
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Personal] Coliseum Quest Log
[font=antique]This is my personal log of the [url=]'Random Daily Coliseum Quest'[/url], which was originally by @/Louretta. To help me keep track of any special drops and to help me stop grinding the same venues over and over haha. I will not be keeping track of the number of battles, and for Roll Three I may or may not always make the exact quotas because life gets busy. (please do not post on this thread!) [center][font=antique]( [url=]Coliseum Drop Sheet[/url] ) ( [url=]Banner Resources[/url] ) ( [url=]Inspired by their template[/url] ) ( [url=]coli portraits[/url] )[/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][font=antique][b]Roll one[/b] This roll will decide which venue will be farmed in 1 = Training Fields 2 = Woodland Path 3 = Scorched Forest 4 = Boneyard 5 = Sandswept Delta 6 = Silk-Strewn Wreckage 7 = Blooming Grove 8 = Forgotten Cave 9 = Bamboo Falls 10 = Thunderhead Savanna 11 = Redrock Cove 12 = Waterway 13 = Arena 14 = Volcanic Vents 15 = Rainsong Jungle 16 = Boreal Wood 17 = Crystal Pools 18 = Harpy's Roost 19 = Ghostlight Ruins 20 = Mire 21 = Kelp Beds 22 = Golem Workshop 23 = Forbidden Portal [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [font=antique][b]Roll two[/b] The second roll decides what type of farming you will be doing 1 = Farm # familiars 2 = Farm # battle stones 3 = Farm # apparel pieces 4 = Farm until a vial or gene drop 5 = Farm until a scene or vista drop 6 = Farm until an egg or eliminate drop 7 = Farm until 3 festival chests or 5 strange chests [b]Roll three[/b] The last roll decides the details of the farm type 1 = For familiars, roll 1 to 15 to decide amount 2 = For battle stones, roll 1 to 20 to decide amount 3 = For apparel roll, 1 to 8 to decide amount [/columns]
This is my personal log of the 'Random Daily Coliseum Quest', which was originally by @/Louretta.

To help me keep track of any special drops and to help me stop grinding the same venues over and over haha. I will not be keeping track of the number of battles, and for Roll Three I may or may not always make the exact quotas because life gets busy.

(please do not post on this thread!)

zEvNzGX.png Roll one
This roll will decide which venue will be farmed in

1 = Training Fields
2 = Woodland Path
3 = Scorched Forest
4 = Boneyard
5 = Sandswept Delta
6 = Silk-Strewn Wreckage
7 = Blooming Grove
8 = Forgotten Cave
9 = Bamboo Falls
10 = Thunderhead Savanna
11 = Redrock Cove
12 = Waterway
13 = Arena
14 = Volcanic Vents
15 = Rainsong Jungle
16 = Boreal Wood
17 = Crystal Pools
18 = Harpy's Roost
19 = Ghostlight Ruins
20 = Mire
21 = Kelp Beds
22 = Golem Workshop
23 = Forbidden Portal
x41mevs.png Roll two
The second roll decides what type of farming you will be doing

1 = Farm # familiars
2 = Farm # battle stones
3 = Farm # apparel pieces
4 = Farm until a vial or gene drop
5 = Farm until a scene or vista drop
6 = Farm until an egg or eliminate drop
7 = Farm until 3 festival chests or 5 strange chests

Roll three
The last roll decides the details of the farm type

1 = For familiars, roll 1 to 15 to decide amount
2 = For battle stones, roll 1 to 20 to decide amount
3 = For apparel roll, 1 to 8 to decide amount
[img][/img] [center][font=antique][b]Log Template[/b] [/center][quote]Code: [center][img]VENUE BANNER HERE[/img][/center] [center][font=antique][b]VENUE NAME[/b] [i]Goal:[/i][/center] [font=antique][b]Expedition Team:[/b] [columns] [nextcol][DRAGON 1] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]NAME, level X X Element X build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][DRAGON 2] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]NAME, level X X Element X build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][DRAGON 3] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]NAME, level X X Element X build [/columns] [center] [quote=Chests][/quote] [quote=Familiars][/quote] [quote=Apparel][/quote] [quote=Battlestones][/quote] [quote=Specialty][/quote] [quote=Festival][/quote] [center][img]VENUE BANNER HERE[/img][/center] [/quote] [img][/img]
Log Template


Expedition Team:
[DRAGON 1] __ NAME, level X
X Element
X build
[DRAGON 2] __ NAME, level X
X Element
X build
[DRAGON 3] __ NAME, level X
X Element
X build

Chests wrote:
Familiars wrote:
Apparel wrote:
Battlestones wrote:
Specialty wrote:
Festival wrote:

[img][/img] [center][font=antique][b]Crystal Pools[/b] JAN 21ST Goal: Eliminate or Egg [/center] [font=antique]Expedition Team: [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]SARIA, level 25 ICE Element STR build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]ANDROMEDA, level 25 ICE Element INT build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]AEGIS, level 25 ICE Element MIRE build [/columns] [center][quote=Chests][item=Hippalectryon Crate] [item=Crystallized Satchel]x4[/quote] [quote=Familiars][/quote] [quote=Apparel][/quote] [quote=Battlestones][item=eliminate][/quote] [quote=Specialty][/quote] [quote=Festival][/quote][/center] [img][/img]
Crystal Pools

Goal: Eliminate or Egg
Expedition Team:

39444266.png __ SARIA, level 25
ICE Element
STR build
26035844.png __ ANDROMEDA, level 25
ICE Element
INT build
84087792.png __ AEGIS, level 25
ICE Element
MIRE build
Chests wrote:
Hippalectryon Crate Crystallized Satchel x4
Familiars wrote:
Apparel wrote:
Battlestones wrote:
Specialty wrote:
Festival wrote:
[img][/img] [center][font=antique][b]Redrock Cove[/b] JAN 23-25TH Goal: scene or vista drop [/center] [font=antique]Expedition Team: [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]ASTRA, level 20 LIGHTNING Element INT build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]GLORFINDEL, level 22 LIGHT Element STR build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]GHOSTLY, level 13 WATER Element INT build [/columns] [quote=Chests] [item=barnacle-encrusted bottle]x13[/quote] [quote=Familiars] [item=noxious coralclimber] [item=coastline sawbeak][item=sandshore snipper][item=daydream puffer] [item=mirage puffer][/quote] [quote=Apparel][item=nebula starsilk shawl][item=nebula starsilk tailwrap][/quote] [quote=Battlestones] [item=zephyr might fragment]x2[item=frozen might fragment]x2 [item=meditate] [item=shred]x2 [item=disorient] [item=health potion]x11 [item=sap][item=contuse]x3[item=anticipate][item=wave slash][item=pestilent slash][item=minor health potion]x7[item=scholar]x2[item=aquatic might fragment][item=natural acuity fragment][item=zephyr acuity fragment][item=scratch][item=magical might fragment][item=fiery acuity fragment][item=sap][/quote] [quote=Specialty][item=ancient gene parchment: flutter][item=Scene: Redrock Cove][/quote] [img][/img]
Redrock Cove

JAN 23-25TH
Goal: scene or vista drop
Expedition Team:

50459388.png __ ASTRA, level 20
INT build
40442949.png __ GLORFINDEL, level 22
LIGHT Element
STR build
52211741.png __ GHOSTLY, level 13
WATER Element
INT build
Chests wrote:
Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle x13
Familiars wrote:
Noxious Coralclimber Coastline Sawbeak Sandshore Snipper Daydream Puffer Mirage Puffer
Apparel wrote:
Nebula Starsilk Shawl Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap
Battlestones wrote:
Zephyr Might Fragment x2 Frozen Might Fragment x2 Meditate Shred x2 Disorient
Health Potion x11 Sap Contuse x3 Anticipate Wave Slash Pestilent Slash Minor Health Potion x7 Scholar x2 Aquatic Might Fragment Natural Acuity Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment Scratch Magical Might Fragment Fiery Acuity Fragment Sap
Specialty wrote:
Ancient Gene Parchment: Flutter Scene: Redrock Cove
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=antique][b]Waterway[/b] [i]Goal: Farm 7 Pieces of Apparel[/i][/center] [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]KORROL, level 25 FIRE Element INT build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]SARIA, level 25 ICE Element STR build [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][font=book antiqua]AEGIS, level 25 ICE Element MIRE build [/columns] [center] [quote=Chests][item=waterway pipe]x36[item=burlap sack][item=fishscale basket][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=greater sandstrike]x2[item=goldfin river flight]x3[item=sewer toridae][item=silky fanrat]x2[item=everglade lasher][item=scarlet flycatcher][item=giant white toridae][item=river muck][item=radioactive slime][/quote] [quote=Apparel][item=vermilion harvest robe]x2[item=Pathfinder's Leggings][item=crimson rogue tail binding][item=Veteran's Eye Scar][item=vermilion harvest tail twist][item=dented iron gauntlets][/quote] [quote=Battlestones][item=health potion]x38[item=scratch][item=ward][item=anticipate][item=meditate]x2[item=might fragment]x2[item=acuity fragment][item=obsidian hybrid fragment][item=bolster][item=shining acuity fragment]x2[item=shining might fragment]x2[item=enamor][item=aquatic might fragment][item=aquatic acuity fragment][item=hydro bolt][item=wave slash][item=natural might fragment][item=natural acuity fragment][item=frozen might fragment][item=congeal][item=magical acuity fragment][item=magical might fragment][item=enfeeble][item=diseased acuity fragment]x2[item=earthen might fragment][item=boulder bolt]x2[item=fossilize][item=flame bolt][item=thunder slash][item=gust slash][item=mist slash]x2[/quote] [quote=Specialty] [item=scene: waterway]x2[item=ancient gene parchment: swallowtail]x2[item=earth runestone][item=tertiary gene: polkadot][/quote] [quote=Festival][item=eternal snow]x153[item=winter nightscape chest][item=winterbelle beauty chest][item=snowsquall shrubbery chest]x2[/quote] [center][img][/img][/center]

Goal: Farm 7 Pieces of Apparel
50506346.png __ KORROL, level 25
FIRE Element
INT build
39444266.png __ SARIA, level 25
ICE Element
STR build
84087792.png __ AEGIS, level 25
ICE Element
MIRE build
Chests wrote:
Waterway Pipe x36 Burlap Sack Fishscale Basket
Familiars wrote:
Greater Sandstrike x2 Goldfin River Flight x3 Sewer Toridae Silky Fanrat x2 Everglade Lasher Scarlet Flycatcher Giant White Toridae River Muck Radioactive Slime
Apparel wrote:
Vermilion Harvest Robe x2 Pathfinder's Leggings Crimson Rogue Tail Binding Veteran's Eye Scar Vermilion Harvest Tail Twist Dented Iron Gauntlets
Battlestones wrote:
Health Potion x38 Scratch Ward Anticipate Meditate x2 Might Fragment x2 Acuity Fragment Obsidian Hybrid Fragment Bolster Shining Acuity Fragment x2 Shining Might Fragment x2 Enamor Aquatic Might Fragment Aquatic Acuity Fragment Hydro Bolt Wave Slash Natural Might Fragment Natural Acuity Fragment Frozen Might Fragment Congeal Magical Acuity Fragment Magical Might Fragment Enfeeble Diseased Acuity Fragment x2 Earthen Might Fragment Boulder Bolt x2 Fossilize Flame Bolt Thunder Slash Gust Slash Mist Slash x2
Specialty wrote:
Scene: Waterway x2 Ancient Gene Parchment: Swallowtail x2 Earth Runestone Tertiary Gene: Polkadot
Festival wrote:
Eternal Snow x153 Winter Nightscape Chest Winterbelle Beauty Chest x2