
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [ShaDOM] Silks & Scales Dress-Up
That was a rollercoaster of emotions I just read. Please stand by.
That was a rollercoaster of emotions I just read. Please stand by.
[center]@pinglist-44273 @VisforVii Imam be honest - I did not expect the theme to work as well as it did! :D You surprised me - that's a good thing! Since we're going into the last round now, please let me thank you all again for participating and supporting the Shadow and Plague Flights during this push! Do feel free to give feedback or suggestions, I'm always happy to read your opinions! [b]Winner of Thursday's Round: @Golden[/b] Congratulations! You prize is on it's way, don't forget to claim the "Winner Badge"! [img][/img] [b]Saturday's Task[/b] [i]Entry Fee: 15.000T / 15G / 9lvl[/i] "As the last costumes get their finishing touches you start to slowly cross out the last point on you list. It's done. Everything has been completed in time and everyone who received their outfits has been more than happy with the results. There's one more day of preparations before the street fest starts but you're all done with your work ... But since there's time and materials left over, you start to play around with some ideas." [b]For the last task I want you to create an outfit that captures the essence of both the Shadow and the Plague flight - kind of like a Flight Rep, but for both Flights at the same time, a perfect mix! Just one outfit this time but 3 tickets![/b] [b]Prize:[/b] [quote="Saturday"][item=desert rain frog companion][item=red-eyed tree frog companion][/quote][/center] [img][/img]
@Daily Dress-Up @VisforVii

Imam be honest - I did not expect the theme to work as well as it did! :D You surprised me - that's a good thing!
Since we're going into the last round now, please let me thank you all again for participating and supporting the Shadow and Plague Flights during this push! Do feel free to give feedback or suggestions, I'm always happy to read your opinions!

Winner of Thursday's Round:

Congratulations! You prize is on it's way, don't forget to claim the "Winner Badge"!


Saturday's Task

Entry Fee: 15.000T / 15G / 9lvl

"As the last costumes get their finishing touches you start to slowly cross out the last point on you list. It's done. Everything has been completed in time and everyone who received their outfits has been more than happy with the results.
There's one more day of preparations before the street fest starts but you're all done with your work ...
But since there's time and materials left over, you start to play around with some ideas."

For the last task I want you to create an outfit that captures the essence of both the Shadow and the Plague flight - kind of like a Flight Rep, but for both Flights at the same time, a perfect mix! Just one outfit this time but 3 tickets!

Saturday wrote:
Desert Rain Frog Companion Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion
[url=][img],47496,668,50502,50500,50499,10369,30812,45158,15271,32710,2846,48796,28788,306,25020,11518,347,48798&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] Here she is, the post-living den-mother herself, Babadook Anansi Cronk, or Babs as we like to call her, making one of her rare appearances outside of the nursery compound to join in one of her favorite collaborations!

Here she is, the post-living den-mother herself, Babadook Anansi Cronk, or Babs as we like to call her, making one of her rare appearances outside of the nursery compound to join in one of her favorite collaborations!
[outfit=2779800] [img],59455,27150,33507,42029,60032,52777,37884,29290,28149,15715,28786,3682&xt=dressing.png[/img] Can you see anything? Because I sure can't
Plagued by Shadow


Can you see anything? Because I sure can't
Shadow / Plague Rep [img],23022,1749,26279,28011,15750,15755,15749,15754,49103,47896,37874&xt=dressing.png[/img] [outfit=2413826]
Shadow / Plague Rep

qTcP5yI.png5M9CHlS.gifBEZgNm.png SQvVy8i.png QYef5sp.png
Saturday [columns][outfit=2779935][nextcol][img],29244,7288,17285,61066,756,61062,32686,32690,32688,32687,32689,32691,32685,61065,61063,61064,28149,1749,27130&xt=dressing.png[/img][/columns]
Golden's TradesTiger Treats TradesNature/PlagueFR+3WishlistRandom RaffleAdopt Trade HubGolden's DreamCatchersDervish
[columns][img],55008,15734,30812,50496,30814,29292,30817,43499,14107,30815,5164,17904,10716,17926,30832,30838,30829&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2780097] Enchantress loves her Shadow home, but she was born in Plague, so she's very happy to represent both parts of herself!

Enchantress loves her Shadow home, but she was born in Plague, so she's very happy to represent both parts of herself!
-very bisexual
-type 1 diabetic
-sales & grinding
111805dcd561eb74f279995ecbc1d729b2316f8b.png tumblr_inline_njw5iwmQUG1qg2i5p.gif
Saturday: [img],45176,28800,59506,293,47497,26277,37884,1749,29244&xt=dressing.png[/img] [outfit=2780216]

Silks and Scales Saturday

[center]@pinglist-44273 @VisforVii I hope you all enjoyed this push and the events it had. Thank you all for participating and for supporting the two flights that organized all this. I also hope you all had a great Crystalline Gala - which I almost forgot entirely this whole week. [b]Winner of Saturday's Round: @HolyCrepe[/b] Congratulations! You prize is on it's way, don't forget to claim the "Winner Badge", if you haven't already. [img][/img] If you enjoyed the contest and would like to be notified when I host another one you can add yourself to the general pinglist! [pinglist=9161] Also now is the last chance to purchase any missed badges from this or [url=]past runs[/url].[/i] [img][/img] [b]The following people have earned the "On a Streak!" Badge![/b] (please do let me know if I somehow missed someone's payment, my DMs are a mess) [size=4][b]HolyCrepe WinterMouse IndigoStarshine FairValentine VisforVii Golden[/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] If you want to get this badge, you will have to pay the remaining entry fees for the week. You can check here, how many days you have missed: [url=][b]Entry List[/b][/url] [img][/img] As for the raffle - here are the 3 lucky winners! [size=4][b]1. @HolyCrepe 2. @VisforVii 3. @WinterMouse[/b][/size] Please respond by listing the number of choices that correspond to your number on the list (3 should list 3 prizes from most to least wanted, 1 writes only one etc.) You will receive one of your prize choices based on availability. If you haven't responded within 24 hours, you will drop to last place and get the remaining prize. [img][/img] [quote="Violet of Trickmurk"][item=violet of trickmurk][item=shadow's charm][item=shadow aura][/quote] [quote="Marigold of Rot"][item=marigold of rot][item=plague's charm][item=plague aura][/quote] [quote="Snowdrop of Crystalline"][item=snowdrop of crystalline][item=ice's charm][item=ice aura][/quote] [img][/img]
@Daily Dress-Up @VisforVii

I hope you all enjoyed this push and the events it had. Thank you all for participating and for supporting the two flights that organized all this. I also hope you all had a great Crystalline Gala - which I almost forgot entirely this whole week.

Winner of Saturday's Round:

Congratulations! You prize is on it's way, don't forget to claim the "Winner Badge", if you haven't already.

If you enjoyed the contest and would like to be notified when I host another one you can add yourself to the general pinglist!

Also now is the last chance to purchase any missed badges from this or past runs.[/i]
The following people have earned the "On a Streak!" Badge!
(please do let me know if I somehow missed someone's payment, my DMs are a mess)

If you want to get this badge, you will have to pay the remaining entry fees for the week. You can check here, how many days you have missed:
Entry List


As for the raffle - here are the 3 lucky winners!

1. @HolyCrepe
2. @VisforVii
3. @WinterMouse

Please respond by listing the number of choices that correspond to your number on the list (3 should list 3 prizes from most to least wanted, 1 writes only one etc.) You will receive one of your prize choices based on availability. If you haven't responded within 24 hours, you will drop to last place and get the remaining prize.

Violet of Trickmurk wrote:
Violet of Trickmurk Shadow's Charm Shadow Aura
Marigold of Rot wrote:
Marigold of Rot Plague's Charm Plague Aura
Snowdrop of Crystalline wrote:
Snowdrop of Crystalline Ice's Charm Ice Aura

Thanks for running another great dress-up event!

3, 1, 2 for me (I'm happy with whichever is left)
Thanks for running another great dress-up event!

3, 1, 2 for me (I'm happy with whichever is left)