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TOPIC | Pokemon fans, whatcha breeding?
Shiny eevees, for the eeveelutions. I WILL HAVE MY SHINY EEVEELUTION TEAM, DARN YOU! *races back and forth on bike*
Shiny eevees, for the eeveelutions. I WILL HAVE MY SHINY EEVEELUTION TEAM, DARN YOU! *races back and forth on bike*
Breeding Porygon.
Done at least 710 eggs so far.
Being pretty unlucky with it.

Wanting a shiny with at least 4 perfect IVs.
Breeding Porygon.
Done at least 710 eggs so far.
Being pretty unlucky with it.

Wanting a shiny with at least 4 perfect IVs.


We are being watched.
The government has a secret system,
a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.
I designed the machine to detect acts of terror
but it sees everything...
dyNkCVG.gif Pvj9w5p.png

Filling up my dex with breeding missing pre evolves.... Just hatched a Poochyena and my kitten is so interested in what I am doing. :D (He really wants to steal my stylus..)

Is dat a dog? Why u hatch dog?
Filling up my dex with breeding missing pre evolves.... Just hatched a Poochyena and my kitten is so interested in what I am doing. :D (He really wants to steal my stylus..)

Is dat a dog? Why u hatch dog?
I'm hatching Feebas in hopes of getting a Shiny for my friend's birthday. After that, I'm going back to Mudkips!
I'm hatching Feebas in hopes of getting a Shiny for my friend's birthday. After that, I'm going back to Mudkips!

I'm breeding Sentret babies. Because I'm a total noob who forgot Pachirisu can only get Follow Me via breeding. And since Sentret learns that at Lv19, I'm taking the chance to breed one with good IVs. It'll also make breeding for the best Pachirisu easier.

And yes, my goal is to end up with a Pachirisu like Se Jun Park's. I get better by copying and then giving it my own spin later on :P
I'm breeding Sentret babies. Because I'm a total noob who forgot Pachirisu can only get Follow Me via breeding. And since Sentret learns that at Lv19, I'm taking the chance to breed one with good IVs. It'll also make breeding for the best Pachirisu easier.

And yes, my goal is to end up with a Pachirisu like Se Jun Park's. I get better by copying and then giving it my own spin later on :P
I'm breeding snivies through the Masuda Method!
I'm breeding snivies through the Masuda Method!
my colors!
my cool ids interest check
space for a new post
pretty dergs for sale v2 (open) next bargain bin next
gosh this thread is basically making me want to go back to breeding

I've been trying to breed for a 5V fossil team

cuz my friends and I all have "gyms" of a sort, and mine is rock type

using all fossil pokemon 8,)
gosh this thread is basically making me want to go back to breeding

I've been trying to breed for a 5V fossil team

cuz my friends and I all have "gyms" of a sort, and mine is rock type

using all fossil pokemon 8,)
-sips tea-
I just recently hatched a shiny absol after 45 eggs! Lucky me~
I just recently hatched a shiny absol after 45 eggs! Lucky me~
I'm currently breeding for a Sinnoh region exclusive pokemon team, and i'm deciding if I want to fill my mega evo spot with mega garchomp or mega lucario. In the meantime, i'm breeding my luxray to have the ability Guts. I'm going to use the smoogon strategy with flame orb, but i'm changing some of the moves to suit my team better.
I'm currently breeding for a Sinnoh region exclusive pokemon team, and i'm deciding if I want to fill my mega evo spot with mega garchomp or mega lucario. In the meantime, i'm breeding my luxray to have the ability Guts. I'm going to use the smoogon strategy with flame orb, but i'm changing some of the moves to suit my team better.
ESz41.gif Hey i'm Eben and i love 80s music, homestuck, splatoon and animation!
Hah, I feel you, @Russianblu. I'm on the planning stages of updating Cynthia's team for the XY metagame. I wrestled with the choice between Mega Garchomp and Mega Lucario for a while, until I realized Mega Garchomp was the obvious choice, since he's basically her mascot Pokémon xD

Good luck with your team, though. It's great to see someone giving Luxray some love :3

As for me, I finally finished breeding a whole lotta Sentret, then bred even more Pachirisu. After that, I bred some Electrike and somehow managed to get a Timid girl with Lightning Rod and Hidden Power Ice. I'm not the best at breeding for specific Hidden Power types, so I'm pretty happy.

I'm trying to figure out the exact IVs and Hidden Power types for those Electrike and Pachirisu, and I'll write them down here. If any of you want some, lemme know :B
Hah, I feel you, @Russianblu. I'm on the planning stages of updating Cynthia's team for the XY metagame. I wrestled with the choice between Mega Garchomp and Mega Lucario for a while, until I realized Mega Garchomp was the obvious choice, since he's basically her mascot Pokémon xD

Good luck with your team, though. It's great to see someone giving Luxray some love :3

As for me, I finally finished breeding a whole lotta Sentret, then bred even more Pachirisu. After that, I bred some Electrike and somehow managed to get a Timid girl with Lightning Rod and Hidden Power Ice. I'm not the best at breeding for specific Hidden Power types, so I'm pretty happy.

I'm trying to figure out the exact IVs and Hidden Power types for those Electrike and Pachirisu, and I'll write them down here. If any of you want some, lemme know :B