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TOPIC | Food was never added to stock.
I had about 85+ meat points and a good 25-35 insect points that I was adding to my stocks at 4:10 PM CST after some gathering. When they didn't immediately add up, I decided to wait and see what happened, though I was soon pulled away from the computer. It's now just about 9:00 PM CST, and I still don't have my food added. I know it's not just a display glitch, as I just topped off my dragons and my count has dropped further. I'm not terribly broken up about it, but it's awful irritating; I kind of needed all that. :'|

Estimates for the points because I usually rely on my store count to tally it all up. Needless to say, I'm having a bit of an issue figuring out what would've been in there. I know there's a lot of other glitches going in, but I figure this was at least worth posting. Not sure if anybody else's dealt with it, but better safe than sorry.
I had about 85+ meat points and a good 25-35 insect points that I was adding to my stocks at 4:10 PM CST after some gathering. When they didn't immediately add up, I decided to wait and see what happened, though I was soon pulled away from the computer. It's now just about 9:00 PM CST, and I still don't have my food added. I know it's not just a display glitch, as I just topped off my dragons and my count has dropped further. I'm not terribly broken up about it, but it's awful irritating; I kind of needed all that. :'|

Estimates for the points because I usually rely on my store count to tally it all up. Needless to say, I'm having a bit of an issue figuring out what would've been in there. I know there's a lot of other glitches going in, but I figure this was at least worth posting. Not sure if anybody else's dealt with it, but better safe than sorry.
@Sinclair, I'm not seeing something in your description. Did you select the chosen food item and click Convert in your Hoard?

(edit) It's to clarify where you are in the process so we can troubleshoot or reproduce the problem. Thank you. ♥
@Sinclair, I'm not seeing something in your description. Did you select the chosen food item and click Convert in your Hoard?

(edit) It's to clarify where you are in the process so we can troubleshoot or reproduce the problem. Thank you. ♥
coffee. need coffee.
Also, @Sinclair, could you please clear your cache and try again? Many times these types of errors could be display errors caused by the cache.

1. Log out

2. Clear browser cache

3. Close browser

4. Open browser

5. Log in

Let me know if that fixed it.
Also, @Sinclair, could you please clear your cache and try again? Many times these types of errors could be display errors caused by the cache.

1. Log out

2. Clear browser cache

3. Close browser

4. Open browser

5. Log in

Let me know if that fixed it.
coffee. need coffee.
@twitchy ; Yes, I converted it. It's all out of my hoard.
Let me just go ahead and try what you said, see what happens.
@twitchy ; Yes, I converted it. It's all out of my hoard.
Let me just go ahead and try what you said, see what happens.
@twitchy ; Sorry for the doubleping, but. Did all that, and it's still not added.
@twitchy ; Sorry for the doubleping, but. Did all that, and it's still not added.