LostIceDragon wrote on 2024-12-23 07:05:41:

TOPIC | Free Dragon Hub

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[quote name="LostIceDragon" date="2024-12-23 07:05:41" ]
[quote name="LostIceDragon" date="2024-12-22 05:14:31" ]
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/524127/1777001/1]here[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/524127/1777003/1?name=&type=undefined]here[/url]. [b]Hatchlings will be sold as fodder if not adopted. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (some hatchlings). :)[/b]
HI i impulsively hatched this baby, she's 2 off of being an XYX, but her colors don't click with me, anyone want her?
Breiries, F, XYZ (ultramarine/sanguine/navy)
ALL DRAGONS from my QiuJi's hatchlings tab are free for grabs!!
ALL DRAGONS from my QiuJi's hatchlings tab are free for grabs!!
[quote name="LostIceDragon" date="2024-12-24 06:57:53" ]
[quote name="LostIceDragon" date="2024-12-23 07:05:41" ]
[quote name="LostIceDragon" date="2024-12-22 05:14:31" ]
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/524127/1777001/1]here[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/524127/1777003/1?name=&type=undefined]here[/url]. [b]Hatchlings will be sold as fodder if not adopted. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (some hatchlings). :)[/b]
LostIceDragon wrote on 2024-12-24 06:57:53:
LostIceDragon wrote on 2024-12-23 07:05:41:
[center] Have some fodder save dragons looking for homes along with some hibden dragons I'm progressively cleaning out!
1. If unnamed, name to claim
2. Have space in your lair to accept the dragon(s)[/b]
Ping or DM me with the dragon(s) you want. Also would love to hear plans with the adopted dragons be it genes/breeding plans/lore!
If a dragon has a familiar, it is currently on hold for someone else. Feel free to still ask, but know they aren't guaranteed.
Dragons on [u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/480278/1678052/2?name=&type=undefined]this page[/url][/u] and [u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/480278/1717354?name=&type=undefined]this tab[/url][/u] are up for adoption!
Some highlights:
Have some fodder save dragons looking for homes along with some hibden dragons I'm progressively cleaning out!
1. If unnamed, name to claim
2. Have space in your lair to accept the dragon(s)
Ping or DM me with the dragon(s) you want. Also would love to hear plans with the adopted dragons be it genes/breeding plans/lore!
If a dragon has a familiar, it is currently on hold for someone else. Feel free to still ask, but know they aren't guaranteed.
Dragons on this page and this tab are up for adoption!
Some highlights:

1. If unnamed, name to claim
2. Have space in your lair to accept the dragon(s)
Ping or DM me with the dragon(s) you want. Also would love to hear plans with the adopted dragons be it genes/breeding plans/lore!
If a dragon has a familiar, it is currently on hold for someone else. Feel free to still ask, but know they aren't guaranteed.
Dragons on this page and this tab are up for adoption!
Some highlights:

One day I’ll be organized and have enough energy to make all the things I wanna put here… but for now imma just vibe
Free to a good home:
@MeratahsBleau May I adopt Isabela?
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/524127/1777001/1]here[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/524127/1777003/1?name=&type=undefined]here[/url]. [b]Hatchlings will be sold as fodder if not adopted. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (some hatchlings). :)[/b]
[quote name="starfair" date="2024-12-18 08:03:10" ]
[quote name="starfair" date="2024-12-10 15:34:33" ]
[quote name="starfair" date="2024-11-29 02:00:42" ]
New dragon post, though these are ones I've had for a bit, they'll be UFT for a while til probably next year so @ me if any strike a chord.

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