Username: Arctictisa
ID: 14841
Character 1 |
Character 2
Price: 450
Other: Something like them sitting together and looking at eachother sweetly would be wonderful :)
Are you paying all levels upfront?: No - it should just be in two batches, I think!
Username: Arctictisa
ID: 14841
Character 1 |
Character 2
Price: 450
Other: Something like them sitting together and looking at eachother sweetly would be wonderful :)
Are you paying all levels upfront?: No - it should just be in two batches, I think!
crowparts sent 16 lvl 10s via PA for the remaining levels! ty :D
I absolutely love him! Thank you~
I should have the last 50lvls finished & sent in today :)
MyrrhDarkwing Your order has been confirmed and added to the spreadsheet. Levels can be sent to me directly or to another online receiver.
OMG, doing cute stuff is going to be a real challenge :D
MyrrhDarkwing Your order has been confirmed and added to the spreadsheet. Levels can be sent to me directly or to another online receiver.
OMG, doing cute stuff is going to be a real challenge :D
arctictisa accepted! feel free to send levels anytime (you can queue them with me when i'm offline too)
arctictisa accepted! feel free to send levels anytime (you can queue them with me when i'm offline too)
sent over 36 levels/6 level 6s because i train in pairs.
cute things are going to be the challenge? i feel that but also that's hilarious i thought it would be easier on people than the normal level of dark horror/romance i commission
sent over 36 levels/6 level 6s because i train in pairs.
cute things are going to be the challenge? i feel that but also that's hilarious i thought it would be easier on people than the normal level of dark horror/romance i commission
Commit sending over 84 levels for order with cherrykitkit
Commit sending over 84 levels for order with cherrykitkit
crowparts Awesome, thanks! >:)
Sent 250 levels (25 lv10's) your way for my order with you!
crowparts Awesome, thanks! >:)
Sent 250 levels (25 lv10's) your way for my order with you!
arctictisa i have you received and recorded for those levels! thank you!
arctictisa i have you received and recorded for those levels! thank you!