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TOPIC | Coliseum Advice?
I'm really enjoying the Coliseum so far, but I've been having an extremely hard time with it as well, and figured I might be going about something in a way that's counterintuitive or the like. I figured I'd ask about for advice!

In short, I find myself barely able to ever win monster battles. Every time my dragons finally start getting strong enough to actually do more than a single fight in a row (and often running from tougher fights even if it's the first one in the chain), I've outleveled the area and so can no longer get the experience bonuses and have to move on.

I never forget to distribute stat points, so it's not that my dragons' stats aren't getting touched, and I add new battle stones whenever I get the chance, although as far as I've seen there really aren't many attacks so it's not like I'm missing higher-level skills. I've wondered if maybe I've done my stats in such a way that my dragons are too spread-out to manage anywhere; I was trying to sort of balance them within a few zones and not completely min-max them, but maybe in doing so they just can't keep up with the monsters? It always seems like the monsters are just all-around better than my dragons, when they are ostensibly the same level; the monsters dodge more, crit more, and seem to have more HP.

My dragons do more per hit than the opponents (right now my physical fighter, Fowler, does about 130 with a Scratch attack; my mage Myztike does roughly 200, when against a neutral element, with her Hydro Bolt; they're both level 11), but I end up running away from over half the fights I get into because the monsters seem to just not die. All the dodging and high HP means by the time I've got them down, my dragons are nearly dead.

I guess I just want to know if Coliseum is intended to be a game of mostly running away and trying battles over and over until you find a combination of monsters you can actually defeat, and giving up on the victory chain experience bonus entirely, or if I've somehow done my stats all wrong and need to redo them so my dragons don't have so much trouble.

For those helpful folks who want to see my dragons' numbers: Fowler, physical fighter Myztike, offensive mage.
I'm really enjoying the Coliseum so far, but I've been having an extremely hard time with it as well, and figured I might be going about something in a way that's counterintuitive or the like. I figured I'd ask about for advice!

In short, I find myself barely able to ever win monster battles. Every time my dragons finally start getting strong enough to actually do more than a single fight in a row (and often running from tougher fights even if it's the first one in the chain), I've outleveled the area and so can no longer get the experience bonuses and have to move on.

I never forget to distribute stat points, so it's not that my dragons' stats aren't getting touched, and I add new battle stones whenever I get the chance, although as far as I've seen there really aren't many attacks so it's not like I'm missing higher-level skills. I've wondered if maybe I've done my stats in such a way that my dragons are too spread-out to manage anywhere; I was trying to sort of balance them within a few zones and not completely min-max them, but maybe in doing so they just can't keep up with the monsters? It always seems like the monsters are just all-around better than my dragons, when they are ostensibly the same level; the monsters dodge more, crit more, and seem to have more HP.

My dragons do more per hit than the opponents (right now my physical fighter, Fowler, does about 130 with a Scratch attack; my mage Myztike does roughly 200, when against a neutral element, with her Hydro Bolt; they're both level 11), but I end up running away from over half the fights I get into because the monsters seem to just not die. All the dodging and high HP means by the time I've got them down, my dragons are nearly dead.

I guess I just want to know if Coliseum is intended to be a game of mostly running away and trying battles over and over until you find a combination of monsters you can actually defeat, and giving up on the victory chain experience bonus entirely, or if I've somehow done my stats all wrong and need to redo them so my dragons don't have so much trouble.

For those helpful folks who want to see my dragons' numbers: Fowler, physical fighter Myztike, offensive mage.
I think the best thing for you to do would be to get a third adult to fight with your current dragons. Having a third body in there is a great help.

I'm not much of a strategic expert, but the stats on your current two look fine to me, and if you're putting stones on them when you can I imagine they'll hold their own just fine once you round out your team.
I think the best thing for you to do would be to get a third adult to fight with your current dragons. Having a third body in there is a great help.

I'm not much of a strategic expert, but the stats on your current two look fine to me, and if you're putting stones on them when you can I imagine they'll hold their own just fine once you round out your team.
Hi @Wirevix!

I'm no coliseum expert, but I do remember reading somewhere that it's balanced for a three dragon team, so you're at a disadvantage right away with only two. I started coliseum fighting with a guardian/tundra team but found that I had much more success when I decided to switch to all guardians. The tundra "meditate" just seemed to take too much time for my style of play - it felt like a wasted turn when I could slash the enemy instead! :)

Sorry it's not all that much info, but I hope it's at least a tad helpful! Good luck!
Hi @Wirevix!

I'm no coliseum expert, but I do remember reading somewhere that it's balanced for a three dragon team, so you're at a disadvantage right away with only two. I started coliseum fighting with a guardian/tundra team but found that I had much more success when I decided to switch to all guardians. The tundra "meditate" just seemed to take too much time for my style of play - it felt like a wasted turn when I could slash the enemy instead! :)

Sorry it's not all that much info, but I hope it's at least a tad helpful! Good luck!
Stuff I'm working on:
Seclusa | My Art
I know when I first started having only 2 adults was rough going. Once I got three it helped the team. Sort of distributes that damage a little more. Maybe just don't worry about getting those chains. Till you get a full team, don't do battles at level. Farm the lower tier till you get a little stronger. Its not a bad idea anyway as you get battle items, treasure and goodies regardless of level.

<3 Fowler&#039;s colors btw
I know when I first started having only 2 adults was rough going. Once I got three it helped the team. Sort of distributes that damage a little more. Maybe just don&#039;t worry about getting those chains. Till you get a full team, don&#039;t do battles at level. Farm the lower tier till you get a little stronger. Its not a bad idea anyway as you get battle items, treasure and goodies regardless of level.

<3 Fowler&#039;s colors btw
Ah, all right. I guess I was underestimating just how much having a third dragon would help out.

So now I have to decide whether I want to buy an adult or wait for my others to grow up, I suppose; I was saving treasure to buy some genes, but I plan to start selling artwork soon, so maybe that won&#039;t be an issue...

Thanks for your help, folks!

And aha, I&#039;m glad you like Fowler. I spent almost an hour on the "create your dragon" screen debating on just what scheme I wanted to give him.
Ah, all right. I guess I was underestimating just how much having a third dragon would help out.

So now I have to decide whether I want to buy an adult or wait for my others to grow up, I suppose; I was saving treasure to buy some genes, but I plan to start selling artwork soon, so maybe that won&#039;t be an issue...

Thanks for your help, folks!

And aha, I&#039;m glad you like Fowler. I spent almost an hour on the "create your dragon" screen debating on just what scheme I wanted to give him.
You can borrow a dragon from me if you want :) Just send it back when it levels up so I can allocate stats.
You can borrow a dragon from me if you want :) Just send it back when it levels up so I can allocate stats.
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
Ahaha, that&#039;s all right. It looks like the prices for adults have gone down from the past few days on the Auction House, so I&#039;ll probably just find one there~
Ahaha, that&#039;s all right. It looks like the prices for adults have gone down from the past few days on the Auction House, so I&#039;ll probably just find one there~
@Wirevix Scrolls of maturity sometimes dip in price at the Auction House, too, which would let you instantly age one of your babies into an adult
@Wirevix Scrolls of maturity sometimes dip in price at the Auction House, too, which would let you instantly age one of your babies into an adult
Thanks for the tip; I checked it out and found one way cheaper than all the adults and picked it up, haha.
Thanks for the tip; I checked it out and found one way cheaper than all the adults and picked it up, haha.
For your third, you might want to consider making them a healer/support, tank or healer/tank. Though I&#039;m in awe of you getting a two dragon team to 11.
For your third, you might want to consider making them a healer/support, tank or healer/tank. Though I&#039;m in awe of you getting a two dragon team to 11.
I'm back, but life is being complicated. It probably will take awhile for me to reply, because I log on irratically.