a little charizard! Congratulations :D (I've reaaaally missed your nuzlocke the last days, I really like it :3 )
Battle of the first four veteran: we burned the moon!
haha wow, how did I not realize she's a charizard? X)
thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoy it! I've been missing my every-other day posting like I used to for various school-related reasons :/
haha wow, how did I not realize she's a charizard? X)
thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoy it! I've been missing my every-other day posting like I used to for various school-related reasons :/
@Darknessdragon awww that's a good reason for a delay! You must keep tour real life and school on its way :)
Anyway, keep updating when you want/ you are able too ^^ i eill be waiting for it!
@Darknessdragon awww that's a good reason for a delay! You must keep tour real life and school on its way :)
Anyway, keep updating when you want/ you are able too ^^ i eill be waiting for it!
Battle of the first four veteran: we burned the moon!
[center][b][size=4]Chapter 26[/size=4] [u]Family Love[/b][/u][/center] [u][b]Draco[/b][/u][i][url=][img][/img][/url] "Candy? You in here?" I ask, rounding the corner to our room. My bag was heavy with the items I found while hunting today. "I'm here," she replies. I walk into the room to see Candy teaching Lara how to make little trinkets. There was already a small pile of what they've made next to the bed. "Hi Daddy!" Lara exclaims. She's grown up into a beautiful young dragon. "Where's Marten?" I ask. I didn't expect her to be here making trinkets, she's too restless and impatient. "I haven't seen her around the lair since I got back?" "She went out with Shale and Valerie, I think they said they were visiting an old friend of Shale's who settled in one of the nearby clans," Candy replied. She still didn't look up at me from her crafting. She had been somewhat distant from me ever since our daughters hatched. I think it's because she's still upset about our son. "Lara, can you give us some alone time together for a bit? I need to talk to mom." Lara glances at me, then Candy, then picks up the project she's working on and gracefully walks out of the lair, nuzzling my cheek as she walks by. "Candy, are you alright?" I ask, sitting across from her. She avoids my eyes and pretends to focus on her trinket. "You've barely had a full conversation with me since it happened, and I don't want you to be like this." Little tears are forming in the corners of her sparkling blue eyes. "Shh, don't" I say quietly, wiping away her tear. "Look, I know he can't ever be replaced, but it wasn't your fault. It's okay. Is there anything I can do to have my Candy back?" "I want my son," she cries as she tucks her head under her wing. "I love you very much, and it hurts me to see you like this...and I would do anything to make you feel better," I reach into my bag and take out the thing I hope will make her feel better, "Candy...I know nothing can replace our son...but this one needs a home and a family," I say quietly as I push the [item=unhatched wind egg][i] into her paws. She gasps as she realizes what is between her paws and quickly looks at the egg. She's still crying, her face an emotional mix of sadness and happiness. "Draco..." "It can be ours if you want, it needs a home," I smile at my beautiful mate. She nuzzles me, and as she does the misty green shell disintegrates, revealing the little hatchling it contained. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center][i] "He's perfect," Candy chokes, nuzzling the little hatchling. He lets out a little yawn and falls asleep. "His Elian," she smiles, pulling the sleeping hatchling closer to her chest. "I love you Candy." "I love you too." [center][size=2]Ping list for Updates @Stormdragon @Stormrunner @NewHope @Khoshekh @psychocanes @ArgenteaMoon @tricksterraven @Dask @Limikkin @Exsanguinate @numenskog A little bit of a mushy, emotional-filled story for Valentine's Day ^^
Chapter 26
Family Love


"Candy? You in here?" I ask, rounding the corner to our room. My bag was heavy with the items I found while hunting today.

"I'm here," she replies. I walk into the room to see Candy teaching Lara how to make little trinkets. There was already a small pile of what they've made next to the bed.

"Hi Daddy!" Lara exclaims. She's grown up into a beautiful young dragon.

"Where's Marten?" I ask. I didn't expect her to be here making trinkets, she's too restless and impatient. "I haven't seen her around the lair since I got back?"

"She went out with Shale and Valerie, I think they said they were visiting an old friend of Shale's who settled in one of the nearby clans," Candy replied. She still didn't look up at me from her crafting. She had been somewhat distant from me ever since our daughters hatched. I think it's because she's still upset about our son.

"Lara, can you give us some alone time together for a bit? I need to talk to mom." Lara glances at me, then Candy, then picks up the project she's working on and gracefully walks out of the lair, nuzzling my cheek as she walks by.

"Candy, are you alright?" I ask, sitting across from her. She avoids my eyes and pretends to focus on her trinket. "You've barely had a full conversation with me since it happened, and I don't want you to be like this." Little tears are forming in the corners of her sparkling blue eyes. "Shh, don't" I say quietly, wiping away her tear. "Look, I know he can't ever be replaced, but it wasn't your fault. It's okay. Is there anything I can do to have my Candy back?"

"I want my son," she cries as she tucks her head under her wing.

"I love you very much, and it hurts me to see you like this...and I would do anything to make you feel better," I reach into my bag and take out the thing I hope will make her feel better, "Candy...I know nothing can replace our son...but this one needs a home and a family," I say quietly as I push the Unhatched Wind Egg into her paws.

She gasps as she realizes what is between her paws and quickly looks at the egg. She's still crying, her face an emotional mix of sadness and happiness. "Draco..."

"It can be ours if you want, it needs a home," I smile at my beautiful mate. She nuzzles me, and as she does the misty green shell disintegrates, revealing the little hatchling it contained.

"He's perfect," Candy chokes, nuzzling the little hatchling. He lets out a little yawn and falls asleep. "His Elian," she smiles, pulling the sleeping hatchling closer to her chest.

"I love you Candy."

"I love you too."

Ping list for Updates
@Stormdragon @Stormrunner @NewHope @Khoshekh @psychocanes @ArgenteaMoon @tricksterraven @Dask @Limikkin @Exsanguinate @numenskog

A little bit of a mushy, emotional-filled story for Valentine's Day ^^