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TOPIC | Coliseum Grinding/Exalting Guide
@Kiena Do you know if 27 vit compared to 20 makes a big difference on the build for leveling two dragons in the mire? On an un-tinctured skydancer, the str and qck are easy to reach, but with the remaining points I could only get to 20 vit. Is it worth the 30k to get the extra 7 vit, or will it not make much of a difference?
@Kiena Do you know if 27 vit compared to 20 makes a big difference on the build for leveling two dragons in the mire? On an un-tinctured skydancer, the str and qck are easy to reach, but with the remaining points I could only get to 20 vit. Is it worth the 30k to get the extra 7 vit, or will it not make much of a difference?
@Paleh Well I can vouch that 24 vit works okay, because that's what I use.
@Paleh Well I can vouch that 24 vit works okay, because that's what I use.
@Bejita - I'm so glad the guide has worked for you - of course you can link it in your profile. :) Please ask me if you have any questions!

@Paleh - That's 140 HP, which is a bit less than one hit. I think in the (very) long run it will occasionally make a difference, but you probably won't notice it much. I would suggest Tincturing when you have a spare 30k some day, but until that happens, I would go ahead and try it with only 20 Vit.
@Bejita - I'm so glad the guide has worked for you - of course you can link it in your profile. :) Please ask me if you have any questions!

@Paleh - That's 140 HP, which is a bit less than one hit. I think in the (very) long run it will occasionally make a difference, but you probably won't notice it much. I would suggest Tincturing when you have a spare 30k some day, but until that happens, I would go ahead and try it with only 20 Vit.
Just vouching here for the extra edge cases of VIT, my record survival was 10 HP. :P [EDIT]: Make that 8 HP, I just got a new record.

The "just by a hair" survival happens to me somewhat regularly because I play quite aggressively as long as I have a lot of Breath. I definitely appreciate the miniscule amounts of extra HP. If you play it safe and like to reset a lot, though, then the extra VIT might not matter as much. I agree with Kiena that it's worth it in the long run, and if you have a long list of priorities, you could probably shove it down a few notches.
Just vouching here for the extra edge cases of VIT, my record survival was 10 HP. :P [EDIT]: Make that 8 HP, I just got a new record.

The "just by a hair" survival happens to me somewhat regularly because I play quite aggressively as long as I have a lot of Breath. I definitely appreciate the miniscule amounts of extra HP. If you play it safe and like to reset a lot, though, then the extra VIT might not matter as much. I agree with Kiena that it's worth it in the long run, and if you have a long list of priorities, you could probably shove it down a few notches.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
@Kiena I've found that I can level two at once with a starting pack of three, as long as there's no more than two physical fighters and no psywurms or toridae in the starting pack.
@Kiena I've found that I can level two at once with a starting pack of three, as long as there's no more than two physical fighters and no psywurms or toridae in the starting pack.
@jessile - Yeah, I've started doing that too! Even if there are regular Psywurms, in fact. (Though I usually reload still if there are two or more Brilliant Psywurms.) But I kind of want the guide to show the easiest suggestions, since people can slowly branch out on their own and try riskier options as they get better at soloing the Mire.
@jessile - Yeah, I've started doing that too! Even if there are regular Psywurms, in fact. (Though I usually reload still if there are two or more Brilliant Psywurms.) But I kind of want the guide to show the easiest suggestions, since people can slowly branch out on their own and try riskier options as they get better at soloing the Mire.
Is there any way to undo spent points? I'm totally new here and I think I've screwed up my dragons stats :p I'd love to reset them, maybe there's a special item of some kind?
Is there any way to undo spent points? I'm totally new here and I think I've screwed up my dragons stats :p I'd love to reset them, maybe there's a special item of some kind?
@Bluu - Yup! A Tincture of Dissolution will let you reset your stat points. It will also strip out the breed-specific points and give them back to you as points to spend as you like, so they're really useful! You can find them in the battle section of the Marketplace for 30,000 treasure, or on the Auction House from other players (sometimes for less than 30k). To use one, go to the Stats & Abilities menu and click on the dragon's image on the right side, as though you were going to assign points. (You can do this even if you don't have any points to assign.) The stat menu will pop up and you can use the Tincture from a button in the upper right of that menu. [item=Tincture of Dissolution]
@Bluu - Yup! A Tincture of Dissolution will let you reset your stat points. It will also strip out the breed-specific points and give them back to you as points to spend as you like, so they're really useful!

You can find them in the battle section of the Marketplace for 30,000 treasure, or on the Auction House from other players (sometimes for less than 30k).

To use one, go to the Stats & Abilities menu and click on the dragon's image on the right side, as though you were going to assign points. (You can do this even if you don't have any points to assign.) The stat menu will pop up and you can use the Tincture from a button in the upper right of that menu.

Tincture of Dissolution
@Kiena Awesome! Thanks so much!
@Kiena Awesome! Thanks so much!
Been using this guide as long as I've been on the site, and just noticed something this evening. I think damage rolls were added, unless I'm losing my mind. With 126 str/8 agi/58 qck my Rallied Eliminates can range anywhere between 1655-1695 which means I can't just one-shot anything in the Kelp Bed most of the time. My imagination or will we be seeing some major changes to the coli?
Been using this guide as long as I've been on the site, and just noticed something this evening. I think damage rolls were added, unless I'm losing my mind. With 126 str/8 agi/58 qck my Rallied Eliminates can range anywhere between 1655-1695 which means I can't just one-shot anything in the Kelp Bed most of the time. My imagination or will we be seeing some major changes to the coli?
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