I don't mind the idea of having breeds that we can't get as NPCs, as long as they stay in the camp of breeds we can't get yet. I think that sort of thing can be a fun teaser! Just like... there has to be some sort of reassurance/reasonable expectation that we'll get the breed eventually. Merrigan's actually a great example of this!

TOPIC | Breeds Just "Existing"
I don't mind the idea of having breeds that we can't get as NPCs, as long as they stay in the camp of breeds we can't get yet. I think that sort of thing can be a fun teaser! Just like... there has to be some sort of reassurance/reasonable expectation that we'll get the breed eventually. Merrigan's actually a great example of this!
@ShadowLugia111 Wow, I'd not heard of them before! i love the beaky faces
@ShadowLugia111 Wow, I'd not heard of them before! i love the beaky faces
~celestial bodies don't care if you screw up~