@Paths in the Rain Hi everyone today’s entry will be delayed, long story short my dog is ok but he did get bit by another dog with an irresponsible owner so vet check time. Again it’s not serious but yeah idk how long I’ll be at the vet for

TOPIC | [WATERDOM] Paths in the Rain
@Paths in the Rain Hi everyone today’s entry will be delayed, long story short my dog is ok but he did get bit by another dog with an irresponsible owner so vet check time. Again it’s not serious but yeah idk how long I’ll be at the vet for
[b]Day 2[/b]
“Ah, so that little one has a name. It is good that it is able to freely feed while aboard, though it troubles me that it sought to steal the Seer’s gifts. Thank you for the warning,” Doxin says to the crew member with a slight bow of his head. Then he continues walking down the hall to seek a space to sit and ponder some more on the greedy Midnorth and its mesmerizing eyes, while waiting for the ship to reach its destination.
After a time, Doxin’s legs and wings were feeling stiff and he decided to return to the main deck to stretch. Right as he made it to the hatch, Storm’s announcement vibrated through him. Eager to see the destination, Doxin carefully weaves around people to make his way to the front of the crowd heading toward the helm. He wasn’t sure what he expected to see but as Storm launched into the air with the expanding mirror, a brief bout of terror passed over him quickly followed by excitement. Anyone nearby would not have guessed considering his face just held the faintest hint of a smirk.
After Storm’s insistence on walking the plank to go through the mirror, Doxin gave a quick look around for Midnorth and then carefully stowed his dice in a small case that one of his spectral hands clasped onto for safe keeping. Then he walked up to the plank and gingerly stepped off the end. His confidence falters a bit when he is met with first cold, then dark, without being able to see back to where he came from. Again the slight terror of the unknown returns for the briefest moment before subsiding as he realizes he can still breath and appears to be floating along with all the other dragons who took the leap of faith into the mirror.
Having found his calm, Doxin begins to take note of his surroundings outside of the tunnel. The settlements on the rocks with dens made out of coral or seaweed catch his eye as he begins to consider what the denizens of these settlements will be like. His eyes go a little out of focus as he thinks to himself, “Settlements mean there are communities of creatures here! What goods could these creatures possess that they might be willing to trade? Could a regular trading path be set up for the wares that the Soundless Peaks have to offer?”
Doxin’s eyes barely start to refocus just as the enormous shadow bursts through the wall of the tunnel. He did not even have time to consider whether this was a friend or foe as his spectral hands clutch onto one of the pale blue tendrils purely by reflex. While the ride was quite exhilarating, the inability to control where he was going led Doxin to make a timely exit onto an island containing some of the coral dens he had seen from far above. Doxin was fascinated to see that the colors of the coral dens were even more tantalizing up close. “There must be incredible nutrients in the water around here, enriching the coral and brightening the colors. Or perhaps the native creatures are applying a special salve to the coral dens to maintain their brilliance. Oh how the clan would enjoy seeing such wonderful colors. If only there were a way to bring it back home.” Doxin mused.
Doxin had just decided to walk over to one of the masked turtles to glean any information and potentially barter a trade, when he [b](rolled a 2)[/b] was distracted by a pod of bihorned whales, one of whom seemed particularly angered by the sudden appearance of Doxin and the Seer’s other invitees. As Doxin typically sidesteps confrontation as often as he can, he calmly states “I cannot speak on behalf of the Seer as I do not know what guides their decisions regarding the gifting of their boons. Perhaps you should seek out the Seer to ask it yourself?” With that said, Doxin slightly bowed his head and began walking away in the direction of the patrolling sharks, just in case the group decided to get rowdy.
Day 2

“Ah, so that little one has a name. It is good that it is able to freely feed while aboard, though it troubles me that it sought to steal the Seer’s gifts. Thank you for the warning,” Doxin says to the crew member with a slight bow of his head. Then he continues walking down the hall to seek a space to sit and ponder some more on the greedy Midnorth and its mesmerizing eyes, while waiting for the ship to reach its destination.
After a time, Doxin’s legs and wings were feeling stiff and he decided to return to the main deck to stretch. Right as he made it to the hatch, Storm’s announcement vibrated through him. Eager to see the destination, Doxin carefully weaves around people to make his way to the front of the crowd heading toward the helm. He wasn’t sure what he expected to see but as Storm launched into the air with the expanding mirror, a brief bout of terror passed over him quickly followed by excitement. Anyone nearby would not have guessed considering his face just held the faintest hint of a smirk.
After Storm’s insistence on walking the plank to go through the mirror, Doxin gave a quick look around for Midnorth and then carefully stowed his dice in a small case that one of his spectral hands clasped onto for safe keeping. Then he walked up to the plank and gingerly stepped off the end. His confidence falters a bit when he is met with first cold, then dark, without being able to see back to where he came from. Again the slight terror of the unknown returns for the briefest moment before subsiding as he realizes he can still breath and appears to be floating along with all the other dragons who took the leap of faith into the mirror.
Having found his calm, Doxin begins to take note of his surroundings outside of the tunnel. The settlements on the rocks with dens made out of coral or seaweed catch his eye as he begins to consider what the denizens of these settlements will be like. His eyes go a little out of focus as he thinks to himself, “Settlements mean there are communities of creatures here! What goods could these creatures possess that they might be willing to trade? Could a regular trading path be set up for the wares that the Soundless Peaks have to offer?”
Doxin’s eyes barely start to refocus just as the enormous shadow bursts through the wall of the tunnel. He did not even have time to consider whether this was a friend or foe as his spectral hands clutch onto one of the pale blue tendrils purely by reflex. While the ride was quite exhilarating, the inability to control where he was going led Doxin to make a timely exit onto an island containing some of the coral dens he had seen from far above. Doxin was fascinated to see that the colors of the coral dens were even more tantalizing up close. “There must be incredible nutrients in the water around here, enriching the coral and brightening the colors. Or perhaps the native creatures are applying a special salve to the coral dens to maintain their brilliance. Oh how the clan would enjoy seeing such wonderful colors. If only there were a way to bring it back home.” Doxin mused.
Doxin had just decided to walk over to one of the masked turtles to glean any information and potentially barter a trade, when he (rolled a 2) was distracted by a pod of bihorned whales, one of whom seemed particularly angered by the sudden appearance of Doxin and the Seer’s other invitees. As Doxin typically sidesteps confrontation as often as he can, he calmly states “I cannot speak on behalf of the Seer as I do not know what guides their decisions regarding the gifting of their boons. Perhaps you should seek out the Seer to ask it yourself?” With that said, Doxin slightly bowed his head and began walking away in the direction of the patrolling sharks, just in case the group decided to get rowdy.

“Ah, so that little one has a name. It is good that it is able to freely feed while aboard, though it troubles me that it sought to steal the Seer’s gifts. Thank you for the warning,” Doxin says to the crew member with a slight bow of his head. Then he continues walking down the hall to seek a space to sit and ponder some more on the greedy Midnorth and its mesmerizing eyes, while waiting for the ship to reach its destination.
After a time, Doxin’s legs and wings were feeling stiff and he decided to return to the main deck to stretch. Right as he made it to the hatch, Storm’s announcement vibrated through him. Eager to see the destination, Doxin carefully weaves around people to make his way to the front of the crowd heading toward the helm. He wasn’t sure what he expected to see but as Storm launched into the air with the expanding mirror, a brief bout of terror passed over him quickly followed by excitement. Anyone nearby would not have guessed considering his face just held the faintest hint of a smirk.
After Storm’s insistence on walking the plank to go through the mirror, Doxin gave a quick look around for Midnorth and then carefully stowed his dice in a small case that one of his spectral hands clasped onto for safe keeping. Then he walked up to the plank and gingerly stepped off the end. His confidence falters a bit when he is met with first cold, then dark, without being able to see back to where he came from. Again the slight terror of the unknown returns for the briefest moment before subsiding as he realizes he can still breath and appears to be floating along with all the other dragons who took the leap of faith into the mirror.
Having found his calm, Doxin begins to take note of his surroundings outside of the tunnel. The settlements on the rocks with dens made out of coral or seaweed catch his eye as he begins to consider what the denizens of these settlements will be like. His eyes go a little out of focus as he thinks to himself, “Settlements mean there are communities of creatures here! What goods could these creatures possess that they might be willing to trade? Could a regular trading path be set up for the wares that the Soundless Peaks have to offer?”
Doxin’s eyes barely start to refocus just as the enormous shadow bursts through the wall of the tunnel. He did not even have time to consider whether this was a friend or foe as his spectral hands clutch onto one of the pale blue tendrils purely by reflex. While the ride was quite exhilarating, the inability to control where he was going led Doxin to make a timely exit onto an island containing some of the coral dens he had seen from far above. Doxin was fascinated to see that the colors of the coral dens were even more tantalizing up close. “There must be incredible nutrients in the water around here, enriching the coral and brightening the colors. Or perhaps the native creatures are applying a special salve to the coral dens to maintain their brilliance. Oh how the clan would enjoy seeing such wonderful colors. If only there were a way to bring it back home.” Doxin mused.
Doxin had just decided to walk over to one of the masked turtles to glean any information and potentially barter a trade, when he (rolled a 2) was distracted by a pod of bihorned whales, one of whom seemed particularly angered by the sudden appearance of Doxin and the Seer’s other invitees. As Doxin typically sidesteps confrontation as often as he can, he calmly states “I cannot speak on behalf of the Seer as I do not know what guides their decisions regarding the gifting of their boons. Perhaps you should seek out the Seer to ask it yourself?” With that said, Doxin slightly bowed his head and began walking away in the direction of the patrolling sharks, just in case the group decided to get rowdy.
Day Two- The Neath:
Ernest considered Sola's offer. The only other option he could see was to continue downwards into the darkness. Sola seemed to know more about the local area and its inhabitants, perhaps, Ernest thought, he could learn something before deciding to go further down.
Ernest considered Sola's offer. The only other option he could see was to continue downwards into the darkness. Sola seemed to know more about the local area and its inhabitants, perhaps, Ernest thought, he could learn something before deciding to go further down.
Day 2
@/stormdrink ;
[thank you for your comments on aloft! i like it a lot :] best of luck with your vet visit >_< sounds scary; i hope everything turns out okay!]
It was not going to hesitate; not here, not now. Off the plank and into the unknown, wordlessly and without protest. It's come too far to hesitate now...
Particles of waters freeze past its sight as it clings loosely to a creature that looked familiar to it in shape, and as it takes its time to examine the tunnels around it, the first thing to stick out was a pod of extremely nervous turtles.
It tilts is head as it examines the ritual carefully, making a thoughtful sound. Was it scared of whatever this creature had been? It seems to be preoccupied, there's no need to worry...
Its thoughts attempting to be soothing, it idles in the tunnel system as it realizes it has no real way to express this to the beasts - instead glancing around where the torrential beast had left it. There were many ways to go... it attempts to examine the other adventurers in turn.
@/stormdrink ;
[thank you for your comments on aloft! i like it a lot :] best of luck with your vet visit >_< sounds scary; i hope everything turns out okay!]
It was not going to hesitate; not here, not now. Off the plank and into the unknown, wordlessly and without protest. It's come too far to hesitate now...
Particles of waters freeze past its sight as it clings loosely to a creature that looked familiar to it in shape, and as it takes its time to examine the tunnels around it, the first thing to stick out was a pod of extremely nervous turtles.
It tilts is head as it examines the ritual carefully, making a thoughtful sound. Was it scared of whatever this creature had been? It seems to be preoccupied, there's no need to worry...
Its thoughts attempting to be soothing, it idles in the tunnel system as it realizes it has no real way to express this to the beasts - instead glancing around where the torrential beast had left it. There were many ways to go... it attempts to examine the other adventurers in turn.
Day 2
@/stormdrink ;
[thank you for your comments on aloft! i like it a lot :] best of luck with your vet visit >_< sounds scary; i hope everything turns out okay!]
It was not going to hesitate; not here, not now. Off the plank and into the unknown, wordlessly and without protest. It's come too far to hesitate now...
Particles of waters freeze past its sight as it clings loosely to a creature that looked familiar to it in shape, and as it takes its time to examine the tunnels around it, the first thing to stick out was a pod of extremely nervous turtles.
It tilts is head as it examines the ritual carefully, making a thoughtful sound. Was it scared of whatever this creature had been? It seems to be preoccupied, there's no need to worry...
Its thoughts attempting to be soothing, it idles in the tunnel system as it realizes it has no real way to express this to the beasts - instead glancing around where the torrential beast had left it. There were many ways to go... it attempts to examine the other adventurers in turn.
@/stormdrink ;
[thank you for your comments on aloft! i like it a lot :] best of luck with your vet visit >_< sounds scary; i hope everything turns out okay!]
It was not going to hesitate; not here, not now. Off the plank and into the unknown, wordlessly and without protest. It's come too far to hesitate now...
Particles of waters freeze past its sight as it clings loosely to a creature that looked familiar to it in shape, and as it takes its time to examine the tunnels around it, the first thing to stick out was a pod of extremely nervous turtles.
It tilts is head as it examines the ritual carefully, making a thoughtful sound. Was it scared of whatever this creature had been? It seems to be preoccupied, there's no need to worry...
Its thoughts attempting to be soothing, it idles in the tunnel system as it realizes it has no real way to express this to the beasts - instead glancing around where the torrential beast had left it. There were many ways to go... it attempts to examine the other adventurers in turn.