
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Why The Dissatisfaction With NOTN?
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Because people are whiners.

Big, fat, sappy crybaby whiners who need to have everything right now.

Every single active user had a chance to make money off of this event. Strange Chests sold for fat stacks of T and I made 2 million casually grinding for a couple hours a day. That's as an adult who works fulltime and pays bills. If you don't, what's your excuse?

"I was busy spending time with my family and loved ones so I had no time to grind the coliseum!" You know what? I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. You made a sensible choice in terms of your priorities, but I don't have a family to go home to this Christmas. Due to a set of circumstances outside my control, I spent my holiday season working and playing FR in my downtime. I had no loved ones I could spend time with. In turn, I gained a bit of an edge over people who do. Given the choice I'd trade my circumstances in a heartbeat. So no, not feeling bad for people who couldn't grind because they were spending time with their families.

"But it's not fair!" Guess what, I have news for you. Life's not fair. Apparently y'all think "rare and limited edition" means "every single active user on the site deserves to get one within the first two weeks of the breed's release." That is the textbook definition of entitlement.

Have you forgotten that the rate of growth for a new breed on the site increases exponentially? If you would all sit down and shut up and have even a modicum of patience, you could probably all have a pretty Nocturne within 2 or 3 weeks after the event. I will bet you good money that come the end of February, people will be using Nocs as exalt fodder just like every other breed. These things are not even that pretty, and they will not hold their value. They're ugly bat-dragons. They don't compare to the majesty of an Imperial or Pearlcatcher or the cuteness of a Coatl. You just like them because they're shiny and new and not everyone has them yet, so you have to have one NOW NOW NOW.

There are plenty of legitimate complaints about the way the site's been running but honestly those bore me so much I'm not even going to address them. People do their best, but things happen and aren't always flawlessly executed. I have some forgiveness and understanding for my fellow human beings when they don't do their jobs as gracefully as I'd like, this is no different to me. I don't scream at the bus driver when the bus breaks down. I don't chew out the cashier when they take more than 30 seconds to scan my items. I don't yell at the staff when the Coli lags. The lack of compassion displayed towards the staff who gave up time they probably could've been spending with their families to make this event happen is frankly just disgusting.

The general response to this event has significantly lowered my opinion of the Flight Rising community as a whole. You've mostly behaved like a bunch of snivelling, entitled children, especially the special-snowflake Tumblrinas, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Edit: I can respect those that have respectfully stated their criticisms without attacking the admins or absurdly exaggerating the awfulness of the event, but the people on the *********** tumblr are just awful, awful people.
Because people are whiners.

Big, fat, sappy crybaby whiners who need to have everything right now.

Every single active user had a chance to make money off of this event. Strange Chests sold for fat stacks of T and I made 2 million casually grinding for a couple hours a day. That's as an adult who works fulltime and pays bills. If you don't, what's your excuse?

"I was busy spending time with my family and loved ones so I had no time to grind the coliseum!" You know what? I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. You made a sensible choice in terms of your priorities, but I don't have a family to go home to this Christmas. Due to a set of circumstances outside my control, I spent my holiday season working and playing FR in my downtime. I had no loved ones I could spend time with. In turn, I gained a bit of an edge over people who do. Given the choice I'd trade my circumstances in a heartbeat. So no, not feeling bad for people who couldn't grind because they were spending time with their families.

"But it's not fair!" Guess what, I have news for you. Life's not fair. Apparently y'all think "rare and limited edition" means "every single active user on the site deserves to get one within the first two weeks of the breed's release." That is the textbook definition of entitlement.

Have you forgotten that the rate of growth for a new breed on the site increases exponentially? If you would all sit down and shut up and have even a modicum of patience, you could probably all have a pretty Nocturne within 2 or 3 weeks after the event. I will bet you good money that come the end of February, people will be using Nocs as exalt fodder just like every other breed. These things are not even that pretty, and they will not hold their value. They're ugly bat-dragons. They don't compare to the majesty of an Imperial or Pearlcatcher or the cuteness of a Coatl. You just like them because they're shiny and new and not everyone has them yet, so you have to have one NOW NOW NOW.

There are plenty of legitimate complaints about the way the site's been running but honestly those bore me so much I'm not even going to address them. People do their best, but things happen and aren't always flawlessly executed. I have some forgiveness and understanding for my fellow human beings when they don't do their jobs as gracefully as I'd like, this is no different to me. I don't scream at the bus driver when the bus breaks down. I don't chew out the cashier when they take more than 30 seconds to scan my items. I don't yell at the staff when the Coli lags. The lack of compassion displayed towards the staff who gave up time they probably could've been spending with their families to make this event happen is frankly just disgusting.

The general response to this event has significantly lowered my opinion of the Flight Rising community as a whole. You've mostly behaved like a bunch of snivelling, entitled children, especially the special-snowflake Tumblrinas, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Edit: I can respect those that have respectfully stated their criticisms without attacking the admins or absurdly exaggerating the awfulness of the event, but the people on the *********** tumblr are just awful, awful people.
Because people want things handed to them instead of working for it.

Lolol honestly I dunno.
I hated the lag and the problems with Coli.
Because people want things handed to them instead of working for it.

Lolol honestly I dunno.
I hated the lag and the problems with Coli.

• it's in the refrigerator
• overwatch/bg3 trash
• she/they | FR +1
[quote name="squidmagician" date="2015-01-03 20:08:17"]There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding between the people who are perfectly happy with the event and those who are displeased. Namely, that the dissatisfied crowd are unhappy because they didn't get the stuff they wanted or it was too hard to get the stuff they wanted. Maybe that is, indeed, the case for some, but in general, that's really not the problem. The problem is not that it was difficult to obtain the items, but that attempting to do so was simply [i]not fun[/i]. That's it. It's that simple. If the process had been in any way enjoyable, there wouldn't have been so much "complaining."[/quote] Maybe it's because I have very low expectations, but how can an event be made fun? In all my years on pet sites, I can't ever remember actually having fun during a plot or event. (For those of you who were on neopets please remember the Altador Plot and for those of you on Subeta please remember the most recent snowball war) Maybe I'm just very cynical, but turning in trinkets for prizes seems as boring and tedious as manually opening 1000 chests for buttrocks. :c
squidmagician wrote on 2015-01-03 20:08:17:
There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding between the people who are perfectly happy with the event and those who are displeased. Namely, that the dissatisfied crowd are unhappy because they didn't get the stuff they wanted or it was too hard to get the stuff they wanted. Maybe that is, indeed, the case for some, but in general, that's really not the problem.

The problem is not that it was difficult to obtain the items, but that attempting to do so was simply not fun. That's it. It's that simple. If the process had been in any way enjoyable, there wouldn't have been so much "complaining."

Maybe it's because I have very low expectations, but how can an event be made fun? In all my years on pet sites, I can't ever remember actually having fun during a plot or event. (For those of you who were on neopets please remember the Altador Plot and for those of you on Subeta please remember the most recent snowball war)

Maybe I'm just very cynical, but turning in trinkets for prizes seems as boring and tedious as manually opening 1000 chests for buttrocks.

The amount of vitriol here is astounding.

As a simple, honest question, did you read any of the summarizing posts in this thread? Or in any other thread? People have legitimate constructive criticism, and while I haven't been on Drama Rising (to avoid the exact reason you mentioned), the forums here have been remarkably level-headed and well-reasoned.

I am baffled at the way you're responding to people who are trying to give feedback in order to assist something they enjoy - this site - in the hopes that this event can be improved next year.


That is absolutely not the problem. If you go back just a single page in this very thread, you'll find the reasons why people are upset and dissatisfied.

The amount of vitriol here is astounding.

As a simple, honest question, did you read any of the summarizing posts in this thread? Or in any other thread? People have legitimate constructive criticism, and while I haven't been on Drama Rising (to avoid the exact reason you mentioned), the forums here have been remarkably level-headed and well-reasoned.

I am baffled at the way you're responding to people who are trying to give feedback in order to assist something they enjoy - this site - in the hopes that this event can be improved next year.


That is absolutely not the problem. If you go back just a single page in this very thread, you'll find the reasons why people are upset and dissatisfied.
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Yeah, that's why I added the edit, I realized it was a bit harsh. It's mostly directed at the people at ***********.

People on this thread in particular seem much more level-headed.

Yeah, that's why I added the edit, I realized it was a bit harsh. It's mostly directed at the people at ***********.

People on this thread in particular seem much more level-headed.
Because I shouldn't have to sacrifice my wrist in coli to even have hopes of getting a good number of chests that are gonna be 99% full of crap.
Because my girlfriend shouldn't have to flare her carpal tunnel up in coli just for the 99% crap chests.

I was hyped for the first... three hours I think? and then I just got weary of it. I don't like coli on good days, and this made it so much worse.
Because I shouldn't have to sacrifice my wrist in coli to even have hopes of getting a good number of chests that are gonna be 99% full of crap.
Because my girlfriend shouldn't have to flare her carpal tunnel up in coli just for the 99% crap chests.

I was hyped for the first... three hours I think? and then I just got weary of it. I don't like coli on good days, and this made it so much worse.
N i c k
"Fear not the night."
→ he/him
[quote name="rich" date="2015-01-03 21:02:01"][quote name="squidmagician" date="2015-01-03 20:08:17"]There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding between the people who are perfectly happy with the event and those who are displeased. Namely, that the dissatisfied crowd are unhappy because they didn't get the stuff they wanted or it was too hard to get the stuff they wanted. Maybe that is, indeed, the case for some, but in general, that's really not the problem. The problem is not that it was difficult to obtain the items, but that attempting to do so was simply [i]not fun[/i]. That's it. It's that simple. If the process had been in any way enjoyable, there wouldn't have been so much "complaining."[/quote] Maybe it's because I have very low expectations, but how can an event be made fun? In all my years on pet sites, I can't ever remember actually having fun during a plot or event. (For those of you who were on neopets please remember the Altador Plot and for those of you on Subeta please remember the most recent snowball war) Maybe I'm just very cynical, but turning in trinkets for prizes seems as boring and tedious as manually opening 1000 chests for buttrocks. :c[/quote] As someone who has played Neopets for a very long time (and still play) I can agree with you. Usually when plots pop up now all I think is "What do I have to do to get x, y, z." and "What do [i]I[/i] want from this event? The avatar? A trophy? Nothing?" So I go and do what I can and if I don't get everything I don't care. At first I was a little irritated with NOTN, but I think that was the lag. I cannot stand lag. However, I sucked it up and played through coliseum and made a large amount of profit the first few days. Then when the chests hit 3k each I opened them and got everything except a scroll from this event. Then I went back to selling. The event itself is okay. I just wish it didn't rely on RNG. It is like The Mystery Capsule Adventure or whatever from Neopets except instead of missing out on premium content I'm missing out on regular site content. I shouldn't be upset and I won't be. However, I do not look forward to the event's return next December. I can just treat it like I do some of the events on Neopets though, just ignore it if need be. EDIT: I didn't express how much I liked the bears and mimics. I love them a lot! They're the best part of the event for me. :)
rich wrote on 2015-01-03 21:02:01:
squidmagician wrote on 2015-01-03 20:08:17:
There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding between the people who are perfectly happy with the event and those who are displeased. Namely, that the dissatisfied crowd are unhappy because they didn't get the stuff they wanted or it was too hard to get the stuff they wanted. Maybe that is, indeed, the case for some, but in general, that's really not the problem.

The problem is not that it was difficult to obtain the items, but that attempting to do so was simply not fun. That's it. It's that simple. If the process had been in any way enjoyable, there wouldn't have been so much "complaining."

Maybe it's because I have very low expectations, but how can an event be made fun? In all my years on pet sites, I can't ever remember actually having fun during a plot or event. (For those of you who were on neopets please remember the Altador Plot and for those of you on Subeta please remember the most recent snowball war)

Maybe I'm just very cynical, but turning in trinkets for prizes seems as boring and tedious as manually opening 1000 chests for buttrocks.

As someone who has played Neopets for a very long time (and still play) I can agree with you. Usually when plots pop up now all I think is "What do I have to do to get x, y, z." and "What do I want from this event? The avatar? A trophy? Nothing?" So I go and do what I can and if I don't get everything I don't care.
At first I was a little irritated with NOTN, but I think that was the lag. I cannot stand lag. However, I sucked it up and played through coliseum and made a large amount of profit the first few days. Then when the chests hit 3k each I opened them and got everything except a scroll from this event. Then I went back to selling.
The event itself is okay. I just wish it didn't rely on RNG. It is like The Mystery Capsule Adventure or whatever from Neopets except instead of missing out on premium content I'm missing out on regular site content. I shouldn't be upset and I won't be. However, I do not look forward to the event's return next December. I can just treat it like I do some of the events on Neopets though, just ignore it if need be.

I didn't express how much I liked the bears and mimics. I love them a lot! They're the best part of the event for me. :)
Okay, I just got back from a trip to the shopping centre and I’m kinda snowed under by all the replies, so it’s gonna take me a little bit to get through all this. Sorry for being gone so long, had I known I was going out I would have waited until I got back to post this thread, but the trip was an unplanned one, hence I could not. Just give me a bit and I'll respond to everyone.
Okay, I just got back from a trip to the shopping centre and I’m kinda snowed under by all the replies, so it’s gonna take me a little bit to get through all this. Sorry for being gone so long, had I known I was going out I would have waited until I got back to post this thread, but the trip was an unplanned one, hence I could not. Just give me a bit and I'll respond to everyone.
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[quote name="Jallycyn" date="2015-01-03 20:54:04"]Because people are whiners. Big, fat, sappy crybaby whiners who need to have everything [i]right now.[/i] Every single active user had a chance to make money off of this event. Strange Chests sold for fat stacks of T and I made 2 million casually grinding for a couple hours a day. That's as an adult who works fulltime and pays bills. If you don't, what's your excuse? [/quote] @Jallycyn Your logic, and the logic of others who continue to suggest just making treasure off this event, is completely baffling to me. A giant circle jerk of people selling strange chests to one another completely bypasses the entire point of this event. You're not selling your chests back to the site as a treasure sink, people are giving you their hard earned treasure for chests because they want to open them and actually participate in the event.
Jallycyn wrote on 2015-01-03 20:54:04:
Because people are whiners.

Big, fat, sappy crybaby whiners who need to have everything right now.

Every single active user had a chance to make money off of this event. Strange Chests sold for fat stacks of T and I made 2 million casually grinding for a couple hours a day. That's as an adult who works fulltime and pays bills. If you don't, what's your excuse?


Your logic, and the logic of others who continue to suggest just making treasure off this event, is completely baffling to me.

A giant circle jerk of people selling strange chests to one another completely bypasses the entire point of this event. You're not selling your chests back to the site as a treasure sink, people are giving you their hard earned treasure for chests because they want to open them and actually participate in the event.
I don't really have any complaints. I was able to get a scroll although I don't plan to use it because I am mostly just obsessed with opening unhatched eggs. Most of my nocturnes I will not breed. I will just hoard them as unbred gen 1 dragons. A few of them I will probably breed but I will mostly wait until people have gened up theirs and bred them a couple times so the prices of triple gened nocs come way down.

I had a way higher chance of getting an unhatched nocturne egg from the coli than a regular unhatched egg, which is what I usually hunt for. To me this event was amazing. I am sad that it is not the same for others :(
I don't really have any complaints. I was able to get a scroll although I don't plan to use it because I am mostly just obsessed with opening unhatched eggs. Most of my nocturnes I will not breed. I will just hoard them as unbred gen 1 dragons. A few of them I will probably breed but I will mostly wait until people have gened up theirs and bred them a couple times so the prices of triple gened nocs come way down.

I had a way higher chance of getting an unhatched nocturne egg from the coli than a regular unhatched egg, which is what I usually hunt for. To me this event was amazing. I am sad that it is not the same for others :(
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