
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | [ TRIPLE FORTUNE ] muad'dib coatls
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I prefer the preorder system; it guarantees i can get the skin i want without having to worry about missing it.

I prefer the preorder system; it guarantees i can get the skin i want without having to worry about missing it.

that baby fox skin is so cute omg for the first question, i like option one the best. no need to reinvent the wheel, but i think maybe a mix of both would be smart? like some of the older skins that occasionally get people asking for a print have a few copies up on the AH. or, if for some reason someone cancels their order when the skin has already been made you can just put the leftovers on the AH for anyone who didnt preorder question 2: [img][/img] the dragon economy is in shambles. also i fully think we're going 2 get a new modern, at the very least if not saturday then next week since i think saturday is going to start a site wide effort like the dig. i don't know anything about the skin economy, but i do know that any money i make between now and next week will go to whatever the anniversary thing is, not skins. that said, those four skins are super cute!! i would deffo get the fox or the rooster one in the future
that baby fox skin is so cute omg

for the first question, i like option one the best. no need to reinvent the wheel, but i think maybe a mix of both would be smart? like some of the older skins that occasionally get people asking for a print have a few copies up on the AH. or, if for some reason someone cancels their order when the skin has already been made you can just put the leftovers on the AH for anyone who didnt preorder

question 2:


the dragon economy is in shambles. also i fully think we're going 2 get a new modern, at the very least if not saturday then next week since i think saturday is going to start a site wide effort like the dig. i don't know anything about the skin economy, but i do know that any money i make between now and next week will go to whatever the anniversary thing is, not skins. that said, those four skins are super cute!! i would deffo get the fox or the rooster one in the future
felix || he/they
For the first question: as a buyer I prefer option one, with the guaranteed slot on a spreadsheet. That being said, I think for a seller option two would be better. I’d imagine when you do a run there’s a lot of different UNs to keep track of, so tossing the skins on the AH would be easier for you. In short, I prefer option one, but if option two makes your life easier than I would be happy to go that way.

Second question: I feel like I’m not doing too badly, wallet wise, but I think that’s mostly because I don’t have or want a premababy coatl or imp… There also haven’t been a lot of skins released for breeds that I own that pique my interest.

Currently we’re in the ‘new breed just released’ skin hype, which should die down after a while. I don’t think you need to delay anything, just maybe have an option for relisting a PA a couple times in case people need more time to gather funds?
For the first question: as a buyer I prefer option one, with the guaranteed slot on a spreadsheet. That being said, I think for a seller option two would be better. I’d imagine when you do a run there’s a lot of different UNs to keep track of, so tossing the skins on the AH would be easier for you. In short, I prefer option one, but if option two makes your life easier than I would be happy to go that way.

Second question: I feel like I’m not doing too badly, wallet wise, but I think that’s mostly because I don’t have or want a premababy coatl or imp… There also haven’t been a lot of skins released for breeds that I own that pique my interest.

Currently we’re in the ‘new breed just released’ skin hype, which should die down after a while. I don’t think you need to delay anything, just maybe have an option for relisting a PA a couple times in case people need more time to gather funds?
wCtmyuR.png Avatar Dragon | Molten Lava Subspecies

“Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music.” - Ehssan
RClY3u4.gif GwKdven.png
First question: Option 1. Signups are still important, but keeping things in stock on the AH after the signups have been fulfilled is a great way to keep making gems and protect your work from flippers.

Second question: Give, please. Fox kit first.
First question: Option 1. Signups are still important, but keeping things in stock on the AH after the signups have been fulfilled is a great way to keep making gems and protect your work from flippers.

Second question: Give, please. Fox kit first.

Eek's Accents
I like option 1, and I will buy point the way when you release it!
I like option 1, and I will buy point the way when you release it!
Q1 - I definitely vote option 1 or 2. I may not buy skins often, but the ability to pre-order and know that my order is 100% secured (even if sometimes not printed due to lack of interest) is far more comforting than needing to compete on AH, even if more reprints come.

Q2 - With the massive influx of Hatchling skins it's been hard to keep up - and admittedly I don't even check most the pings anymore. The instant reprints drained 2kg from me (which isn't a lot for most people, but it is for me) so by now I need to be far too picky. If I buy a skin, what if one I want will get posted the next hour? Tomorrow? Unsure if others are in the same boat, but I'd wager a guess that majority of the "casual" skin enjoyers like me are at least somewhere similar.

If anything, I'd suggest waiting for after the anniversary with more releases, but that's just my two cents.
Q1 - I definitely vote option 1 or 2. I may not buy skins often, but the ability to pre-order and know that my order is 100% secured (even if sometimes not printed due to lack of interest) is far more comforting than needing to compete on AH, even if more reprints come.

Q2 - With the massive influx of Hatchling skins it's been hard to keep up - and admittedly I don't even check most the pings anymore. The instant reprints drained 2kg from me (which isn't a lot for most people, but it is for me) so by now I need to be far too picky. If I buy a skin, what if one I want will get posted the next hour? Tomorrow? Unsure if others are in the same boat, but I'd wager a guess that majority of the "casual" skin enjoyers like me are at least somewhere similar.

If anything, I'd suggest waiting for after the anniversary with more releases, but that's just my two cents.
EU - CET / FR+9
*points* Dune reference

I'm answering these questions from the perspective of 'not a skin/accent collector'. I've bought a few skins myself, and follow a few artists' releases, but I tend to pass on the majority I see and I don't really go searching for skins to fit dragons. That being said:

First question: I really think whatever works best for the artist is the way to go. I personally prefer option 2 as a buyer, mainly because I like going to the AH and being reasonably sure I can get a copy, with the safety of being able to reserve a copy if I can't; plus if there's multiple steps to a process like signing up for preorders, I tend to get distracted or forget.
But if you as the artist and seller prefer preorders and spreadsheets, then I think that's the best way tbh.

Second: My wallet is fine, but may not be when anniversary comes lol. I can't really answer this question because I'm not very active in the skin market and I can only imagine what the market really looks like. I feel like baby skins are probably going to be exploding for a while more though, as more people either finish skins or jump onto the bandwagon.
This is another one that I think is up to the artist's preference; if you like tracking the market and timing releases, then that's great! But if it's stressful or more frustrating than releasing when you want, then I'd say release when you want. I always enjoy your pings, and knowing that a skin I like won't retire helps me feel a bit more at ease with buying it when I'm ready.
*points* Dune reference

I'm answering these questions from the perspective of 'not a skin/accent collector'. I've bought a few skins myself, and follow a few artists' releases, but I tend to pass on the majority I see and I don't really go searching for skins to fit dragons. That being said:

First question: I really think whatever works best for the artist is the way to go. I personally prefer option 2 as a buyer, mainly because I like going to the AH and being reasonably sure I can get a copy, with the safety of being able to reserve a copy if I can't; plus if there's multiple steps to a process like signing up for preorders, I tend to get distracted or forget.
But if you as the artist and seller prefer preorders and spreadsheets, then I think that's the best way tbh.

Second: My wallet is fine, but may not be when anniversary comes lol. I can't really answer this question because I'm not very active in the skin market and I can only imagine what the market really looks like. I feel like baby skins are probably going to be exploding for a while more though, as more people either finish skins or jump onto the bandwagon.
This is another one that I think is up to the artist's preference; if you like tracking the market and timing releases, then that's great! But if it's stressful or more frustrating than releasing when you want, then I'd say release when you want. I always enjoy your pings, and knowing that a skin I like won't retire helps me feel a bit more at ease with buying it when I'm ready.
Yippee wahoo
First question:

I would prefer option 1 or 2. With preorders it is easier for me to keep track of ordered skins, and my savings. Also I like to play around with scries and previews for a few days before deciding which skin to order.

Second question:

I don't know how but somehow I make due with my wallet :'D

Every time a new breed drops, there are so many new skins in such a short time, that it is indeed a bit difficult to keep up with saving up.
But I have to say, I barely buy hatchling skins. Most are just too cutesy for my taste, and ones I would like, are a pain to get approved...

As for paying attention to the market....honestly, that's up to you. You can never please everyone, people have different tastes. Some don't like the new breeds, so they don't buy skins for them, and have gems for others.

That fox skin is lovely! I like how it incorporates the natural bodyshape.
The gerboa is adorable. There are too few skins with rodents. *cough rats cough*
First question:

I would prefer option 1 or 2. With preorders it is easier for me to keep track of ordered skins, and my savings. Also I like to play around with scries and previews for a few days before deciding which skin to order.

Second question:

I don't know how but somehow I make due with my wallet :'D

Every time a new breed drops, there are so many new skins in such a short time, that it is indeed a bit difficult to keep up with saving up.
But I have to say, I barely buy hatchling skins. Most are just too cutesy for my taste, and ones I would like, are a pain to get approved...

As for paying attention to the market....honestly, that's up to you. You can never please everyone, people have different tastes. Some don't like the new breeds, so they don't buy skins for them, and have gems for others.

That fox skin is lovely! I like how it incorporates the natural bodyshape.
The gerboa is adorable. There are too few skins with rodents. *cough rats cough*
UM for sale/trade ~Dragons for sale~
Q1: option 1: I do love this system, makes it very accessible to people to get the skins whenever they want without stressing over not having the gems in that moment to purchase a skin. I think the way it is is the best cos you can reserve a slot if you really need the skin asap but also leaves the accessibility for later on

Q2: Pretty poorly, since I am a medium income lair, most of my gems are being made thru skin releases of my own. I think once or twice a month releases are pretty balanced and fair to both sides of the income spectrum. I do adore that Gao and coatl fox skins but at the moment I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the other skins that i've ordered :)
Q1: option 1: I do love this system, makes it very accessible to people to get the skins whenever they want without stressing over not having the gems in that moment to purchase a skin. I think the way it is is the best cos you can reserve a slot if you really need the skin asap but also leaves the accessibility for later on

Q2: Pretty poorly, since I am a medium income lair, most of my gems are being made thru skin releases of my own. I think once or twice a month releases are pretty balanced and fair to both sides of the income spectrum. I do adore that Gao and coatl fox skins but at the moment I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the other skins that i've ordered :)
tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif k8y4Agu.png
Question 1:
A lot of people have mentioned this, but I just want to also support an option that includes sheets because it helps with things like certainty, being able to keep track, and not missing stuff. My work schedule ebbs and flows pretty intensely sometimes, and it's really easy for me to miss things if I'm just trying to keep track on my own (this is probably partly related to my disabilities, but I don't think I'm the only one helped by it). It can be nice to just pick something up off the AH and be done with it, but being able to sign up on a sheet and not worry about catching things at a certain time is really helpful.

Question 2:
I'm rarely rolling in dragon cash, but I'm still feeling extra light at the moment. I'm not sure how much it affects the majority of people who buy skins, but to be entirely honest the increase in the number of fest skins and the fc cost of fest items has already been a little bit of an extra drain. I think most of my recent UMA purchases have been ones I was blown away by and just found a way to make it work (including all the world your enemy), for whatever that's worth?
Question 1:
A lot of people have mentioned this, but I just want to also support an option that includes sheets because it helps with things like certainty, being able to keep track, and not missing stuff. My work schedule ebbs and flows pretty intensely sometimes, and it's really easy for me to miss things if I'm just trying to keep track on my own (this is probably partly related to my disabilities, but I don't think I'm the only one helped by it). It can be nice to just pick something up off the AH and be done with it, but being able to sign up on a sheet and not worry about catching things at a certain time is really helpful.

Question 2:
I'm rarely rolling in dragon cash, but I'm still feeling extra light at the moment. I'm not sure how much it affects the majority of people who buy skins, but to be entirely honest the increase in the number of fest skins and the fc cost of fest items has already been a little bit of an extra drain. I think most of my recent UMA purchases have been ones I was blown away by and just found a way to make it work (including all the world your enemy), for whatever that's worth?
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