Hello everyone!
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars
3 new feats for bonding with 2 familiars
There is 1 new reward familiar, and a sum of gems and treasure.
For bonding with
[columns][size=4][gamedb item=21436]
[item=Ophiotaurus][nextcol][size=4][gamedb item=21437]
[item=Ashscale Ophiotaurus][/columns]
you receive reward familiar
[gamedb item=60946]
[item=Hooded Ophiotaurus]
This is an increase from 273 to 276 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout:
[emoji=gem size=1] 10 Gems Fiona now pays out 675 Gems total.
[emoji=treasure size=1] 12,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,054,100 Treasure total
Hello everyone!
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars
3 new feats for bonding with 2 familiars
There is 1 new reward familiar, and a sum of gems and treasure.
The deadly venom of the Hooded Ophiotaurus makes them a dangerous familiar. Only the most experienced of dragons can safely bond with them.
This is an increase from 273 to 276 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout: 10 Gems Fiona now pays out 675 Gems total. 12,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,054,100 Treasure total
Hello everyone
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars
3 new feats for bonding with 2 familiars
There is 1 new reward familiar, and a sum of gems and treasure.
For bonding with
[columns][size=4][gamedb item=32672]
[item=Swinging Chandelier ][nextcol][size=4][gamedb item=32673]
[item=Pitfall Fixture][/columns]
you receive reward familiar
[gamedb item=61186]
[item=Illuminated Candlekeeper]
This is an increase from 276 to 279 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout:
[emoji=gem size=1] 10 Gems Fiona now pays out 685 Gems total.
[emoji=treasure size=1] 12,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,066,100 Treasure total
Hello everyone
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars
3 new feats for bonding with 2 familiars
There is 1 new reward familiar, and a sum of gems and treasure.
This handsome chandelier can provide warm, cozy lighting, or harsh, unsettling hues depending on how much you dote on it.
This is an increase from 276 to 279 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout: 10 Gems Fiona now pays out 685 Gems total. 12,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,066,100 Treasure total
Hello everyone
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars and 2 new individual familiars
9 new feats for bonding with 4 familiars
There is 3 new reward familiars, and a sum of gems and treasure.
For bonding with
[columns][size=4][gamedb item=24508]
[item=Ashmane Chimera][nextcol][size=4][gamedb item=24507]
[item=Bengal Chimera][/columns]
you receive reward familiar
[gamedb item=61827]
[item=Marbled Chimera]
For bonding with:
[columns][size=4][gamedb item=58578]
[item=Lightning Gryphon][/columns]
you receive reward familiar
[gamedb item=61830]
[item=White-backed Gryphon]
For bonding with:
[columns][size=4][gamedb item=57818]
[item=Light Gryphon][/columns]
you receive reward familiar
[gamedb item=61829]
[item=Quickstrike Gryphon]
This is an increase from 279 to 288 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout:
[emoji=gem size=1] 30 Gems Fiona now pays out 715 Gems total.
[emoji=treasure size=1] 36,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,102,100 Treasure total
Hello everyone
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars and 2 new individual familiars
9 new feats for bonding with 4 familiars
There is 3 new reward familiars, and a sum of gems and treasure.
This particular variety of chimera only appears in areas of the Starfall Isles where Beastclans are active, leaving some to wonder if the Clans have a hand in their creation.
These creatures are known for their speed in the sky and open plains.
This is an increase from 279 to 288 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout: 30 Gems Fiona now pays out 715 Gems total. 36,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,102,100 Treasure total
Hello everyone
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars
3 new feats for bonding with 2 familiars
There is 1 new reward familiar, and a sum of gems and treasure.
For bonding with
[columns][size=4][gamedb item=54811]
[item=Blushing Tendertiel][nextcol][size=4][gamedb item=54810]
you receive reward familiar
[gamedb item=61998]
[item=Bashful Tendertiel]
This is an increase from 288 to 291 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout:
[emoji=gem size=1] 10 Gems Fiona now pays out 725 Gems total.
[emoji=treasure size=1] 12,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,114,100 Treasure total
Hello everyone
Fiona has taken in 1 new set of familiars
3 new feats for bonding with 2 familiars
There is 1 new reward familiar, and a sum of gems and treasure.
Though it has sharp-edged wings, its heart is just as soft as any Tendertiel's!
This is an increase from 288 to 291 total feats
An increase of Treasure and Gem payout: 10 Gems Fiona now pays out 725 Gems total. 12,000 treasure, Fiona now pays out 1,114,100 Treasure total