
Raffles & Giveaways

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[center]My light inspired matriarch, Moarah! [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
My light inspired matriarch, Moarah!

Human genes have up to 145 genes that are mutated versions from unicellular organisms, such as bacteria and fungi.

Never knew that until now. I love biology :D
Human genes have up to 145 genes that are mutated versions from unicellular organisms, such as bacteria and fungi.

Never knew that until now. I love biology :D
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Just a
Fun animal fact:

There's this species of bats that use echolocation to hunt food, and have developed hearing hyper-specialized to a hear very specific frequency.

However, there's this thing that happens because of physics called the Doppler Effect where the pitch of a sound changes frequencies depending on how quickly and in which direction the thing creating it is moving in relation to the listener.

Out of necessity (and natural selection probably), bats have evolved to have the ability to change the pitch they make based on how quickly they're moving to exactly compensate for the Doppler Effect.

So there was a study figuring all this out where they put bats in a little swing, and the results when put into a diagram showed the bat's pitch would change to exactly mirror how the Doppler Effect would affect the pitch of a sound. When the bat was swinging forwards, that is.

When the bat swung backwards, it would use the same pitch as when it was in a resting state. Because bats can't fly backwards, and don't know how to alter their pitch to compensate for it.
Fun animal fact:

There's this species of bats that use echolocation to hunt food, and have developed hearing hyper-specialized to a hear very specific frequency.

However, there's this thing that happens because of physics called the Doppler Effect where the pitch of a sound changes frequencies depending on how quickly and in which direction the thing creating it is moving in relation to the listener.

Out of necessity (and natural selection probably), bats have evolved to have the ability to change the pitch they make based on how quickly they're moving to exactly compensate for the Doppler Effect.

So there was a study figuring all this out where they put bats in a little swing, and the results when put into a diagram showed the bat's pitch would change to exactly mirror how the Doppler Effect would affect the pitch of a sound. When the bat was swinging forwards, that is.

When the bat swung backwards, it would use the same pitch as when it was in a resting state. Because bats can't fly backwards, and don't know how to alter their pitch to compensate for it.
Side-blotched lizards have three types of males! You can tell their types by the color of their neck and by how they mate. Orange males are the most aggressive and dominate type of male, usually they partner with a couple females in a large territory. Blue males are smaller and lose fights to the orange males, however when he partners with a mate, he keeps her close and protects a far smaller territory than orange males. Yellow males usually hold no territory and look like females at a glance. These three males balance each other in a type of rock-paper-scissors, Orange males beat blue males in mate competition, yellow males use their similarity to females to sneak behind orange males' backs and mate with his partner, and blue males spend too much time with their mate to be fooled by a yellow male. I think this would be a really cool idea for a dragon subspecies
Side-blotched lizards have three types of males! You can tell their types by the color of their neck and by how they mate. Orange males are the most aggressive and dominate type of male, usually they partner with a couple females in a large territory. Blue males are smaller and lose fights to the orange males, however when he partners with a mate, he keeps her close and protects a far smaller territory than orange males. Yellow males usually hold no territory and look like females at a glance. These three males balance each other in a type of rock-paper-scissors, Orange males beat blue males in mate competition, yellow males use their similarity to females to sneak behind orange males' backs and mate with his partner, and blue males spend too much time with their mate to be fooled by a yellow male. I think this would be a really cool idea for a dragon subspecies
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Fun fact: frogs have the best night vision in the animal kingdom
Fun fact: frogs have the best night vision in the animal kingdom
Dainty Wavehopper Furry Fiddle LW1L2V3.png Muckbottom Catfish Vivid Wavehopper
Honeybees don't go dormant in the winter like other insects. Instead, they stay awake all winter inside the hive, clustered together in a ball, eating honey, and shivering their flight muscles to generate heat to keep the queen warm. The queen lays a special caste of bees, called the 'winter bees.' These 'winter bees' are physically different from their summertime sisters and have a longer lifespan. They have the special job of keeping the colony alive until spring. None of my Light dragons look like Light dragons. My closest is probably Goldenrod, but she's actually Lightning. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Honeybees don't go dormant in the winter like other insects. Instead, they stay awake all winter inside the hive, clustered together in a ball, eating honey, and shivering their flight muscles to generate heat to keep the queen warm.

The queen lays a special caste of bees, called the 'winter bees.' These 'winter bees' are physically different from their summertime sisters and have a longer lifespan. They have the special job of keeping the colony alive until spring.

None of my Light dragons look like Light dragons. My closest is probably Goldenrod, but she's actually Lightning.
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this is my flight rep, Hazard! He's a 7-digit and the first of my collection!! (he doesn't have an actual outfit right now but one day LOL) [url=][img][/img]
this is my flight rep, Hazard! He's a 7-digit and the first of my collection!!
(he doesn't have an actual outfit right now but one day LOL)

[img][/img] Here is my light rep. Light to me can be mental or physical. It can be spiritual.

Here is my light rep. Light to me can be mental or physical. It can be spiritual.
I hate myself for saying this but ...

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
I hate myself for saying this but ...

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
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Random facts. People seem to have very different opinions about how long you can safely store food and whether or not it needs refrigeration. I recently discovered this when trying to figure out if something we had was likely to still be good. There are so many different opinions, I finally just gave up. I would rather pay for new food than a trip the the emergency room. Some examples: [LIST=1] [*]Refrigerating eggs helps maintain their quality and reduces the risk of contamination. Bacteria growth can be encouraged by moisture, warm temperatures, and sitting out, but refrigeration temperatures (below 40°F, or 4°C) slow bacterial growth and prevent it from penetrating the shell. [*]The eggs stored in cold temperature tend to undergo condensation when they are taken out to room temperature. This promotes the growth of bacteria over the egg shell, thereby contaminating the egg and making it harmful for human consumption. Refrigerate only if you suspect salmonella infection. [/LIST] [LIST=1] [*]Basic guidelines for meat: Raw ground meats, all poultry, seafood, and variety meats: Refrigerate 1 to 2 days. Raw roasts, steaks, and chops (beef, veal, lamb, and pork): Refrigerate 3 to 5 days. Cooked meat, poultry, and seafood: Store in the refrigerator 3 to 4 days. [*]Why would you think you'd need to toss out a steak after a week, but then drive to a steak house and pay 75 dollars for a steak that's been in the fridge for two months? If you want to age an already cut steak, keep it in the package and toss it in the meat drawer, which should be the coldest part of your fridge. Go as long as you dare. It will darken. Some ground beef is now packaged with CO, which will keep it redder much longer. The ONLY reason CO-wrapped meat is saleable longer is because it is pretty longer. [/LIST] My Light rep. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Random facts. People seem to have very different opinions about how long you can safely store food and whether or not it needs refrigeration. I recently discovered this when trying to figure out if something we had was likely to still be good. There are so many different opinions, I finally just gave up. I would rather pay for new food than a trip the the emergency room.

Some examples:
  1. Refrigerating eggs helps maintain their quality and reduces the risk of contamination. Bacteria growth can be encouraged by moisture, warm temperatures, and sitting out, but refrigeration temperatures (below 40°F, or 4°C) slow bacterial growth and prevent it from penetrating the shell.
  2. The eggs stored in cold temperature tend to undergo condensation when they are taken out to room temperature. This promotes the growth of bacteria over the egg shell, thereby contaminating the egg and making it harmful for human consumption. Refrigerate only if you suspect salmonella infection.
  1. Basic guidelines for meat: Raw ground meats, all poultry, seafood, and variety meats: Refrigerate 1 to 2 days. Raw roasts, steaks, and chops (beef, veal, lamb, and pork): Refrigerate 3 to 5 days. Cooked meat, poultry, and seafood: Store in the refrigerator 3 to 4 days.
  2. Why would you think you'd need to toss out a steak after a week, but then drive to a steak house and pay 75 dollars for a steak that's been in the fridge for two months? If you want to age an already cut steak, keep it in the package and toss it in the meat drawer, which should be the coldest part of your fridge. Go as long as you dare. It will darken. Some ground beef is now packaged with CO, which will keep it redder much longer. The ONLY reason CO-wrapped meat is saleable longer is because it is pretty longer.

My Light rep.
1 2 ... 974 975 976 977 978 979 980