[quote name="Abyssdrake" date="2025-01-06 11:09:02" ]
Still looking for 1 Wind nest
We opened a wind nest today so yours can be added
Abyssdrake wrote on 2025-01-06 11:09:02:
Still looking for 1 Wind nest
We opened a wind nest today so yours can be added
(Also, as a heads up if you weren't aware, quoting my post doesn't ping me)
(Also, as a heads up if you weren't aware, quoting my post doesn't ping me)
+1 FR Time
Pings/PMs welcome
LunarSunlight I have a light nest open today if you still need one
LunarSunlight I have a light nest open today if you still need one
KallyPaige @
Calidragon @
Felawnie @
looking for one light nest, please :>
pastprologue I can take that ice nest for you
[quote name="@Felawnie" date="2025-01-06 16:37:42" ]
@LunarSunlight I have a light nest open today if you still need one
i do not, sorry if i missed editing an OP, my bad :(
LunarSunlight I have a light nest open today if you still need one
i do not, sorry if i missed editing an OP, my bad :(