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TOPIC | Gem MP purchase not in hoard
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Thanks for locking my other post. I have sent a message through contact us - but I NEVER HEAR back from that method of contact. The scroll still isn't in my hoard. It would be nice if I heard from someone who could fix this.
Thanks for locking my other post. I have sent a message through contact us - but I NEVER HEAR back from that method of contact. The scroll still isn't in my hoard. It would be nice if I heard from someone who could fix this.
I am having the same problem. Facet scrolls I'm guessing? Yeah, I'm missing two and sent them an "official" contact message about 10 hours ago. Im a little annoyed but not angry per se. I just want my scrolls or gems back
I am having the same problem. Facet scrolls I'm guessing? Yeah, I'm missing two and sent them an "official" contact message about 10 hours ago. Im a little annoyed but not angry per se. I just want my scrolls or gems back
Yeah, it was a facet scroll. It's getting to the point that I want to stop using this site because I never can get any answer from "the powers that be". I realize the site is still in beta and glitches happen, but this is ridiculous if I can't get someone to respond through the "contact us" link.
Yeah, it was a facet scroll. It's getting to the point that I want to stop using this site because I never can get any answer from "the powers that be". I realize the site is still in beta and glitches happen, but this is ridiculous if I can't get someone to respond through the "contact us" link.
I understand. This has been my worst response with customer service here. Ive had 2 other issues and those were addressed withing hours of my complaint so Im a little annoyed
I understand. This has been my worst response with customer service here. Ive had 2 other issues and those were addressed withing hours of my complaint so Im a little annoyed
bumping this because its been nearly 24 hours without an "official" response for me
bumping this because its been nearly 24 hours without an "official" response for me
@nanrivers the site actually is NOT in beta. This is fully fledged and officially open, even if registration is not. Beta users got gifts the rest of us did not.

I'm gonna be the annoying one to ask the obvious questions, just to make sure everything that you can possibly do was done right, and the fault does indeed lie with the contact us person-

Did your report to the contact us link use the email address currently linked to your account, and not some other email address?
Did you check your spam folder for any replies/acknowledgement that it was received?
In the email you sent, did you include the general time that you lost the scroll, so that admin can check if the gems were deducted around that time and pinpoint the problem?
@nanrivers the site actually is NOT in beta. This is fully fledged and officially open, even if registration is not. Beta users got gifts the rest of us did not.

I'm gonna be the annoying one to ask the obvious questions, just to make sure everything that you can possibly do was done right, and the fault does indeed lie with the contact us person-

Did your report to the contact us link use the email address currently linked to your account, and not some other email address?
Did you check your spam folder for any replies/acknowledgement that it was received?
In the email you sent, did you include the general time that you lost the scroll, so that admin can check if the gems were deducted around that time and pinpoint the problem?
@clockworkMoose Ive done all of this for things that disappear and WHOOP I never got them back. Its all gone and you cannot get it back because they dont usually care enough to respond. Ive sent multiple issues, and even followed up, and never got my gems/items. So they may be up a creek without a paddle and just have to move on. Its not fair, and thats why I stopped buying things. I would be especially mad if I bought those gems with real money though. Thats just bad business. Im not attacking you, its just that this is a pattern of not caring enough to respond.
@clockworkMoose Ive done all of this for things that disappear and WHOOP I never got them back. Its all gone and you cannot get it back because they dont usually care enough to respond. Ive sent multiple issues, and even followed up, and never got my gems/items. So they may be up a creek without a paddle and just have to move on. Its not fair, and thats why I stopped buying things. I would be especially mad if I bought those gems with real money though. Thats just bad business. Im not attacking you, its just that this is a pattern of not caring enough to respond.
@Metallokinetic yeah man, I'm completely jaded to the administrative abilities of the admin at this point, but like,,, there's no other system in place to get things back, so basically the best you can do at this point is getting as much of the information straight to admin as you can, and then crossing your fingers. So making sure all that info you send them is right is just giving them one less excuse as to why they didn't reply.
@Metallokinetic yeah man, I'm completely jaded to the administrative abilities of the admin at this point, but like,,, there's no other system in place to get things back, so basically the best you can do at this point is getting as much of the information straight to admin as you can, and then crossing your fingers. So making sure all that info you send them is right is just giving them one less excuse as to why they didn't reply.
@clockworkMoose my friend lost items through the strange chests. he even provided screen shots and hes have STILL not heard back you know? its just infuriating. Its bad business, because thats what this site is. A business. and this is why I have not bought gems. Because they cannot get there **** together and do something. This last celebration crashed the site so much, and I cannot stand it. its aggravates me. I am considering stopping playing because it just makes me angry.
@clockworkMoose my friend lost items through the strange chests. he even provided screen shots and hes have STILL not heard back you know? its just infuriating. Its bad business, because thats what this site is. A business. and this is why I have not bought gems. Because they cannot get there **** together and do something. This last celebration crashed the site so much, and I cannot stand it. its aggravates me. I am considering stopping playing because it just makes me angry.
"Did your report to the contact us link use the email address currently linked to your account, and not some other email address?
Did you check your spam folder for any replies/acknowledgement that it was received?
In the email you sent, did you include the general time that you lost the scroll, so that admin can check if the gems were deducted around that time and pinpoint the problem?"

YUP to all 3!

I even got a reply that they had gotten my contact us email. Its really sad actually, I've had better dealings with my cable company than them right now
"Did your report to the contact us link use the email address currently linked to your account, and not some other email address?
Did you check your spam folder for any replies/acknowledgement that it was received?
In the email you sent, did you include the general time that you lost the scroll, so that admin can check if the gems were deducted around that time and pinpoint the problem?"

YUP to all 3!

I even got a reply that they had gotten my contact us email. Its really sad actually, I've had better dealings with my cable company than them right now
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