

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | ToonTown RP | OOC | semi-open
Never mind that last post of mine I totally finished tonight X'D ------------------- [center][img][/img] [size=6][color=cyan]<>[/color] [color=magenta]<>[/color] [color=cyan]<>[/color] [color=magenta]<>[/color] [color=cyan]<>[/color] [color=magenta]<>[/color] [color=cyan]<>[/color] [color=magenta]<>[/color] [color=cyan]<>[/color] [color=magenta]<>[/color] [color=cyan]<>[/color][/size] [b]Name:[/b] Razz [b]Rockstar Persona:[/b] Razzle Dazzle [b]Age:[/b] Teen [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/him [b]Species:[/b] Raccoon [b]Sexuality:[/b] Gay[/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Razz is an anthropomorphic raccoon. He stands at a short height of 3'1". He usually walks on two legs, but he is capable of running and/or crawling on all fours. He has light blue, pink, white and black fur. His eyes are different colors, one electric blue and the other hot pink, both of which have no visible pupils or sclerae. His teeth are normally white, but in the dark, they glow the same colors as his eyes. His outfit consists of a black biker jacket, a white t-shirt with a blue lightning bolt symbol on the front, and pink/black striped shorts; he doesn't wear shoes, nor does he want to. [img][/img] (Art by yours truly, Lugia!) [b]Personality:[/b] Razz is a pizzazzy, wild fella! He's all about encouraging others to chase their dreams and find their true selves. He runs his mouth a lot, loving the sound of his own voice. If you're a Cog, expect [i]a lot[/i] of snark and trash talk. In combat situations, he can get to be pretty chaotic, enjoying the thrill of battling those wretched Cogs. Any talk of business, money, statistics or politics bores him to no end, and he's not afraid to let it be known. In fact, it's an effective way of putting him to sleep or getting him to space out. Deep down, he still struggles with insecure thoughts. He wants acceptance from others, yet he doesn't want to rely on others to determine who he wishes to be. Simply put, he wants people to accept him for who he is, and though he won't admit it easily, it really hurts when they don't. [b]Strengths:[/b] [LIST] [*]Quick on his feet! [*]Musically gifted with the electric guitar! [*]Excellent climbing abilities! [/LIST] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [LIST] [*]Not too great at blending in (outside of Mezzo Heights)... [*]Talks too much sometimes... [*]Behavior becomes more erratic when hungry... [/LIST] [b]Gag Tracks:[/b] [LIST] [*]Zap [*]Lure [/LIST] [b]Home Neighborhood:[/b] Noir Side [b]Current Residence:[/b] Mezzo Heights [b]Background:[/b] Razz was created as a monochromatic Kid Toon raccoon in Noir Side, belonging to parents who were opposed to changing their family's ways. Back then, he went by another name, Grey Rackcoon. Creative name, huh? His parents were named Silver Rackcoon and Ash Rackcoon. They were the Racks, a family of stage actors, and they wanted their son to be the perfect little actor. At first, he was fine with playing his role, but he found it boring and unfulfilling over time. He wanted to branch out and evolve, but his parents disapproved, and they made their disappointment very clear to him. He tried to tell a few others how he felt, but they weren't very receptive either. Feeling like he was only wanted for his talent, he ran away from home and made the decision to undergo a redesign. He was turned into a Teen Toon, keeping his raccoon species but given vibrant colors and an electric theme, which made him ecstatic. He was given a confidence boost to his personality along with it. He dreamed of becoming an amazing electric guitar player, traveling to Mezzo Heights and changing his name to Razzle Dazzle. He prefers just being called Razz when he's not on stage. Once he got there, he made his home in Mezzo Heights as a teen star! He's definitely far from a well-known celebrity, but he enjoys energizing his crowds regardless. He loved his new life, aside from having to watch out for people wanting to exploit his talent and dodgy contracts. His passion and energy continued to drive him forward. He craved acceptance, and he seemed to be getting it. There was a rough spot early on in his new life, shortly after the redesign. While he was happy with being different, he was also consumed by terrible self-deprecating thoughts. He was weighed down by the thought of his parents hating him, which he was sure of now that he had run away from 'home'. Everyone back home must have hated him too, and maybe he wouldn't even be good enough here. He kept pulling himself out of the negativity by reminding himself he wouldn't be going back. He may have traveled sometimes to spice some days up, but he never set foot in Noir Side. When he caught wind of the infamous Cogs, of course he was not a fan. Why did these hunks of metal think they owned the world? To him, it seemed like they wanted to make the world more monotonous and boring, which is the opposite of what he wanted for his own life. He didn't believe anyone deserved to suffer like that, so when he heard of a growing resistance against them, he just couldn't [i]resist[/i] trying to track them down. (I love puns) [b]Other:[/b] [LIST] [*]He is bitter about Noir Side and would prefer to stay far away. Thankfully, he doesn't discriminate against the Toons that reside there (except for his parents, he doesn't really like them), he just doesn't like the idea of going there himself. [s]Naturally, if the party ends up there at any point, that'll be fun to deal with ;)[/s] [*]He uses a taser as a tool for his Zap Gag. He enjoys tasing Cogs a lot. Maybe a little too much. He's chaotic like that. [*]He'll eat any food. Any. There's nothing he doesn't like (well, he can’t eat chocolate or drink coffee but he often forgets and makes himself sick anyway), but he does have particular favorites. Cotton candy is his absolute favorite. [*]His electric guitar is hot pink, electric blue and white. All he has to do is snap his fingers, and boom, the instrument appears in his hands in a flash of blue and pink sparks! He snaps again to make it disappear. When he snaps to make it appear or disappear, he has to specifically think of it. He can't be half-asleep or brain dead, that won't work. [/LIST]
Never mind that last post of mine I totally finished tonight X'D


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Name: Razz
Rockstar Persona: Razzle Dazzle
Age: Teen
Pronouns: He/him
Species: Raccoon
Sexuality: Gay

Appearance: Razz is an anthropomorphic raccoon. He stands at a short height of 3'1". He usually walks on two legs, but he is capable of running and/or crawling on all fours. He has light blue, pink, white and black fur. His eyes are different colors, one electric blue and the other hot pink, both of which have no visible pupils or sclerae. His teeth are normally white, but in the dark, they glow the same colors as his eyes. His outfit consists of a black biker jacket, a white t-shirt with a blue lightning bolt symbol on the front, and pink/black striped shorts; he doesn't wear shoes, nor does he want to.


(Art by yours truly, Lugia!)

Personality: Razz is a pizzazzy, wild fella! He's all about encouraging others to chase their dreams and find their true selves. He runs his mouth a lot, loving the sound of his own voice. If you're a Cog, expect a lot of snark and trash talk. In combat situations, he can get to be pretty chaotic, enjoying the thrill of battling those wretched Cogs. Any talk of business, money, statistics or politics bores him to no end, and he's not afraid to let it be known. In fact, it's an effective way of putting him to sleep or getting him to space out. Deep down, he still struggles with insecure thoughts. He wants acceptance from others, yet he doesn't want to rely on others to determine who he wishes to be. Simply put, he wants people to accept him for who he is, and though he won't admit it easily, it really hurts when they don't.

  • Quick on his feet!
  • Musically gifted with the electric guitar!
  • Excellent climbing abilities!

  • Not too great at blending in (outside of Mezzo Heights)...
  • Talks too much sometimes...
  • Behavior becomes more erratic when hungry...

Gag Tracks:
  • Zap
  • Lure

Home Neighborhood: Noir Side
Current Residence: Mezzo Heights

Background: Razz was created as a monochromatic Kid Toon raccoon in Noir Side, belonging to parents who were opposed to changing their family's ways. Back then, he went by another name, Grey Rackcoon. Creative name, huh? His parents were named Silver Rackcoon and Ash Rackcoon. They were the Racks, a family of stage actors, and they wanted their son to be the perfect little actor. At first, he was fine with playing his role, but he found it boring and unfulfilling over time. He wanted to branch out and evolve, but his parents disapproved, and they made their disappointment very clear to him. He tried to tell a few others how he felt, but they weren't very receptive either.

Feeling like he was only wanted for his talent, he ran away from home and made the decision to undergo a redesign. He was turned into a Teen Toon, keeping his raccoon species but given vibrant colors and an electric theme, which made him ecstatic. He was given a confidence boost to his personality along with it. He dreamed of becoming an amazing electric guitar player, traveling to Mezzo Heights and changing his name to Razzle Dazzle. He prefers just being called Razz when he's not on stage.

Once he got there, he made his home in Mezzo Heights as a teen star! He's definitely far from a well-known celebrity, but he enjoys energizing his crowds regardless. He loved his new life, aside from having to watch out for people wanting to exploit his talent and dodgy contracts. His passion and energy continued to drive him forward. He craved acceptance, and he seemed to be getting it.

There was a rough spot early on in his new life, shortly after the redesign. While he was happy with being different, he was also consumed by terrible self-deprecating thoughts. He was weighed down by the thought of his parents hating him, which he was sure of now that he had run away from 'home'. Everyone back home must have hated him too, and maybe he wouldn't even be good enough here. He kept pulling himself out of the negativity by reminding himself he wouldn't be going back. He may have traveled sometimes to spice some days up, but he never set foot in Noir Side.

When he caught wind of the infamous Cogs, of course he was not a fan. Why did these hunks of metal think they owned the world? To him, it seemed like they wanted to make the world more monotonous and boring, which is the opposite of what he wanted for his own life. He didn't believe anyone deserved to suffer like that, so when he heard of a growing resistance against them, he just couldn't resist trying to track them down. (I love puns)

  • He is bitter about Noir Side and would prefer to stay far away. Thankfully, he doesn't discriminate against the Toons that reside there (except for his parents, he doesn't really like them), he just doesn't like the idea of going there himself. Naturally, if the party ends up there at any point, that'll be fun to deal with ;)
  • He uses a taser as a tool for his Zap Gag. He enjoys tasing Cogs a lot. Maybe a little too much. He's chaotic like that.
  • He'll eat any food. Any. There's nothing he doesn't like (well, he can’t eat chocolate or drink coffee but he often forgets and makes himself sick anyway), but he does have particular favorites. Cotton candy is his absolute favorite.
  • His electric guitar is hot pink, electric blue and white. All he has to do is snap his fingers, and boom, the instrument appears in his hands in a flash of blue and pink sparks! He snaps again to make it disappear. When he snaps to make it appear or disappear, he has to specifically think of it. He can't be half-asleep or brain dead, that won't work.
Now that’s a real rebel right there.
Now that’s a real rebel right there.
@SoulLugia11 [emoji=special eyes size=1][emoji=special eyes size=1] what a treat to wake up to !! Razz is gonna be so much fun to have, i Love his aesthetic & concept [emoji=sandsurge love size=1] i'll be able to give further thoughts here in a bit, but oUGH <3 @ClaratheBlaziken also heyo, welcome! :D if you have any questions, don't hesitate to toss 'em my way ^v^

what a treat to wake up to !! Razz is gonna be so much fun to have, i Love his aesthetic & concept i'll be able to give further thoughts here in a bit, but oUGH <3

also heyo, welcome! :D if you have any questions, don't hesitate to toss 'em my way ^v^
tumblr_inline_p157m551951tc3swm_540.png Achilles / Steven
. It / Thae / They / Fey / He » 1999
. Writer » Artist » Roleplayer
. FR +3 » Offline Weekends
Thanks for the compliments, you guys! ^v^ I got really excited and I was able to drink a lot of creative juice that night! Just make sure you feed that Razzcal (get it, rascal and Razzcal, ahahahah... I swear I'm funny) or he'll go crazy XD

I also made a small edit in the appearance section to mention his height, he's definitely not tall!
Thanks for the compliments, you guys! ^v^ I got really excited and I was able to drink a lot of creative juice that night! Just make sure you feed that Razzcal (get it, rascal and Razzcal, ahahahah... I swear I'm funny) or he'll go crazy XD

I also made a small edit in the appearance section to mention his height, he's definitely not tall!
Razzcal is such a cute nickname tho omg ;;w;;

honestly tho, Razz's energy is fantastic, and his motivations are gonna be so much fun to explore later. we won't be visiting Noir Side tooo soon, but... when we do >:] i'm really excited to see what i can do with his past conflicts~
Razzcal is such a cute nickname tho omg ;;w;;

honestly tho, Razz's energy is fantastic, and his motivations are gonna be so much fun to explore later. we won't be visiting Noir Side tooo soon, but... when we do >:] i'm really excited to see what i can do with his past conflicts~
tumblr_inline_p157m551951tc3swm_540.png Achilles / Steven
. It / Thae / They / Fey / He » 1999
. Writer » Artist » Roleplayer
. FR +3 » Offline Weekends
my sheet is a bit delayed, but i'll try and get it out soon. o7

debating how cool I could make a centipede design right now. would a couple of futuristic aspects be fine since the Paperscape runs on cartoon logic?
my sheet is a bit delayed, but i'll try and get it out soon. o7

debating how cool I could make a centipede design right now. would a couple of futuristic aspects be fine since the Paperscape runs on cartoon logic?
totally fine! we're not gonna be starting until at Least next week or so, since i've got a bunch of stuff i still have to get prepped LOL

ooO that could be fun, hell yeah !! there could absolutely be a futuristic neighborhood/place, so i say go for it ;]
totally fine! we're not gonna be starting until at Least next week or so, since i've got a bunch of stuff i still have to get prepped LOL

ooO that could be fun, hell yeah !! there could absolutely be a futuristic neighborhood/place, so i say go for it ;]
tumblr_inline_p157m551951tc3swm_540.png Achilles / Steven
. It / Thae / They / Fey / He » 1999
. Writer » Artist » Roleplayer
. FR +3 » Offline Weekends
I accidentally came up with a cute nickname, heck yeah! So accidentally clever am I! :D

I'm excited to write Razz being his energetic self! Oh, when we do visit that place, it'll be fun >;) I'm looking forward to what you'll do with his background!

Also, I like the idea of a futuristic neighborhood too, very nice! ^^
I accidentally came up with a cute nickname, heck yeah! So accidentally clever am I! :D

I'm excited to write Razz being his energetic self! Oh, when we do visit that place, it'll be fun >;) I'm looking forward to what you'll do with his background!

Also, I like the idea of a futuristic neighborhood too, very nice! ^^
Sounds good! I might up a quick description for the neighborhood later if we're okay with that? :eyes:

And yess, I love Razz. He should come visit some time for a concert, he'd look amazing there. Joking right now, but I mean... it's an option. ;D
Sounds good! I might up a quick description for the neighborhood later if we're okay with that? :eyes:

And yess, I love Razz. He should come visit some time for a concert, he'd look amazing there. Joking right now, but I mean... it's an option. ;D
yeaa, bring it !! excited to see how this futuristic neighborhood shapes up >:D
yeaa, bring it !! excited to see how this futuristic neighborhood shapes up >:D
tumblr_inline_p157m551951tc3swm_540.png Achilles / Steven
. It / Thae / They / Fey / He » 1999
. Writer » Artist » Roleplayer
. FR +3 » Offline Weekends