Woah!!! They look adorable!
TOPIC | [ShaDom] Floral Fandango
@Floral Fandango
We have 7 chicks in total now!
Bread, Puffle, Butterbean, Suds, Penguin, Bruiser and Pesto!
Thanks everyone for taking part this week, have a good rest of your weekend!
We have 7 chicks in total now!
Bread, Puffle, Butterbean, Suds, Penguin, Bruiser and Pesto!
Thanks everyone for taking part this week, have a good rest of your weekend!
@Floral Fandango
We have 7 chicks in total now!
Bread, Puffle, Butterbean, Suds, Penguin, Bruiser and Pesto!
Thanks everyone for taking part this week, have a good rest of your weekend!
We have 7 chicks in total now!
Bread, Puffle, Butterbean, Suds, Penguin, Bruiser and Pesto!
Thanks everyone for taking part this week, have a good rest of your weekend!
Whew! Just barely managed to finish up one type of mat before rollover.
This was a fun event, and the weekly challenge badge is really gorgeous! If I could leave some feedback though, I do think that it feels a little uneven and lopsided that the more difficult drops require a similar number as the other drops when it might take ten times as long to get them. The lopsided feel is amplified by the fact that you can get multiple of the easy drops in the same venue. It might be more enjoyable if there were more mats required overall, but each one required fewer copies, especially the difficult ones--I think spending time in different venues is more fun than grinding a long time in one, personally.
I also think the difficulty is maybe a bit too high. I grinded as much as I feasibly could this week, but still only barely managed half of the list--and that's really more like 15% of it, considering I didn't manage the Boreal Woods or GW drops. It's an optional challenge I willingly signed up for and coli was otherwise quite generous to me, so I'm not upset at all, I just wanted to give my thoughts.
This was a fun event, and the weekly challenge badge is really gorgeous! If I could leave some feedback though, I do think that it feels a little uneven and lopsided that the more difficult drops require a similar number as the other drops when it might take ten times as long to get them. The lopsided feel is amplified by the fact that you can get multiple of the easy drops in the same venue. It might be more enjoyable if there were more mats required overall, but each one required fewer copies, especially the difficult ones--I think spending time in different venues is more fun than grinding a long time in one, personally.
I also think the difficulty is maybe a bit too high. I grinded as much as I feasibly could this week, but still only barely managed half of the list--and that's really more like 15% of it, considering I didn't manage the Boreal Woods or GW drops. It's an optional challenge I willingly signed up for and coli was otherwise quite generous to me, so I'm not upset at all, I just wanted to give my thoughts.
Whew! Just barely managed to finish up one type of mat before rollover.
This was a fun event, and the weekly challenge badge is really gorgeous! If I could leave some feedback though, I do think that it feels a little uneven and lopsided that the more difficult drops require a similar number as the other drops when it might take ten times as long to get them. The lopsided feel is amplified by the fact that you can get multiple of the easy drops in the same venue. It might be more enjoyable if there were more mats required overall, but each one required fewer copies, especially the difficult ones--I think spending time in different venues is more fun than grinding a long time in one, personally.
I also think the difficulty is maybe a bit too high. I grinded as much as I feasibly could this week, but still only barely managed half of the list--and that's really more like 15% of it, considering I didn't manage the Boreal Woods or GW drops. It's an optional challenge I willingly signed up for and coli was otherwise quite generous to me, so I'm not upset at all, I just wanted to give my thoughts.
This was a fun event, and the weekly challenge badge is really gorgeous! If I could leave some feedback though, I do think that it feels a little uneven and lopsided that the more difficult drops require a similar number as the other drops when it might take ten times as long to get them. The lopsided feel is amplified by the fact that you can get multiple of the easy drops in the same venue. It might be more enjoyable if there were more mats required overall, but each one required fewer copies, especially the difficult ones--I think spending time in different venues is more fun than grinding a long time in one, personally.
I also think the difficulty is maybe a bit too high. I grinded as much as I feasibly could this week, but still only barely managed half of the list--and that's really more like 15% of it, considering I didn't manage the Boreal Woods or GW drops. It's an optional challenge I willingly signed up for and coli was otherwise quite generous to me, so I'm not upset at all, I just wanted to give my thoughts.
lalalalalalalalala | blablablab |
lalalalaPost-blizzard chill time!
@Wolfspeaker thank you for the feedback!
Our coli hunt has already undergone several changes to make it accessible and easy to complete. The tasks have been scaled to create a challenge for the majority of participants, as easier tasks were often completed too quickly to create a fun event (eg, week-long sets often being sent on the first day).
The daily amount of materials has also been upped from 5 to 8 to give a wider variety of options. Tiramissyou play tests the hunt drops before each event to make sure that they're obtainable, but RNG can naturally skew this - because of this, items have been swapped before after multiple people have struggled.
To even the difficulty out, it's possible to replace any daily stack with 10k so that participants with less coli time can complete the event.
That said, if we get a number of participants feeding back about this, Tira will take it all into consideration and make adjustments to the event [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
@Wolfspeaker thank you for the feedback!
Our coli hunt has already undergone several changes to make it accessible and easy to complete. The tasks have been scaled to create a challenge for the majority of participants, as easier tasks were often completed too quickly to create a fun event (eg, week-long sets often being sent on the first day).
The daily amount of materials has also been upped from 5 to 8 to give a wider variety of options. Tiramissyou play tests the hunt drops before each event to make sure that they're obtainable, but RNG can naturally skew this - because of this, items have been swapped before after multiple people have struggled.
To even the difficulty out, it's possible to replace any daily stack with 10k so that participants with less coli time can complete the event.
That said, if we get a number of participants feeding back about this, Tira will take it all into consideration and make adjustments to the event
Our coli hunt has already undergone several changes to make it accessible and easy to complete. The tasks have been scaled to create a challenge for the majority of participants, as easier tasks were often completed too quickly to create a fun event (eg, week-long sets often being sent on the first day).
The daily amount of materials has also been upped from 5 to 8 to give a wider variety of options. Tiramissyou play tests the hunt drops before each event to make sure that they're obtainable, but RNG can naturally skew this - because of this, items have been swapped before after multiple people have struggled.
To even the difficulty out, it's possible to replace any daily stack with 10k so that participants with less coli time can complete the event.
That said, if we get a number of participants feeding back about this, Tira will take it all into consideration and make adjustments to the event
Oh, sorry, to specify, my feedback only applies to the weekly challenge! I decided not to do the daily hunts because I knew there was no chance I could do both. I think being able to replace stacks with 10k is great—though it’s unfortunate when you grind for hours on multiple days in a venue and don’t make the required amount so you still have to pay the same as if you didn’t attempt that mat at all. I think that’s really only an issue for the weekly challenge—I didn’t do all of one venue before moving on because I thought it would be better to split it between different days for the sake of my sanity, but it ended up not working out. That’s why I think my suggestions revolve around more mats, but in lower quantities, so that the same amount of drops is required at the same rarities. I just think it would be more enjoyable that way even with the same amount of grinding!
Oh, sorry, to specify, my feedback only applies to the weekly challenge! I decided not to do the daily hunts because I knew there was no chance I could do both. I think being able to replace stacks with 10k is great—though it’s unfortunate when you grind for hours on multiple days in a venue and don’t make the required amount so you still have to pay the same as if you didn’t attempt that mat at all. I think that’s really only an issue for the weekly challenge—I didn’t do all of one venue before moving on because I thought it would be better to split it between different days for the sake of my sanity, but it ended up not working out. That’s why I think my suggestions revolve around more mats, but in lower quantities, so that the same amount of drops is required at the same rarities. I just think it would be more enjoyable that way even with the same amount of grinding!
lalalalalalalalala | blablablab |
lalalalaPost-blizzard chill time!
[center]And the winners are....
Who let the bugs out?
Lepidopteran Veterans
Prizes will be sent out shortly :)[/center]
And the winners are....
Who let the bugs out?
Lepidopteran Veterans
Prizes will be sent out shortly :)
Who let the bugs out?
Lepidopteran Veterans
Prizes will be sent out shortly :)