
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Lag (?)
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So I just made a visit to the suggestion forum and noticed there was a lot of threads about how bad the lag is and how it's impossible to feed your dragons or incubate your egg without the page erroring you out.

Am I really the only one not having that happen to me? I understand that after the 2000 mark Flight Rising slows down a lot and I can't access the auction house that easily (but I still can) but I never get any error messages while feeding my dragons or going to Crims or whatever (sometimes in the auction house but thats because there is much too many items in there)

I'm just writing this thread as I really am wondering if the lag is effecting everyone that badly, because some people are even being effected at lower user counts (well according to the suggestions anyway) and I just don't see that happening...
So I just made a visit to the suggestion forum and noticed there was a lot of threads about how bad the lag is and how it's impossible to feed your dragons or incubate your egg without the page erroring you out.

Am I really the only one not having that happen to me? I understand that after the 2000 mark Flight Rising slows down a lot and I can't access the auction house that easily (but I still can) but I never get any error messages while feeding my dragons or going to Crims or whatever (sometimes in the auction house but thats because there is much too many items in there)

I'm just writing this thread as I really am wondering if the lag is effecting everyone that badly, because some people are even being effected at lower user counts (well according to the suggestions anyway) and I just don't see that happening...
shhh if you say you're not affected you'll jinx it
shhh if you say you're not affected you'll jinx it
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
@rhea Well it certainly cursed my notifications, the "1" keeps coming back for more X3
@rhea Well it certainly cursed my notifications, the "1" keeps coming back for more X3
Shhhhhh! Lagbeast will wake up again if you keep mentioning that word! D8
Shhhhhh! Lagbeast will wake up again if you keep mentioning that word! D8
It's true. Don't mention the L word or the L word will mention you.
It's true. Don't mention the L word or the L word will mention you.
I logged back in this morning and there is no lag for me at all, it's great. I used to get so much lag even with under 1000 people on, and admittedly we're only a little over, but I could dance. It's fantastic.
I logged back in this morning and there is no lag for me at all, it's great. I used to get so much lag even with under 1000 people on, and admittedly we're only a little over, but I could dance. It's fantastic.
Sssh, don't say that word lag indeed. Flight risings night time is so peaceful. The only way to do your things. You never hear me complain about the lag, my timezone fall in the nighttime for FR. But even i get screwed when there are like 1800 people online. So far, keep the peace.
Sssh, don't say that word lag indeed. Flight risings night time is so peaceful. The only way to do your things. You never hear me complain about the lag, my timezone fall in the nighttime for FR. But even i get screwed when there are like 1800 people online. So far, keep the peace.
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What I have noticed it that after a maintenance no matter how many people are on the site is actually pretty fast but then as time progresses it starts to slow down no matter how many people are on.

Are they sure there is not some kinda sneaky memory leak or something going on or some query that starts looping and hogging all the resources or something?
or maybe some services (if they use them that is) that have unlimited right to snatch up all the memory/cpu power instead of being limited to a certain amount.
What I have noticed it that after a maintenance no matter how many people are on the site is actually pretty fast but then as time progresses it starts to slow down no matter how many people are on.

Are they sure there is not some kinda sneaky memory leak or something going on or some query that starts looping and hogging all the resources or something?
or maybe some services (if they use them that is) that have unlimited right to snatch up all the memory/cpu power instead of being limited to a certain amount.
mine runs okay. it's not fast, and sometimes the lag is worse than usual, but it loads most of the time. i don't have problems feeding or incubating, what i have problems with are messages, auction house, and the search function throwing me back to my clan page instead of giving me search results. lately the site has been telling me i have new ping notifs all the time, too.

but at least i can feed my beggars.
mine runs okay. it's not fast, and sometimes the lag is worse than usual, but it loads most of the time. i don't have problems feeding or incubating, what i have problems with are messages, auction house, and the search function throwing me back to my clan page instead of giving me search results. lately the site has been telling me i have new ping notifs all the time, too.

but at least i can feed my beggars.
I'm getting some and it errors out on me too from time to time, but this honestly wasn't happening until after certain events recently occurred I noticed, then we started getting this, I've honestly got a hunch people are so angry over what happened that they are attacking the site by doing a DDOS attack possibly... IDK, it's just a hunch since I noticed how badly people were reacting to everything with quitting the site, not paying, putting on adblock, and such, people can generally react very badly when they are feel they are offended like they were. (and honestly I'm not trying to drag the subject back into the light, it's still fairly fresh and I'm not trying to start anything, again, just thought on why it's happening)
I'm getting some and it errors out on me too from time to time, but this honestly wasn't happening until after certain events recently occurred I noticed, then we started getting this, I've honestly got a hunch people are so angry over what happened that they are attacking the site by doing a DDOS attack possibly... IDK, it's just a hunch since I noticed how badly people were reacting to everything with quitting the site, not paying, putting on adblock, and such, people can generally react very badly when they are feel they are offended like they were. (and honestly I'm not trying to drag the subject back into the light, it's still fairly fresh and I'm not trying to start anything, again, just thought on why it's happening)
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