
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | (Raffle) Need food... get an Imperial!
@Kerberos sent foooood
@Kerberos sent foooood
Where the wind takes us, we go-
Searching for the ends of the earth.

dragon sales

Sending over a ton of plants! None of my current dragons eat them, so you can have my stores :D

Sending over a ton of plants! None of my current dragons eat them, so you can have my stores :D
Send over some food!
Send over some food!
Thank you everyone for participating in this raffle! :D I have drawn the lucky number and it is..... [img][/img] @Kyves! Congradulations! You get first pick of the new Imperial Litter :3 hope you all return for another raffle sometime in the future!
Thank you everyone for participating in this raffle! :D I have drawn the lucky number and it is.....




You get first pick of the new Imperial Litter :3 hope you all return for another raffle sometime in the future!