
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Stock the Pond! First XXX! pg 379!
@DanganDekuNut Ooo can I get this pretty Everlux if theyre available/you decide not to keep em? :00 [url=][img][/img][/url]

Ooo can I get this pretty Everlux if theyre available/you decide not to keep em? :00

jt3PpxV.png uArsNIY.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]@pinglist-15839 [pinglist=15839][/center] One nest with one true primal and, curiously, 3x the same primary color. Free for a ping, this time not going to post them on the AH. [emoji=auraboa winking size=1] [center][img][/img] & [img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img] [emoji=nature symbol size=small] Rare [emoji=primary gene size=1] Lionfish Storm [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Striation Lead [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Sparkle Wisteria [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img] [emoji=nature symbol size=small] Primal [emoji=primary gene size=1] Lionfish Grey [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Striation Flint [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Flameforger Gloom Adopted [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img] [emoji=nature symbol size=small] Uncommon [emoji=primary gene size=1] Lionfish Storm [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Striation Cottoncandy [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Sparkle Cornflower Adopted [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img] [emoji=nature symbol size=small] Uncommon [emoji=primary gene size=1] Ribbon Storm [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Striation Overcast [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Sparkle Mist [/columns]

One nest with one true primal and, curiously, 3x the same primary color. Free for a ping, this time not going to post them on the AH.
96861942.png & 96885529.png
99298421_350.png 99298421.png
Lionfish Storm
Striation Lead
Sparkle Wisteria
99298422_350.png 99298422.png
Lionfish Grey
Striation Flint
Flameforger Gloom

99298423_350.png 99298423.png
Lionfish Storm
Striation Cottoncandy
Sparkle Cornflower
99298424_350.png 99298424.png
Ribbon Storm
Striation Overcast
Sparkle Mist
The Hatchery Masterlist

Oh my goodness- If you don't plan on keeping her, I'd love to grab the primal girl! She's such a cute little plant goth.

Oh my goodness- If you don't plan on keeping her, I'd love to grab the primal girl! She's such a cute little plant goth.
I'm slowly going to be cycling out my XXX dragons, but before I do I wanted to offer STP breeding pairs to the anglers. 20kt/g for the pair, no matter what colors, just PM me or Ping me here and I will get them nested for you.
White x Radioactive
Honeydew x Moon
Peridot x Moon
Gold x Midnight
Blackberry x Metals
Orchid x Fire
Abyss x Rust
Phthalo x Rust
Cerulean x Crimson
Cyan x Crimson
Robin x Sanguine
Thicket x Coral
Peacock x Coral

Prices are very negotiable!
I'm slowly going to be cycling out my XXX dragons, but before I do I wanted to offer STP breeding pairs to the anglers. 20kt/g for the pair, no matter what colors, just PM me or Ping me here and I will get them nested for you.
White x Radioactive
Honeydew x Moon
Peridot x Moon
Gold x Midnight
Blackberry x Metals
Orchid x Fire
Abyss x Rust
Phthalo x Rust
Cerulean x Crimson
Cyan x Crimson
Robin x Sanguine
Thicket x Coral
Peacock x Coral

Prices are very negotiable!
[quote name="ewerb" date="2024-11-23 13:47:28" ] A hatch from Magnificent and Covellite, Abyss x Copper. Three beautiful, very different but somehow themed Skydancers. Free to anglers until they grow up, name to claim. [url=][img][/img][/url] Lemon-camo-copper. 1/3 not exalted, 1/5 ever [url=][img][/img][/url] Flaxen-forest-slate. Only one not exalted, 1/8 ever [url=][img][/img][/url] Taken! [/quote]
ewerb wrote on 2024-11-23 13:47:28:
A hatch from Magnificent and Covellite, Abyss x Copper. Three beautiful, very different but somehow themed Skydancers.

Free to anglers until they grow up, name to claim.

Lemon-camo-copper. 1/3 not exalted, 1/5 ever

Flaxen-forest-slate. Only one not exalted, 1/8 ever

99235872.png Taken!

Sorry, Ive just been really enjoying coming up with Scry ideas for some of these cuties even the ones I cant necessarily take in-
Just wanted to share this cute mossy statue idea for the Primal baby!
Works with Auraboa too, but im partial to the Dusthide!

Sorry, Ive just been really enjoying coming up with Scry ideas for some of these cuties even the ones I cant necessarily take in-
Just wanted to share this cute mossy statue idea for the Primal baby!
Works with Auraboa too, but im partial to the Dusthide!
jt3PpxV.png uArsNIY.png

I'm interested in the Thicket/Coral pair in gems if that works for you. I got a few regene projects in mind that will be fun with those colors for Stock the Pond.

I'm interested in the Thicket/Coral pair in gems if that works for you. I got a few regene projects in mind that will be fun with those colors for Stock the Pond.

If they're still available, could I get these two?

If they're still available, could I get these two?
@Impception All yours! CR sent [emoji=snapper star size=1]
@Impception All yours! CR sent
@Novuhski for sure! I'll send em your way if I decide to not keep him :>
@Novuhski for sure! I'll send em your way if I decide to not keep him :>
DDN ♠ He/They ♠ FR +0
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